BinData Tcl Reference Documentation
Current Version: 10.1.3
Container for binary data. Provides methods for getting, setting, appending, etc. in binary and string encoded formats.
Object Creation
set myBinData [new CkBinData]
set boolVal [CkBinData_get_LastMethodSuccess $myBinData]
CkBinData_put_LastMethodSuccess $myBinData $boolVal
Indicate whether the last method call succeeded or failed. A value of 1 indicates success, a value of 0 indicates failure. This property is automatically set for method calls. It is not modified by property accesses. The property is automatically set to indicate success for the following types of method calls:
- Any method that returns a string.
- Any method returning a Chilkat object, binary bytes, or a date/time.
- Any method returning a standard boolean status value where success = 1 and failure = 0.
- Any method returning an integer where failure is defined by a return value less than zero.
Note: Methods that do not fit the above requirements will always set this property equal to 1. For example, a method that returns no value (such as a "void" in C++) will technically always succeed.
set intVal [CkBinData_get_NumBytes $myBinData]
The number of bytes contained within the object.
set boolVal [CkBinData_get_Utf8 $myBinData]
CkBinData_put_Utf8 $myBinData $boolVal
When set to 1, all "const char *" arguments are interpreted as utf-8 strings. If set to 0 (the default), then "const char *" arguments are interpreted as ANSI strings. Also, when set to 1, and Chilkat method returning a "const char *" is returning the utf-8 representation. If set to 0, all "const char *" return values are ANSI strings.
set status [CkBinData_AppendBd $binData]
set status [CkBinData_AppendBom $charset]
Appends the appropriate BOM (byte order mark), also known as a "preamble", for the given charset. If the charset has no defined BOM, then nothing is appended. An application would typically call this to append the utf-8, utf-16, or utf-32 BOM.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
set status [CkBinData_AppendByte $byteValue]
Appends a single byte. The byteValue should be a value from 0 to 255.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# bigEndian is a boolean
# str is a string
# charset is a string
set status [CkBinData_AppendCountedString $numCountBytes $bigEndian $str $charset]
Appends a byte count followed by the string in the desired character encoding, such as "utf-8". The numCountBytes is the size in bytes of the integer to represent the byte count. If 0, then a minimal number of bytes is used. If bigEndian is 1, the byte count is appended in big endian byte ordering, otherwise little-ending byte ordering. The str is the string to be appended. The charset is the character encoding, such as "utf-8", "utf-16", "windows-1252", etc.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# encoding is a string
set status [CkBinData_AppendEncoded $encData $encoding]
Appends encoded binary data to the current data. The encoding may be "Base64", "modBase64", "base64Url", "Base32", "Base58", "QP" (for quoted-printable), "URL" (for url-encoding), "Hex", or any of the encodings found at Chilkat Binary Encodings List.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# encoding is a string
set status [CkBinData_AppendEncodedSb $sb $encoding]
Decodes the contents of sb and appends the decoded bytes to this object. The encoding may be "Base64", "modBase64", "base64Url", "Base32", "Base58", "QP" (for quoted-printable), "URL" (for url-encoding), "Hex", or any of the encodings found at Chilkat Binary Encodings List.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# littleEndian is a boolean
set status [CkBinData_AppendInt2 $value $littleEndian]
Appends a 16-bit integer (2 bytes). If littleEndian is 1, then the integer bytes are appended in little-endian byte order, otherwise big-endian byte order is used.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# littleEndian is a boolean
set status [CkBinData_AppendInt4 $value $littleEndian]
Appends a 32-bit integer (4 bytes). If littleEndian is 1, then the integer bytes are appended in little-endian byte order, otherwise big-endian byte order is used.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# charset is a string
# padWithSpace is a boolean
# fieldLen is an integer
set status [CkBinData_AppendPadded $str $charset $padWithSpace $fieldLen]
Appends a string to this object, padded to the fieldLen with NULL or SPACE chars. If padWithSpace is 1, then SPACE chars are used and the string is not null-terminated. If fieldLen is 0, then null bytes are used. The charset controls the byte representation to use, such as "utf-8".
Note: This call will always append a total number of bytes equal to fieldLen. If the str is longer than fieldLen, the method returns 0 to indicate failure and nothing is appended.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# charset is a string
set status [CkBinData_AppendSb $sb $charset]
Appends the contents of a StringBuilder to this object.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# charset is a string
set status [CkBinData_AppendString $str $charset]
Appends a string to this object. (This does not append the BOM. If a BOM is required, the AppendBom method can be called to append the appropriate BOM.)
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
set retBool [CkBinData_ContentsEqual $binData]
Return 1 if the contents of this object equals the contents of binData.
# startIdx is an integer
# charset is a string
set retInt [CkBinData_FindString $str $startIdx $charset]
Return the index where the first occurrence of str is found. Return -1 if not found. The startIdx indicates the byte index where the search begins. The charset specifies the byte representation of str that is to be searched. For example, it can be "utf-8", "windows-1252", "ansi", "utf-16", etc.
# numBytes is an integer
# outBytes is a CkByteData (output)
set status [CkBinData_GetBinaryChunk $offset $numBytes $outData]
Retrieves a chunk of the binary data contained within the object.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
set status [CkBinData_GetByte $index]
Returns the value of the byte at the given index. The returned value is an integer from 0 to 255.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
Returns a pointer to the internal buffer. Be careful with this method because if additional data is appended, the data within the object may be relocated and the pointer may cease to be valid.
# outStr is a CkString (output)
set status [CkBinData_GetEncoded $encoding $outStr]
set retStr [CkBinData_getEncoded $myBinData $encoding]
Retrieves the binary data as an encoded string. The encoding may be "Base64", "modBase64", "base64Url", "Base32", "Base58", "QP" (for quoted-printable), "URL" (for url-encoding), "Hex", or any of the encodings found at Chilkat Binary Encodings List.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# numBytes is an integer
# encoding is a string
# outStr is a CkString (output)
set status [CkBinData_GetEncodedChunk $offset $numBytes $encoding $outStr]
set retStr [CkBinData_getEncodedChunk $myBinData $offset $numBytes $encoding]
Retrieves a chunk of the binary data and returns it in encoded form. The encoding may be "Base64", "modBase64", "base64Url", "Base32", "Base58", "QP" (for quoted-printable), "URL" (for url-encoding), "Hex", or any of the encodings found at Chilkat Binary Encodings List.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# sb is a CkStringBuilder
set status [CkBinData_GetEncodedSb $encoding $sb]
Writes the encoded data to a StringBuilder. The encoding may be "Base64", "modBase64", "base64Url", "Base32", "Base58", "QP" (for quoted-printable), "URL" (for url-encoding), "Hex", or any of the encodings found at Chilkat Binary Encodings List.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# encoding is a string
# outStr is a CkString (output)
set status [CkBinData_GetHash $algorithm $encoding $outStr]
set retStr [CkBinData_getHash $myBinData $algorithm $encoding]
Returns the hash of the contents of this object. The algorithm is the hash algorithm, and can be "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "sha3-224", "sha3-256", "sha3-384", "sha3-512", "md2", "md5", "ripemd128", "ripemd160","ripemd256", or "ripemd320". The encoding can be "base64", "modBase64", "base64Url", "base32", "base58", "qp" (for quoted-printable), "url" (for url-encoding), "hex", "hexLower", or any of the encodings found at Chilkat Binary Encodings List.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# littleEndian is a boolean
set retInt [CkBinData_GetInt2 $index $littleEndian]
Returns the value of the 16-bit signed integer stored in big-endian or little-endian byte ordering at the given index.
# littleEndian is a boolean
set retInt [CkBinData_GetInt4 $index $littleEndian]
Returns the value of the 32-bit signed integer stored in big-endian or little-endian byte ordering at the given index.
# outStr is a CkString (output)
set status [CkBinData_GetString $charset $outStr]
set retStr [CkBinData_getString $myBinData $charset]
Interprets the bytes according to charset and returns the string. The charset can be "utf-8", "utf-16", "ansi", "iso-8859-*", "windows-125*", or any of the supported character encodings listed in the link below.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# numBytes is an integer
# charset is a string
# outStr is a CkString (output)
set status [CkBinData_GetTextChunk $startIdx $numBytes $charset $outStr]
set retStr [CkBinData_getTextChunk $myBinData $startIdx $numBytes $charset]
Returns numBytes bytes starting at startIdx. The bytes are interpreted according to charset (for example, "utf-8", "ansi", "utf-16", "windows-1252", etc.)
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# littleEndian is a boolean
set retInt [CkBinData_GetUInt2 $index $littleEndian]
Returns the value of the 16-bit unsigned integer stored in big-endian or little-endian byte ordering at the given index.
# littleEndian is a boolean
set retInt [CkBinData_GetUInt4 $index $littleEndian]
Returns the value of the 32-bit unsigned integer stored in big-endian or little-endian byte ordering at the given index.
Returns 1 if this object contains valid utf-8 byte sequences. Any invalid byte sequence that is not valid utf-8 will cause this function to return 0.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
Loads binary data and replaces the current contents, if any.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
# encoding is a string
set status [CkBinData_LoadEncoded $encData $encoding]
Loads binary data from an encoded string, replacing the current contents, if any. The encoding may be "Base64", "modBase64", "base64Url", "Base32", "Base58", "QP" (for quoted-printable), "URL" (for url-encoding), "Hex", or any of the encodings found at Chilkat Binary Encodings List.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
set status [CkBinData_LoadFile $path]
CkBinData_RemoveByteVal $value
Removes bytes having a specified value (0-255). For example, to remove all null bytes, pass 0 in value.
# numBytes is an integer
set retBool [CkBinData_RemoveChunk $offset $numBytes]
Securely clears the contents by writing 0 bytes to the memory prior to deallocating the internal memory.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
set status [CkBinData_WriteAppendFile $path]
set status [CkBinData_WriteFile $path]