Log Tcl Reference Documentation
Current Version: 10.1.3
Handy logging class exposing much of the functionality used internally by Chilkat for LastErrorText, LastErrorXml, and LastErrorHtml.
Object Creation
set myLog [new CkLog]
# ckStr is a CkString
CkLog_get_DebugLogFilePath $myLog $ckStr
set strVal [CkLog_get_debugLogFilePath $myLog]
CkLog_put_DebugLogFilePath $myLog $strVal
If set to a file path, this property logs the LastErrorText of each Chilkat method or property call to the specified file. This logging helps identify the context and history of Chilkat calls leading up to any crash or hang, aiding in debugging.
Enabling the VerboseLogging property provides more detailed information. This property is mainly used for debugging rare instances where a Chilkat method call causes a hang or crash, which should generally not happen.
Possible causes of hangs include:
- A timeout property set to 0, indicating an infinite timeout.
- A hang occurring within an event callback in the application code.
- An internal bug in the Chilkat code causing the hang.
# ckStr is a CkString
CkLog_get_LastErrorHtml $myLog $ckStr
set strVal [CkLog_get_lastErrorHtml $myLog]
Provides HTML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.
# ckStr is a CkString
CkLog_get_LastErrorText $myLog $ckStr
set strVal [CkLog_get_lastErrorText $myLog]
Provides plain text information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.
# ckStr is a CkString
CkLog_get_LastErrorXml $myLog $ckStr
set strVal [CkLog_get_lastErrorXml $myLog]
Provides XML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.
set boolVal [CkLog_get_LastMethodSuccess $myLog]
CkLog_put_LastMethodSuccess $myLog $boolVal
Indicates the success or failure of the most recent method call: 1 means success, 0 means failure. This property remains unchanged by property setters or getters. This method is present to address challenges in checking for null or Nothing returns in certain programming languages.
set boolVal [CkLog_get_Utf8 $myLog]
CkLog_put_Utf8 $myLog $boolVal
When set to 1, all "const char *" arguments are interpreted as utf-8 strings. If set to 0 (the default), then "const char *" arguments are interpreted as ANSI strings. Also, when set to 1, and Chilkat method returning a "const char *" is returning the utf-8 representation. If set to 0, all "const char *" return values are ANSI strings.
set boolVal [CkLog_get_VerboseLogging $myLog]
CkLog_put_VerboseLogging $myLog $boolVal
If set to 1, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is 0. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.
CkLog_Clear $initialTag
Clears the log. The initialTag is the initial top-level context tag for the new log.
CkLog_EnterContext $tag
Enters a new context labelled with the given tag. Must be paired with a matching call to LeaveContext.
Leaves the current context. A context that is entered and exited without any logging within the context is automatically removed from the log. (To say it another way: Empty contexts are automaticallly removed from the log upon leaving the context.)
# message is a string
CkLog_LogData $tag $message
Adds a tagged message to the log (i.e. a name/value pair).
Logs binary data in base64 format.
Logs binary data in hex format.
# message is a string
# maxNumChars is an integer
CkLog_LogDataMax $tag $message $maxNumChars
Logs a string, but only up to the 1st maxNumChars characters of the string.
# gmt is a boolean
CkLog_LogDateTime $tag $gmt
Logs the current date/time in RFC822 format. If gmt is 1, then the GMT/UTC time is logged. Otherwise it is the local time.
CkLog_LogError $message
Logs an error within the current context.
CkLog_LogInfo $message
Logs an informational message within the current context.
# value is an integer
CkLog_LogInt $tag $value
Logs an integer.
# value is a 64-bit integer
CkLog_LogInt64 $tag $value
Logs a 64-bit integer.
CkLog_LogTimestamp $tag
Logs the current time in HH:MM:SS:mmm format.