SFtp C Reference Documentation


Current Version: 10.1.3

SFTP implementation for file transfer and remote file management over SSH.


HCkSFtp instance = CkSFtp_Create();
// ...
HCkSFtp CkSFtp_Create(void);

Creates an instance of the HCkSFtp object and returns a handle ("void *" pointer). The handle is passed in the 1st argument for the functions listed on this page.

void CkSFtp_Dispose(HCkSFtp handle);

Objects created by calling CkSFtp_Create must be freed by calling this method. A memory leak occurs if a handle is not disposed by calling this function. Also, any handle returned by a Chilkat "C" function must also be freed by the application by calling the appropriate Dispose method, such as CkSFtp_Dispose.

Callback Functions

void CkSFtp_setAbortCheck(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL (*fnAbortCheck)(void));

Provides the opportunity for a method call to be aborted. If TRUE is returned, the operation in progress is aborted. Return FALSE to allow the current method call to continue. This callback function is called periodically based on the value of the HeartbeatMs property. (If HeartbeatMs is 0, then no callbacks are made.) As an example, to make 5 AbortCheck callbacks per second, set the HeartbeatMs property equal to 200.

void CkSFtp_setPercentDone(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL (*fnPercentDone)(int pctDone));

Provides the percentage completed for any method that involves network communications or time-consuming processing (assuming it is a method where a percentage completion can be measured). This callback is only called when it is possible to know a percentage completion, and when it makes sense to express the operation as a percentage completed. The pctDone argument will have a value from 1 to 100. For methods that complete very quickly, the number of PercentDone callbacks will vary, but the final callback should have a value of 100. For long running operations, no more than one callback per percentage point will occur (for example: 1, 2, 3, ... 98, 99, 100).

This callback counts as an AbortCheck callback, and takes the place of the AbortCheck event when it fires.

The return value indicates whether the method call should be aborted, or whether it should proceed. Return TRUE to abort, and FALSE to proceed.

void CkSFtp_setProgressInfo(HCkSFtp cHandle, void (*fnProgressInfo)(const char *name, const char *value));

This is a general callback that provides name/value information about what is happening at certain points during a method call. To see the information provided in ProgressInfo callbacks, if any, write code to handle this event and log the name/value pairs. Most are self-explanatory.

void CkSFtp_setTaskCompleted(HCkSFtp cHandle, void (*fnTaskCompleted)(HCkTask hTask));

Called in the background thread when an asynchronous task completes. (Note: When an async method is running, all callbacks are in the background thread.)


BOOL CkSFtp_getAbortCurrent(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putAbortCurrent(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);
Introduced in version

When set to TRUE, causes the currently running method to abort. Methods that always finish quickly (i.e.have no length file operations or network communications) are not affected. If no method is running, then this property is automatically reset to FALSE when the next method is called. When the abort occurs, this property is reset to FALSE. Both synchronous and asynchronous method calls can be aborted. (A synchronous method call could be aborted by setting this property from a separate thread.)

void CkSFtp_getAccumulateBuffer(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkByteData retval);

Contains the bytes downloaded from a remote file via the AccumulateBytes method call. Each call to AccumulateBytes appends to this buffer. To clear this buffer, call the ClearAccumulateBuffer method.

int CkSFtp_getAuthFailReason(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Set to one of the following values if a call to AuthenticatePw, AuthenticatePk, or AuthenticatePwPk returns a failed status.

  • 1: Transport failure. This is a failure to communicate with the server (i.e. the connection was lost, or a read or write failed or timed out).
  • 2: Invalid key for public key authentication. The key was not a valid format, not a valid key, not a private key, or not the right type of key.
  • 3: No matching authentication methods were available.
  • 4: SSH authentication protocol error - an unexpected or invalid message was received.
  • 5: The incorrect password or private key was provided.
  • 6: Already authenticated. The SSH session is already authenticated.
  • 7: Password change request: The server requires the password to be changed.

int CkSFtp_getBandwidthThrottleDown(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putBandwidthThrottleDown(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);
Introduced in version

If non-zero, limits (throttles) the download bandwidth to approximately this maximum number of bytes per second. The default value of this property is 0.

int CkSFtp_getBandwidthThrottleUp(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putBandwidthThrottleUp(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);
Introduced in version

If non-zero, limits (throttles) the upload bandwidth to approximately this maximum number of bytes per second. The default value of this property is 0.

More Information and Examples
void CkSFtp_getClientIdentifier(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putClientIdentifier(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_clientIdentifier(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The client-identifier string to be used when connecting to an SSH/SFTP server. Starting in Chilkat v9.5.0.99, the default is "SSH-2.0-Chilkat_" + the Chilkat version number, such as "SSH-2.0-Chilkat_9.5.0.99".

Note: The client identifier should always begin with "SSH-2.0-". SSH servers may disconnect if it does not.

void CkSFtp_getClientIpAddress(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putClientIpAddress(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_clientIpAddress(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The IP address to use for computers with multiple network interfaces or IP addresses. For computers with a single network interface (i.e. most computers), this property should not be set. For multihoming computers, the default IP address is automatically used if this property is not set.

The IP address is a string such as in dotted notation using numbers, not domain names, such as "".

int CkSFtp_getConnectTimeoutMs(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putConnectTimeoutMs(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

Maximum number of milliseconds to wait when connecting to an SSH server.

To clarify: This property determines how long to wait for the SSH server to accept the TCP connection. Once the connection is made, it is the IdleTimeoutMs property that applies to receiving data and responses.

void CkSFtp_getDebugLogFilePath(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putDebugLogFilePath(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_debugLogFilePath(HCkSFtp cHandle);

If set to a file path, this property logs the LastErrorText of each Chilkat method or property call to the specified file. This logging helps identify the context and history of Chilkat calls leading up to any crash or hang, aiding in debugging.

Enabling the VerboseLogging property provides more detailed information. This property is mainly used for debugging rare instances where a Chilkat method call causes a hang or crash, which should generally not happen.

Possible causes of hangs include:

  • A timeout property set to 0, indicating an infinite timeout.
  • A hang occurring within an event callback in the application code.
  • An internal bug in the Chilkat code causing the hang.

More Information and Examples
int CkSFtp_getDisconnectCode(HCkSFtp cHandle);

If the SSH/SFTP server sent a DISCONNECT message when closing the connection, this property contains the "reason code" as specified in RFC 4253:

           Symbolic name                                reason code
           -------------                                -----------
      SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR                          2
      SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED                     3
      SSH_DISCONNECT_RESERVED                                4
      SSH_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR                               5
      SSH_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR                       6
      SSH_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST                        10
      SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION                         11
      SSH_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS                   12
      SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME                      15

void CkSFtp_getDisconnectReason(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_disconnectReason(HCkSFtp cHandle);

If the SSH/SFTP server sent a DISCONNECT message when closing the connection, this property contains a descriptive string for the "reason code" as specified in RFC 4253.

BOOL CkSFtp_getEnableCache(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putEnableCache(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

Controls whether the component keeps an internal file size & attribute cache. The cache affects the following methods: GetFileSize32, GetFileSize64, GetFileSizeStr, GetFileCreateTime, GetFileLastAccess, GetFileLastModified, GetFileOwner, GetFileGroup, and GetFilePermissions.

The file attribute cache exists to minimize communications with the SFTP server. If the cache is enabled, then a request for any single attribute will cause all of the attributes to be cached. A subsequent request for a different attribute of the same file will be fulfilled from cache, eliminating the need for a message to be sent to the SFTP server.

Note: Caching only occurs when filenames are used, not handles.

The default value is _FALSE_

BOOL CkSFtp_getEnableCompression(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putEnableCompression(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);
Introduced in version

Enables or disables the use of compression w/ the SSH connection. The default value is FALSE.

Some older SSH servers have been found that claim to support compression, but actually fail when compression is used. PuTTY does not enable compression by default. If trouble is encountered where the SSH server disconnects immediately after the connection is seemingly established (i.e. during authentication), then check to see if disabling compression resolves the problem.

void CkSFtp_getFilenameCharset(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putFilenameCharset(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_filenameCharset(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Automatically set during the InitializeSftp method if the server sends a filename-charset name-value extension. Otherwise, may be set directly to the name of a charset, such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", "windows-1252", etc. ("ansi" is also a valid choice.) Incoming filenames are interpreted as utf-8 if no FilenameCharset is set. Outgoing filenames are sent using utf-8 by default. Otherwise, incoming and outgoing filenames use the charset specified by this property.

void CkSFtp_getForceCipher(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putForceCipher(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_forceCipher(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Set to one of the following encryption algorithms to force that cipher to be used. By default, the component will automatically choose the first cipher supported by the server in the order listed here: "aes256-ctr", "aes128-ctr", "aes256-cbc", "aes128-cbc", "twofish256-cbc", "twofish128-cbc", "blowfish-cbc", "3des-cbc", "arcfour128", "arcfour256". (If blowfish is chosen, the encryption strength is 128 bits.)

Important: If this is property is set and the server does NOT support then encryption algorithm, then the Connect will fail.

BOOL CkSFtp_getForceV3(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putForceV3(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

If set to TRUE, forces the client to choose version 3 of the SFTP protocol, even if the server supports a higher version. The default value of this property is TRUE.

int CkSFtp_getHeartbeatMs(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putHeartbeatMs(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

This is the number of milliseconds between each AbortCheck event callback. The AbortCheck callback allows an application to abort any SFTP operation prior to completion. If HeartbeatMs is 0 (the default), no AbortCheck event callbacks will fire.

void CkSFtp_getHostKeyAlg(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putHostKeyAlg(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_hostKeyAlg(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Indicates the preferred host key algorithm to be used in establishing the SSH secure connection. The default is "DSS". It may be changed to "RSA" if needed. Chilkat recommends not changing this unless a problem warrants the change.

void CkSFtp_getHostKeyFingerprint(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_hostKeyFingerprint(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Returns the MD5 host key fingerprint of the server, which is automatically set after connecting to an SSH/SFTP server. Depending on the host key type, the format of the MD5 fingerprint looks like this:

ssh-rsa 2048 68:ff:d1:4e:6c:ff:d7:b0:d6:58:73:85:07:bc:2e:d5
ssh-dss 2048 68:ff:d1:4e:6c:ff:d7:b0:d6:58:73:85:07:bc:2e:d5
ssh-ed25519 68:ff:d1:4e:6c:ff:d7:b0:d6:58:73:85:07:bc:2e:d5
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 a3:09:05:b5:81:79:5d:33:e1:1a:82:c7:cb:ba:93:ea

Note: To get the SHA256 host key fingerprint, use the GetHostKeyFP method (added in v9.5.0.92)

More Information and Examples
void CkSFtp_getHttpProxyAuthMethod(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putHttpProxyAuthMethod(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_httpProxyAuthMethod(HCkSFtp cHandle);

If an HTTP proxy requiring authentication is to be used, set this property to the HTTP proxy authentication method name. Valid choices are "Basic" or "NTLM".

void CkSFtp_getHttpProxyDomain(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putHttpProxyDomain(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_httpProxyDomain(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The NTLM authentication domain (optional) if NTLM authentication is used w/ the HTTP proxy.

void CkSFtp_getHttpProxyHostname(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putHttpProxyHostname(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_httpProxyHostname(HCkSFtp cHandle);

If an HTTP proxy is to be used, set this property to the HTTP proxy hostname or IPv4 address (in dotted decimal notation).

void CkSFtp_getHttpProxyPassword(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putHttpProxyPassword(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_httpProxyPassword(HCkSFtp cHandle);

If an HTTP proxy requiring authentication is to be used, set this property to the HTTP proxy password.

int CkSFtp_getHttpProxyPort(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putHttpProxyPort(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

If an HTTP proxy is to be used, set this property to the HTTP proxy port number. (Two commonly used HTTP proxy ports are 8080 and 3128.)

void CkSFtp_getHttpProxyUsername(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putHttpProxyUsername(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_httpProxyUsername(HCkSFtp cHandle);

If an HTTP proxy requiring authentication is to be used, set this property to the HTTP proxy login name.

int CkSFtp_getIdleTimeoutMs(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putIdleTimeoutMs(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

Causes SFTP operations to fail when progress for sending or receiving data halts for more than this number of milliseconds. Setting IdleTimeoutMs = 0 allows the application to wait indefinitely. The default value of this property is 30000 (which equals 30 seconds).

BOOL CkSFtp_getIncludeDotDirs(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putIncludeDotDirs(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

If TRUE, then the ReadDir method will include the "." and ".." directories in its results. The default value of this property is FALSE.

int CkSFtp_getInitializeFailCode(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The InitializeSftp method call opens a channel for the SFTP session. If the request to open a channel fails, this property contains a code that identifies the reason for failure. The reason codes are defined in RFC 4254 and are reproduced here:

             Symbolic name                           reason code
             -------------                           -----------
            SSH_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED                       2
            SSH_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE                 3
            SSH_OPEN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE                    4

void CkSFtp_getInitializeFailReason(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_initializeFailReason(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The InitializeSftp method call opens a channel for the SFTP session. If the request to open a channel fails, this property contains a description of the reason for failure. (It contains descriptive text matching the InitializeFailCode property.)

BOOL CkSFtp_getIsConnected(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Returns TRUE if connected to the SSH server. Note: This does not mean authentication has happened or InitializeSftp has already succeeded. It only means that the connection has been established by calling Connect.

Understanding the IsConnected property: The IsConnected property is the last known state of the TCP connection (either connected or disconnected). This requires some explanation because most developer have incorrect assumptions about TCP connections.

  • If a TCP connection is established, and neither side is reading or writing the socket (i.e. both sides are doing nothing), then you can disconnect the network cable from the computer for any length of time, and then re-connect, and the TCP connection is not affected.
  • A TCP connection only becomes disconnected when an attempt is made to read/write while a network problem exists. If no attempts to read/write occur, a network problem may arise and then become resolved without affecting the TCP connection.
  • If the peer chooses to close its side of the TCP connection, your application won't magically know about it until you try to do something with the TCP socket (such as read or write).
  • A Chilkat API property (as opposed to a method) CANNOT and should not do something that would cause an application to timeout, hang, etc. Therefore, it is not appropriate for the IsConnected property to attempt any kind of socket operation (read/write/peek) on the socket. It simply returns the last known state of the connection. It may very well be that your network cable is unplugged and IsConnected returns TRUE because technically, if neither peer is trying to read/write, the network cable could be plugged back in without affecting the connection. IsConnected could also return TRUE if the peer has already closed its side of the connection, because the state of the connection is only updated after trying to read/write/peek.
  • To truly know the current connected state (as opposed to the last known connection state), your application should attempt a network operation that is appropriate to the protocol. For SFTP, an application could call SendIgnore, and then check IsConnected.

BOOL CkSFtp_getKeepSessionLog(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putKeepSessionLog(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

Controls whether communications to/from the SFTP server are saved to the SessionLog property. The default value is FALSE. If this property is set to TRUE, the contents of the SessionLog property will continuously grow as SFTP activity transpires. The purpose of the KeepSessionLog / SessionLog properties is to help in debugging any future problems that may arise.

void CkSFtp_getLastErrorHtml(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_lastErrorHtml(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Provides HTML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

void CkSFtp_getLastErrorText(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_lastErrorText(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Provides plain text information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

void CkSFtp_getLastErrorXml(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_lastErrorXml(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Provides XML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

BOOL CkSFtp_getLastMethodSuccess(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putLastMethodSuccess(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

Indicates the success or failure of the most recent method call: TRUE means success, FALSE means failure. This property remains unchanged by property setters or getters. This method is present to address challenges in checking for null or Nothing returns in certain programming languages.

int CkSFtp_getLastStatusCode(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Contains the numeric last status code received in an SSH_FXP_STATUS message received from the SFTP server. Status codes are defined in the SFTP protocol specification as follows:

(See https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13.txt)

SSH_FX_OK                            0
SSH_FX_EOF                           1
SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE                  2
SSH_FX_FAILURE                       4
SSH_FX_BAD_MESSAGE                   5
SSH_FX_NO_CONNECTION                 6
SSH_FX_CONNECTION_LOST               7
SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED                8
SSH_FX_INVALID_HANDLE                9
SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_PATH                  10
SSH_FX_WRITE_PROTECT                 12
SSH_FX_NO_MEDIA                      13
SSH_FX_QUOTA_EXCEEDED                15
SSH_FX_LOCK_CONFLICT                 17
SSH_FX_DIR_NOT_EMPTY                 18
SSH_FX_NOT_A_DIRECTORY               19
SSH_FX_LINK_LOOP                     21
SSH_FX_CANNOT_DELETE                 22
SSH_FX_DELETE_PENDING                27
SSH_FX_FILE_CORRUPT                  28
SSH_FX_OWNER_INVALID                 29
SSH_FX_GROUP_INVALID                 30

void CkSFtp_getLastStatusMessage(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_lastStatusMessage(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Contains the message text received in the last SSH_FXP_STATUS message received from the SFTP server. The actual text of the message can vary depending on the SFTP server implementation. The integer status code is available in the LastStatusCode property.

int CkSFtp_getMaxPacketSize(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putMaxPacketSize(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

The maximum packet length to be used in the underlying SSH transport protocol. The default value is 32768. (This should generally be left unchanged.)

BOOL CkSFtp_getPasswordChangeRequested(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Set by the AuthenticatePw and AuthenticatePwPk methods. If the authenticate method returns a failed status, and this property is set to TRUE, then it indicates the server requested a password change. In this case, re-call the authenticate method, but provide both the old and new passwords in the following format, where vertical bar characters encapsulate the old and new passwords:


int CkSFtp_getPercentDoneScale(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putPercentDoneScale(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);
Introduced in version

This property is only valid in programming environment and languages that allow for event callbacks.

Sets the value to be defined as 100% complete for the purpose of PercentDone event callbacks. The defaut value of 100 means that at most 100 event PercentDone callbacks will occur in a method that (1) is event enabled and (2) is such that it is possible to measure progress as a percentage completed. This property may be set to larger numbers to get more fine-grained PercentDone callbacks. For example, setting this property equal to 1000 will provide callbacks with .1 percent granularity. For example, a value of 453 would indicate 45.3% competed. This property is clamped to a minimum value of 10, and a maximum value of 100000.

BOOL CkSFtp_getPreferIpv6(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putPreferIpv6(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

If TRUE, then use IPv6 over IPv4 when both are supported for a particular domain. The default value of this property is FALSE, which will choose IPv4 over IPv6.

BOOL CkSFtp_getPreserveDate(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putPreserveDate(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

If TRUE, then the file last-modified and create date/time will be preserved for downloaded and uploaded files. The default value is FALSE.

Note: It does not apply to uploads or downloads where the remote file is opened to obtain a handle, the data is uploaded/downloaded, and then the handle is closed.

int CkSFtp_getProtocolVersion(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The negotiated SFTP protocol version, which should be a value between 3 and 6 inclusive. When the InitializeSftp method is called, the Chilkat SFTP client sends it's highest supported protocol version to the server, and the server sends it's SFTP protocol version in response. The negotiated protocol (i.e. the protocol version used for the session) is the lower of the two numbers. If the SFTP server's protocol version is lower than 6, some file date/attributes are not supported because they are not supported by the earlier protocol version. These exceptions are noted throughout the reference documentation.

void CkSFtp_getReadDirMustMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putReadDirMustMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_readDirMustMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Can contain a wildcarded list of file patterns separated by semicolons. For example, "*.xml; *.txt; *.csv". If set, the ReadDir method will only return files that match any one of these patterns.

void CkSFtp_getReadDirMustNotMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putReadDirMustNotMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_readDirMustNotMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Can contain a wildcarded list of file patterns separated by semicolons. For example, "*.xml; *.txt; *.csv". If set, the ReadDir method will only return files that do not match any of these patterns.

void CkSFtp_getServerIdentifier(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_serverIdentifier(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

The server-identifier string received from the server during connection establishment. For example, a typical value would be similar to "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.2".

void CkSFtp_getSessionLog(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_sessionLog(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Contains a log of the messages sent to/from the SFTP server. To enable session logging, set the KeepSessionLog property = TRUE. Note: This property is not a filename -- it is a string property that contains the session log data.

void CkSFtp_getSocksHostname(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSocksHostname(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_socksHostname(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The SOCKS4/SOCKS5 hostname or IPv4 address (in dotted decimal notation). This property is only used if the SocksVersion property is set to 4 or 5).

void CkSFtp_getSocksPassword(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSocksPassword(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_socksPassword(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The SOCKS5 password (if required). The SOCKS4 protocol does not include the use of a password, so this does not apply to SOCKS4.

int CkSFtp_getSocksPort(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putSocksPort(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

The SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy port. The default value is 1080. This property only applies if a SOCKS proxy is used (if the SocksVersion property is set to 4 or 5).

void CkSFtp_getSocksUsername(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSocksUsername(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_socksUsername(HCkSFtp cHandle);

The SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy username. This property is only used if the SocksVersion property is set to 4 or 5).

int CkSFtp_getSocksVersion(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putSocksVersion(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

SocksVersion May be set to one of the following integer values:

0 - No SOCKS proxy is used. This is the default.
4 - Connect via a SOCKS4 proxy.
5 - Connect via a SOCKS5 proxy.

int CkSFtp_getSoRcvBuf(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putSoRcvBuf(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

Sets the receive buffer size socket option. Normally, this property should be left unchanged. The default value is 4194304.

This property can be increased if download performance seems slow. It is recommended to be a multiple of 4096.

int CkSFtp_getSoSndBuf(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putSoSndBuf(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

Sets the send buffer size socket option. Normally, this property should be left unchanged. The default value is 262144.

This property can be increased if upload performance seems slow. It is recommended to be a multiple of 4096. Testing with sizes such as 512K and 1MB is reasonable.

BOOL CkSFtp_getSyncCreateAllLocalDirs(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putSyncCreateAllLocalDirs(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);
Introduced in version

If TRUE, then empty directories on the server are created locally when doing a download synchronization. If FALSE, then only directories containing files that are downloaded are auto-created.

The default value of this property is TRUE.

void CkSFtp_getSyncDirectives(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSyncDirectives(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_syncDirectives(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

A property that can contain a list of comma-separated keywords to control certain aspects of an upload or download synchronization (for the SyncTreeUpload and SyncTreeDownload methods). At this time there is only one possible directive, but others may be added in the future.

Set this property to "UploadIgnoreLocalOpenFailures" to skip local files that cannot be opened. A common reason for this would be if another process on the system has the file open for exclusive access.

void CkSFtp_getSyncedFiles(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSyncedFiles(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_syncedFiles(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

The paths of the files uploaded or downloaded in the last call to SyncTreeUpload or SyncTreeDownload. The paths are listed one per line. In both cases (for upload and download) each line contains the paths relative to the root synced directory.

Note: For SyncTreeDownload, some of entires can be the paths of local directories that were created. Local directory paths will be terminated with a "/" char to disinguish a directory from an actual file.

void CkSFtp_getSyncMustMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSyncMustMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_syncMustMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Can contain a wildcarded list of file patterns separated by semicolons. For example, "*.xml; *.txt; *.csv". If set, the SyncTreeUpload and SyncTreeDownload methods will only transfer files that match any one of these patterns. This property only applies to files. It does not apply to sub-directory names when recursively traversing a directory tree.

void CkSFtp_getSyncMustMatchDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSyncMustMatchDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_syncMustMatchDir(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Can contain a wildcarded list of file patterns separated by semicolons. For example, "xml; txt; data_*". If set, the SyncTreeUpload and SyncTreeDownload methods will only enter directories that match any one of these patterns.

void CkSFtp_getSyncMustNotMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSyncMustNotMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_syncMustNotMatch(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Can contain a wildcarded list of file patterns separated by semicolons. For example, "*.xml; *.txt; *.csv". If set, the SyncTreeUpload and SyncTreeDownload methods will not transfer files that match any one of these patterns. This property only applies to files. It does not apply to sub-directory names when recursively traversing a directory tree.

void CkSFtp_getSyncMustNotMatchDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putSyncMustNotMatchDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_syncMustNotMatchDir(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Can contain a wildcarded list of file patterns separated by semicolons. For example, "xml; txt; data_*". If set, the SyncTreeUpload and SyncTreeDownload methods will not enter directories that match any one of these patterns.

BOOL CkSFtp_getTcpNoDelay(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putTcpNoDelay(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

This property controls the use of the internal TCP_NODELAY socket option (which disables the Nagle algorithm). The default value of this property is FALSE. Setting this value to TRUE disables the delay of sending successive small packets on the network.

void CkSFtp_getUncommonOptions(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putUncommonOptions(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_uncommonOptions(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

This is a catch-all property to be used for uncommon needs. This property defaults to the empty string, and should typically remain empty.

Can be set to a list of the following comma separated keywords:

  • ForceUserAuthRsaSha1 - Introduced in v9.5.0.98. When doing public-key authentication, forces rsa-sha1 to be used for the userauth algorithm even if the server supports rsa-sha2-256, rsa-sha2-512, but still requires SHA1 for the userauth algorithm. Make sure to set this option before connecting to the server.
  • ProtectFromVpn - Introduced in v9.5.0.80. On Android systems, will bypass any VPN that may be installed or active.
  • NoSyncDownloadEmptyFiles - Introduced in v9.5.0.80. Prevents empty files from being downloaded in SyncTreeDownload.
  • no-weak-mac-algs - Introduced in v9.5.0.98. Removes all weaker MAC algorithms from the list offered to the SSH server when negotiating the connection parameters during a Connect. Specifically, removes hmac-sha1-96, hmac-sha1, hmac-md5, and hmac-ripemd160. Note: Stronger algorithms such as hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha2-512, etc., will already be automatically chosen because they are given higher preference. The only way a weaker algorithm is chosen is if the SSH server ONLY supports weaker algorithms. This option would only be set if you explicitly want to avoid connecting to older SSH servers, or servers configured in some unusual way where only weaker algorithms are supported on the server (which is rare).
  • +ssh-hmac-etm - Introduced in v9.5.0.97. Version disabled the *-etm MAC algorithms to mitigate the Terrapin attack. Use this keyword to include the etm MAC algorithms.
  • +chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com - Introduced in v9.5.0.97. To mitigate the Terrapin attack, chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com is no longer included by default. It can be re-added by adding this keyword.

int CkSFtp_getUploadChunkSize(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putUploadChunkSize(HCkSFtp cHandle, int newVal);

The chunk size to use when uploading files via the UploadFile or UploadFileByName methods. The default value is 32000. If an upload fails because "WSAECONNABORTED An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.", then try setting this property to a smaller value, such as 4096. A smaller value will result in slower transfer rates, but may help avoid this problem.

void CkSFtp_getUserAuthBanner(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkSFtp_putUserAuthBanner(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *newVal);
const char *CkSFtp_userAuthBanner(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

If a user authentication banner message is received during authentication, it will be made available here. An application can check to see if this property contains a banner string after calling StartKeyboardAuth. It is only possible for an application to display this message if it is doing keyboard-interactive authentication via the StartKeyboardAuth and ContinueKeyboardAuth methods.

BOOL CkSFtp_getUtcMode(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putUtcMode(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

If TRUE, then date/times are returned as UTC times. If FALSE (the default) then date/times are returned as local times.

BOOL CkSFtp_getUtf8(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putUtf8(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

When set to TRUE, all "const char *" arguments are interpreted as utf-8 strings. If set to FALSE (the default), then "const char *" arguments are interpreted as ANSI strings. Also, when set to TRUE, and Chilkat method returning a "const char *" is returning the utf-8 representation. If set to FALSE, all "const char *" return values are ANSI strings.

BOOL CkSFtp_getVerboseLogging(HCkSFtp cHandle);
void CkSFtp_putVerboseLogging(HCkSFtp cHandle, BOOL newVal);

If set to TRUE, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is FALSE. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.

void CkSFtp_getVersion(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkString retval);
const char *CkSFtp_version(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Version of the component/library, such as "10.1.0"

More Information and Examples
unsigned long CkSFtp_getXferByteCount(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

The current transfer byte count for an ongoing upload or download. Programs doing asynchronous uploads or downloads can read this property in real time during the upload. For SyncTreeUpload and SyncTreeDownload operations, this is the real-time cumulative number of bytes for all files uploaded or downloaded.

__int64 CkSFtp_getXferByteCount64(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

The current transfer byte count for an ongoing upload or download. Programs doing asynchronous uploads or downloads can read this property in real time during the upload. For SyncTreeUpload and SyncTreeDownload operations, this is the real-time cumulative number of bytes for all files uploaded or downloaded.



int CkSFtp_AccumulateBytes(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int maxBytes);

Downloads bytes from an open file and appends them to the AccumulateBuffer. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The maxBytes is the maximum number of bytes to read. If the end-of-file is reached prior to reading the number of requested bytes, then fewer bytes may be returned.

Returns the number of bytes downloaded and appended to AccumulateBuffer. Returns -1 on error.

AccumulateBytesAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_AccumulateBytesAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int maxBytes);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AccumulateBytes method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_Add64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *n1, const char *n2, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_add64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *n1, const char *n2);

Convenience method for 64-bit addition. Allows for two 64-bit integers to be passed as decimal strings and returns the sum in a decimal sting.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

BOOL CkSFtp_AuthenticatePk(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *username, HCkSshKey privateKey);

Authenticates with the SSH server using public-key authentication. The corresponding public key must have been installed on the SSH server for the username. Authentication will succeed if the matching privateKey is provided.

Important: When reporting problems, please send the full contents of the LastErrorText property to support@chilkatsoft.com.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

AuthenticatePkAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_AuthenticatePkAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *username, HCkSshKey privateKey);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AuthenticatePk method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_AuthenticatePw(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *login, const char *password);

Authenticates with the SSH server using a login and password.

An SFTP session always begins by first calling Connect to connect to the SSH server, then calling either AuthenticatePw or AuthenticatePk to login, and finally calling InitializeSftp.

Important: When reporting problems, please send the full contents of the LastErrorText property to support@chilkatsoft.com.

Note: To learn about how to handle password change requests, see the PasswordChangeRequested property (above).

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

AuthenticatePwAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_AuthenticatePwAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *login, const char *password);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AuthenticatePw method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_AuthenticatePwPk(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *username, const char *password, HCkSshKey privateKey);

Authentication for SSH servers that require both a password and private key. (Most SSH servers are configured to require one or the other, but not both.)

Important: When reporting problems, please send the full contents of the LastErrorText property to support@chilkatsoft.com.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
AuthenticatePwPkAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_AuthenticatePwPkAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *username, const char *password, HCkSshKey privateKey);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AuthenticatePwPk method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_AuthenticateSecPw(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkSecureString login, HCkSecureString password);
Introduced in version

The same as AuthenticatePw, but the login and password are passed in secure string objects.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
AuthenticateSecPwAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_AuthenticateSecPwAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkSecureString login, HCkSecureString password);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AuthenticateSecPw method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_AuthenticateSecPwPk(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkSecureString username, HCkSecureString password, HCkSshKey privateKey);
Introduced in version

The same as AuthenticatePwPk, but the login and password are passed in secure string objects.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

AuthenticateSecPwPkAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_AuthenticateSecPwPkAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkSecureString username, HCkSecureString password, HCkSshKey privateKey);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AuthenticateSecPwPk method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

void CkSFtp_ClearAccumulateBuffer(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Clears the contents of the AccumulateBuffer property.

void CkSFtp_ClearCache(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Clears the internal file attribute cache. (Please refer to the EnableCache property for more information about the file attribute cache.)

void CkSFtp_ClearSessionLog(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Clears the contents of the SessionLog property.

BOOL CkSFtp_CloseHandle(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);

Closes a file on the SSH/SFTP server. handle is a file handle returned from a previous call to OpenFile or OpenDir.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
CloseHandleAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_CloseHandleAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the CloseHandle method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_Connect(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *domainName, int port);

Connects to an SSH/SFTP server. The domainName may be a domain name or an IP address (example: Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. The port is typically 22, which is the standard port for SSH servers.

An SFTP session always begins by first calling Connect to connect to the SSH server, then calling either AuthenticatePw or AuthenticatePk to login, and finally calling InitializeSftp.

Important: When reporting problems, please send the full contents of the LastErrorText property to support@chilkatsoft.com.

Important: All TCP-based Internet communications, regardless of the protocol (such as HTTP, FTP, SSH, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, etc.), and regardless of SSL/TLS, begin with establishing a TCP connection to a remote host:port. External security-related infrastructure such as software firewalls (Windows Firewall), hardware firewalls, anti-virus, at either source or destination (or both) can block the connection. If the connection fails, make sure to check all potential external causes of blockage.

The following algorithms are supported by Chilkat SSH/SFTP:

  • Hostkey:
    1. ssh-ed25519
    2. rsa-sha2-256
    3. rsa-sha2-512
    4. ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
    5. ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
    6. ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
    7. ssh-rsa
    8. ssh-dss
  • Key Exchange:
    1. curve25519-sha256
    2. curve25519-sha256@libssh.org
    3. ecdh-sha2-nistp256
    4. ecdh-sha2-nistp384
    5. ecdh-sha2-nistp521
    6. diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
    7. diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
    8. diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
    9. diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
    10. diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
    11. diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
    12. diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  • Ciphers:
    1. aes128-ctr
    2. aes256-ctr
    3. aes192-ctr
    4. aes128-cbc
    5. aes256-cbc
    6. aes192-cbc
    7. aes128-gcm@openssh.com
    8. aes256-gcm@openssh.com
    9. twofish256-cbc
    10. twofish128-cbc
    11. blowfish-cbc
    12. (also chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com if explicitly allowed by the application)
  • MAC Algorithms:
    1. hmac-sha2-256
    2. hmac-sha2-512
    3. hmac-sha1
    4. hmac-ripemd160
    5. hmac-sha1-96
    6. hmac-md5
    7. (also the following etm algorithms if explicitly allowed)
    8. hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com
    9. hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com
    10. hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com
  • Compression:
    1. none
    2. zlib
    3. zlib@openssh.com

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ConnectAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ConnectAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *domainName, int port);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the Connect method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ConnectThroughSsh(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkSsh sshConn, const char *hostname, int port);
Introduced in version

Connects to an SSH/SFTP server through an existing SSH connection. The sshConn is an existing connected and authenticated SSH object. The connection to hostname:port is made through the existing SSH connection via port-forwarding. If successful, the connection is as follows: application => ServerSSH1 => ServerSSH2. (where ServerSSH1 is the sshConn and ServerSSH2 is the SSH server at hostname:port) Once connected in this way, all communications are routed through ServerSSH1 to ServerSSH2. This includes authentication -- which means the application must still call one of the Authenticate* methods to authenticate with ServerSSH2.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
ConnectThroughSshAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ConnectThroughSshAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkSsh sshConn, const char *hostname, int port);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ConnectThroughSsh method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ContinueKeyboardAuth(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *response, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_continueKeyboardAuth(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *response);
Introduced in version

Continues keyboard-interactive authentication with the SSH server. The response is typically the password. If multiple responses are required (because there were multiple prompts in the infoRequest XML returned by StartKeyboardAuth), then the response should be formatted as XML (as shown below) otherwise the response simply contains the single response string.

    <response1>response to first prompt</response1>
    <response2>response to second prompt</response2>
    <responseN>response to Nth prompt</responseN>

If the interactive authentication completed with success or failure, the XML response will be:



If additional steps are required to complete the interactive authentication, then an XML string that provides the name, instruction, and prompts is returned. The XML has the following format:
 	<infoRequest numPrompts="N">
	    <prompt1 echo="1_or_0">prompt_string</prompt1>
	    <promptN echo="1_or_0">prompt_string</promptN>

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ContinueKeyboardAuthAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ContinueKeyboardAuthAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *response);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ContinueKeyboardAuth method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_CopyFileAttr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *localFilename, const char *remoteFilename, BOOL isHandle);

Sets the date/time and other attributes of a remote file to be equal to that of a local file.

The attributes copied depend on the SFTP version of the server:

<b>SFTP v3 (and below)</b>
    Last-Modified Date/Time
    Last-Access Date/Time

<b>SFTP v4, v5</b>
    Last-Modified Date/Time
    Last-Access Date/Time
    Create Date/Time

<b>SFTP v6 (and above)</b>
    Last-Modified Date/Time
    Last-Access Date/Time
    Create Date/Time
    Read-Only Flag
    Hidden Flag
    Archive Flag
    Compressed Flag
    Encrypted Flag

(1) The Last-Access date/time may or may not be set. Chilkat has found that the Last-Access time is set to the current date/time, which is probably a result of the operating system setting it based on when the SFTP server is touching the file.
(2) At the time of this writing, it is unknown whether the compressed/encryption settings for a local file are transferred to the remote file. For example, does the remote file become compressed and/or encrypted just by setting the flags? It may depend on the SFTP server and/or the remote filesystem.
(3) Dates/times are sent in GMT. SFTP servers should convert GMT times to local time zones.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

CopyFileAttrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_CopyFileAttrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *localFilename, const char *remoteFilename, BOOL isHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the CopyFileAttr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_CreateDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);

Creates a directory on the SFTP server.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

CreateDirAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_CreateDirAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the CreateDir method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

void CkSFtp_Disconnect(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Disconnects from the SSH server.

BOOL CkSFtp_DownloadBd(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, HCkBinData binData);
Introduced in version

Downloads the contents of a remote file to a BinData object. (Appends to the BinData.)

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
DownloadBdAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_DownloadBdAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, HCkBinData binData);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the DownloadBd method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_DownloadFile(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *toFilename);

Downloads a file from the SSH server to the local filesystem. There are no limitations on file size and the data is streamed from SSH server to the local file. handle is a file handle returned by a previous call to OpenFile.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

DownloadFileAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_DownloadFileAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *toFilename);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the DownloadFile method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_DownloadFileByName(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Simplified method for downloading files.

The last-modified date/time is only preserved when the PreserveDate property is set to TRUE. (The default value of PreserveDate is FALSE.)

Important: If the remoteFilePath is an absolute path, then it is a path from the root of the server's filesystem. For example, "/home/joe/someFile.txt". Use a relative path to specify a directory relative to the $HOME directory of the SSH user account. For example, "./someFile.txt".

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

DownloadFileByNameAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_DownloadFileByNameAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the DownloadFileByName method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_DownloadSb(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *charset, HCkStringBuilder sb);
Introduced in version

Downloads the contents of a remote file to a StringBuilder object. (Appends to the StringBuilder.)

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

DownloadSbAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_DownloadSbAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *charset, HCkStringBuilder sb);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the DownloadSb method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_Eof(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);

Returns TRUE if the last read operation for a handle reached the end of file. Otherwise returns FALSE. If an invalid handle is passed, a value of TRUE is returned.

int CkSFtp_FileExists(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remotePath, BOOL followLinks);
Introduced in version

Returns a value to indicate whether the remote file exists or not. remotePath is the path of the remote file. If followLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

This method returns one of the following possible values:

  • -1: Unable to check. Examine the LastErrorText to determine the reason for failure.
  • 0: File does not exist.
  • 1: The regular file exists.
  • 2: It exists, but it is a directory.
  • 3: It exists, but it is a symlink (only possible if followLinks is FALSE)
  • 4: It exists, but it is a special filesystem entry type.
  • 5: It exists, but it is an unkown filesystem entry type.
  • 6: It exists, but it is an socket filesystem entry type.
  • 7: It exists, but it is an char device entry type.
  • 8: It exists, but it is an block device entry type.
  • 9: It exists, but it is an FIFO entry type.

Note: The values greater than zero correspond to the possible values as specified in the SFTP protocol specification. A given value may not make sense on all operating systems.

More Information and Examples
FileExistsAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_FileExistsAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remotePath, BOOL followLinks);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the FileExists method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_Fsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);
Introduced in version

Causes the SFTP server to do an fsync on the open file. Specifically, this is directing the SFTP server to call fsync (https://linux.die.net/man/2/fsync) on the open file.

This method uses the fsync@openssh.com and only works for servers supporting the fsync@openssh.com extension.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
FsyncAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_FsyncAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the Fsync method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

HCkDateTime CkSFtp_GetFileCreateDt(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the create date/time for a file. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

Note: Servers running the SFTP v3 protocol or lower do not have the ability to return a file's creation date/time.

Returns NULL on failure

GetFileCreateDtAsync (1) (2)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileCreateDtAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileCreateDt method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_GetFileCreateTimeStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_getFileCreateTimeStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

The same as GetFileCreateTime, except the date/time is returned as an RFC822 formatted string.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

GetFileCreateTimeStrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileCreateTimeStrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileCreateTimeStr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_GetFileGroup(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_getFileGroup(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the group of a file. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

Note: Servers running the SFTP v3 protocol or lower do not have the ability to return a file's group name. Instead, the decimal GID of the file is returned.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

GetFileGroupAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileGroupAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileGroup method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

HCkDateTime CkSFtp_GetFileLastAccessDt(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the last-access date/time for a file. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

Returns NULL on failure

GetFileLastAccessDtAsync (1) (2)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileLastAccessDtAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileLastAccessDt method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_GetFileLastAccessStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_getFileLastAccessStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

The same as GetFileLastAccess, except the date/time is returned as an RFC822 formatted string.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

GetFileLastAccessStrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileLastAccessStrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileLastAccessStr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

HCkDateTime CkSFtp_GetFileLastModifiedDt(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the last-modified date/time for a file. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

Returns NULL on failure

GetFileLastModifiedDtAsync (1) (2)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileLastModifiedDtAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileLastModifiedDt method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_GetFileLastModifiedStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_getFileLastModifiedStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

The same as GetFileLastModified, except the date/time is returned as an RFC822 formatted string.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

GetFileLastModifiedStrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileLastModifiedStrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileLastModifiedStr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_GetFileOwner(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_getFileOwner(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the owner of a file. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

Note: Servers running the SFTP v3 protocol or lower do not have the ability to return a file's owner name. Instead, the decimal UID of the file is returned.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

GetFileOwnerAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileOwnerAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileOwner method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

int CkSFtp_GetFilePermissions(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the access permisssions flags of a file. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

More Information and Examples
GetFilePermissionsAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFilePermissionsAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFilePermissions method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

int CkSFtp_GetFileSize32(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the size in bytes of a file on the SSH server. If the file size exceeds what can be represented in 32-bits, a value of -1 is returned. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

More Information and Examples
GetFileSize32Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileSize32Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileSize32 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

__int64 CkSFtp_GetFileSize64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns a 64-bit integer containing the size (in bytes) of a file on the SSH server. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

GetFileSize64Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileSize64Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileSize64 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_GetFileSizeStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_getFileSizeStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Returns the size in bytes (in decimal string form) of a file on the SSH server. pathOrHandle may be a remote filepath or an open handle string as returned by OpenFile. If pathOrHandle is a handle, then bIsHandle must be set to TRUE, otherwise it should be FALSE. If bFollowLinks is TRUE, then symbolic links will be followed on the server.

Note: This method exists for environments that do not have 64-bit integer support. The Add64 method is provided for 64-bit addition, and other methods such as ReadFileBytes64s allow for 64-bit values to be passed as strings.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
GetFileSizeStrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_GetFileSizeStrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bFollowLinks, BOOL bIsHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the GetFileSizeStr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_GetHostKeyFP(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *hashAlg, BOOL includeKeyType, BOOL includeHashName, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_getHostKeyFP(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *hashAlg, BOOL includeKeyType, BOOL includeHashName);
Introduced in version

Returns the host key fingerprint of the server, which is automatically set after connecting to an SSH/SFTP server. The hashAlg can be any hash algorithm supported by Chilkat, such as "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "SHA1", "MD5", "SHA3-224", "SHA3-256", "SHA3-384", "SHA3-512", etc.

If both includeKeyType and includeHashName are TRUE, then the fingerprint string is formatted like this:

ssh-rsa SHA256:L7sQgnpnoBwRoyIYXAFBs8SdSnwtyYmhXs1p/mQDK...
If includeKeyType is TRUE and includeHashName is FALSE:
ssh-rsa L7sQgnpnoBwRoyIYXAFBs8SdSnwtyYmhXs1p/mQDK...
If includeKeyType is FALSE and includeHashName is TRUE:
If includeKeyType is FALSE and includeHashName is FALSE:

SSH host key types can be: ssh-rsa, ecdsa-*-* (such as ecdsa-sha2-nistp256), ssh-ed25519, and ssh-dss.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
void CkSFtp_GetSyncedFiles(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkStringTable strTab);
Introduced in version 10.0.0

Appends to strTab the paths of the files uploaded or downloaded in the last call to SyncTreeUpload or SyncTreeDownload. In both cases (for upload and download) each path is relative to the root synced directory.

Note: For SyncTreeDownload, some of entires can be the paths of local directories that were created. Local directory paths will be terminated with a "/" char to disinguish a directory from an actual file.

BOOL CkSFtp_HardLink(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);
Introduced in version

Creates a hard link on the server using the hardlink@openssh.com extension. This only works for SFTP servers that support the hardlink@openssh.com extension.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

HardLinkAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_HardLinkAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the HardLink method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_InitializeSftp(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Intializes the SFTP subsystem. This should be called after connecting and authenticating. An SFTP session always begins by first calling Connect to connect to the SSH server, then calling either AuthenticatePw or AuthenticatePk to login, and finally calling InitializeSftp.

Important: When reporting problems, please send the full contents of the LastErrorText property to support@chilkatsoft.com.

If this method fails, the reason may be present in the InitializeFailCode and InitializeFailReason properties (assuming the failure occurred when trying to open the SFTP session channel).

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

InitializeSftpAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_InitializeSftpAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the InitializeSftp method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

HCkJsonObject CkSFtp_LastJsonData(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Provides information about what transpired in the last method called. For many methods, there is no information. For some methods, details about what transpired can be obtained via LastJsonData.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_LastReadFailed(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);

Returns TRUE if the last read on the specified handle failed. Otherwise returns FALSE.

int CkSFtp_LastReadNumBytes(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);

Returns the number of bytes received by the last read on a specified channel.

BOOL CkSFtp_LoadTaskCaller(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkTask task);
Introduced in version

Loads the caller of the task's async method.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

BOOL CkSFtp_OpenDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_openDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);

Opens a directory for reading. To get a directory listing, first open the directory by calling this method, then call ReadDir to read the directory, and finally call CloseHandle to close the directory.

The SFTP protocol represents file names as strings. File names are assumed to use the slash ('/') character as a directory separator.

File names starting with a slash are "absolute", and are relative to the root of the file system. Names starting with any other character are relative to the user's default directory (home directory). Note that identifying the user is assumed to take place outside of this protocol.

Servers SHOULD interpret a path name component ".." as referring to the parent directory, and "." as referring to the current directory.

An empty path name is valid, and it refers to the user's default directory (usually the user's home directory).

Please note: This method does NOT "change" the remote working directory. It is only a method for opening a directory for the purpose of reading the directory listing.

SFTP is Secure File Transfer over SSH. It is not the FTP protocol. There is no similarity or relationship between FTP and SFTP. Therefore, concepts such as "current remote directory" that exist in FTP do not exist with SFTP. With the SFTP protocol, the current directory will always be the home directory of the user account used during SSH/SFTP authentication. You may pass relative or absolute directory/file paths. A relative path is always relative to the home directory of the SSH user account.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

OpenDirAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_OpenDirAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the OpenDir method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_OpenFile(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remotePath, const char *access, const char *createDisposition, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_openFile(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remotePath, const char *access, const char *createDisposition);

Opens or creates a file on the remote system. Returns a handle which may be passed to methods for reading and/or writing the file. The remotePath is the remote file path (the path to the file on the server). When the application is finished with the handle, it should call CloseHandle(remotePath).

Important: If the remotePath is an absolute path, then it is a path from the root of the server's filesystem. For example, "/home/joe/someFile.txt". Use a relative path to specify a directory relative to the $HOME directory of the SSH user account. For example, "./someFile.txt".

access should be one of the following strings: "readOnly", "writeOnly", or "readWrite".

createDisposition is a comma-separated list of keywords to provide more control over how the file is opened or created. One of the following keywords must be present: "createNew", "createTruncate", "openExisting", "openOrCreate", or "truncateExisting". All other keywords are optional. The list of keywords and their meanings are shown here:

A new file is created; if the file already exists the method fails.

A new file is created; if the file already exists, it is opened and truncated.

An existing file is opened. If the file does not exist the method fails.

If the file exists, it is opened. If the file does not exist, it is created.

An existing file is opened and truncated. If the file does not exist the method fails.

Data is always written at the end of the file. Data is not required to be appended atomically. This means that if multiple writers attempt to append data simultaneously, data from the first may be lost.

Data is always written at the end of the file. Data MUST be written atomically so that there is no chance that multiple appenders can collide and result in data being lost.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

Indicates that the server should treat the file as text and convert it to the canonical newline convention in use. When a file is opened with this flag, data is always appended to the end of the file. Servers MUST process multiple, parallel reads and writes correctly in this mode.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

The server MUST guarantee that no other handle has been opened with read access, and that no other handle will be opened with read access until the client closes the handle. (This MUST apply both to other clients and to other processes on the server.) In a nutshell, this opens the file in non-sharing mode.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

The server MUST guarantee that no other handle has been opened with write access, and that no other handle will be opened with write access until the client closes the handle. (This MUST apply both to other clients and to other processes on the server.) In a nutshell, this opens the file in non-sharing mode.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

The server MUST guarantee that the file itself is not deleted in any other way until the client closes the handle. No other client or process is allowed to open the file with delete access.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

If set, the above "block" modes are advisory. In advisory mode, only other accesses that specify a "block" mode need be considered when determining whether the "block" can be granted, and the server need not prevent I/O operations that violate the block mode. The server MAY perform mandatory locking even if the blockAdvisory flag is set.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

If the final component of the path is a symlink, then the open MUST fail.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

The file should be deleted when the last handle to it is closed. (The last handle may not be an sftp-handle.) This MAY be emulated by a server if the OS doesn't support it by deleting the file when this handle is closed.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

The client wishes the server to enable any privileges or extra capabilities that the user may have in to allow the reading and writing of AUDIT or ALARM access control entries.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

The client wishes the server to enable any privileges or extra capabilities that the user may have in order to bypass normal access checks for the purpose of backing up or restoring files.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

This flag indicates that the client wishes to read or write a backup stream. A backup stream is a system dependent structured data stream that encodes all the information that must be preserved in order to restore the file from backup medium. The only well defined use for backup stream data read in this fashion is to write it to the same server to a file also opened using the backupStream flag. However, if the server has a well defined backup stream format, there may be other uses for this data outside the scope of this protocol.
(Only supported in SFTP protocol versions 5 and later. See the note below.)

IMPORANT: If remotePath is a filename with no path, such as "test.txt", and the server responds with a "Folder not found" error, then try prepending "./" to the remotePath. For example, instead of passing "test.txt", try "./test.txt".

IMPORTANT note about createDisposition: Many of the options, such as textMode, are not implemented in the SFTP protocol versions 3 and 4. Only SFTP servers at protocol version 5 or later support these options. You can find out the protocol version of your server by examining the value of the ProtocolVersion property after calling InitializeSftp. Also, make sure the ForceV3 property is set to FALSE (the default value is TRUE)

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

OpenFileAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_OpenFileAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remotePath, const char *access, const char *createDisposition);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the OpenFile method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

HCkSFtpDir CkSFtp_ReadDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);

Reads the contents of a directory and returns the directory listing (as an object). The handle returned by OpenDir should be passed to this method.

Returns NULL on failure

More Information and Examples
ReadDirAsync (1) (2)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadDirAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadDir method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileBd(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int numBytes, HCkBinData bd);
Introduced in version

Reads file data from a remote file on the SSH server. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The numBytes is the maximum number of bytes to read. If the end-of-file is reached prior to reading the number of requested bytes, then fewer bytes may be returned. The received bytes are appended to the contents of bd.

To read an entire file, one may call ReadFileBd repeatedly until Eof(handle) returns TRUE.

ReadFileBdAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileBdAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int numBytes, HCkBinData bd);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileBd method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileBytes(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int numBytes, HCkByteData outBytes);

Reads file data from a remote file on the SSH server. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The numBytes is the maximum number of bytes to read. If the end-of-file is reached prior to reading the number of requested bytes, then fewer bytes may be returned.

To read an entire file, one may call ReadFileBytes repeatedly until Eof(handle) returns TRUE.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileBytesAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileBytesAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int numBytes);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileBytes method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileBytes32(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset, int numBytes, HCkByteData outBytes);

Reads file data from a remote file on the SSH server. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The offset is measured in bytes relative to the beginning of the file. (64-bit offsets are supported via the ReadFileBytes64 and ReadFileBytes64s methods.) The offset is ignored if the "textMode" flag was specified during the OpenFile. The numBytes is the maximum number of bytes to read. If the end-of-file is reached prior to reading the number of requested bytes, then fewer bytes may be returned.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileBytes32Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileBytes32Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset, int numBytes);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileBytes32 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileBytes64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset, int numBytes, HCkByteData outBytes);

Reads file data from a remote file on the SSH server. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The offset is a 64-bit integer measured in bytes relative to the beginning of the file. The offset is ignored if the "textMode" flag was specified during the OpenFile. The numBytes is the maximum number of bytes to read. If the end-of-file is reached prior to reading the number of requested bytes, then fewer bytes may be returned.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileBytes64Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileBytes64Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset, int numBytes);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileBytes64 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileBytes64s(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset, int numBytes, HCkByteData outBytes);

(This method exists for systems that do not support 64-bit integers. The 64-bit integer offset is passed as a decimal string instead.)

Reads file data from a remote file on the SSH server. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The offset is a 64-bit integer represented as a decimal string. It represents an offset in bytes from the beginning of the file. The offset is ignored if the "textMode" flag was specified during the OpenFile. The numBytes is the maximum number of bytes to read. If the end-of-file is reached prior to reading the number of requested bytes, then fewer bytes may be returned.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileBytes64sAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileBytes64sAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset, int numBytes);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileBytes64s method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileText(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int numBytes, const char *charset, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_readFileText(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int numBytes, const char *charset);

This method is identical to ReadFileBytes except for one thing: The bytes are interpreted according to the specified charset (i.e. the character encoding) and returned as a string. A list of supported charset values may be found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Note: If the charset is an encoding where a single character might be represented in multiple bytes (such as utf-8, Shift_JIS, etc.) then there is a risk that the very last character may be partially read. This is because the method specifies the number of bytes to read, not the number of characters. This is never a problem with character encodings that use a single byte per character, such as all of the iso-8859-* encodings, or the Windows-* encodings.

To read an entire file, one may call ReadFileText repeatedly until Eof(handle) returns TRUE.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileTextAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileTextAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int numBytes, const char *charset);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileText method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileText32(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset, int numBytes, const char *charset, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_readFileText32(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset, int numBytes, const char *charset);

This method is identical to ReadFileBytes32 except for one thing: The bytes are interpreted according to the specified charset (i.e. the character encoding) and returned as a string. A list of supported charset values may be found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Note: If the charset is an encoding where a single character might be represented in multiple bytes (such as utf-8, Shift_JIS, etc.) then there is a risk that the very last character may be partially read. This is because the method specifies the number of bytes to read, not the number of characters. This is never a problem with character encodings that use a single byte per character, such as all of the iso-8859-* encodings, or the Windows-* encodings.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileText32Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileText32Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset, int numBytes, const char *charset);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileText32 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileText64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset, int numBytes, const char *charset, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_readFileText64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset, int numBytes, const char *charset);

This method is identical to ReadFileBytes64 except for one thing: The bytes are interpreted according to the specified charset (i.e. the character encoding) and returned as a string. A list of supported charset values may be found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Note: If the charset is an encoding where a single character might be represented in multiple bytes (such as utf-8, Shift_JIS, etc.) then there is a risk that the very last character may be partially read. This is because the method specifies the number of bytes to read, not the number of characters. This is never a problem with character encodings that use a single byte per character, such as all of the iso-8859-* encodings, or the Windows-* encodings.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileText64Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileText64Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset, int numBytes, const char *charset);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileText64 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadFileText64s(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset, int numBytes, const char *charset, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_readFileText64s(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset, int numBytes, const char *charset);

This method is identical to ReadFileBytes64s except for one thing: The bytes are interpreted according to the specified charset (i.e. the character encoding) and returned as a string. A list of supported charset values may be found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Note: If the charset is an encoding where a single character might be represented in multiple bytes (such as utf-8, Shift_JIS, etc.) then there is a risk that the very last character may be partially read. This is because the method specifies the number of bytes to read, not the number of characters. This is never a problem with character encodings that use a single byte per character, such as all of the iso-8859-* encodings, or the Windows-* encodings.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadFileText64sAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadFileText64sAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset, int numBytes, const char *charset);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFileText64s method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ReadLink(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_readLink(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);
Introduced in version

Returns the target of a symbolic link on the server. The path is the path of the symbolic link on the server.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ReadLinkAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ReadLinkAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadLink method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_RealPath(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *originalPath, const char *composePath, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_realPath(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *originalPath, const char *composePath);

This method can be used to have the server canonicalize any given path name to an absolute path. This is useful for converting path names containing ".." components or relative pathnames without a leading slash into absolute paths. The absolute path is returned by this method.

originalPath is the first component of the path which the client wishes resolved into a absolute canonical path. This may be the entire path.

The composePath is a path which the client wishes the server to compose with the original path to form the new path. This field is optional and may be set to a zero-length string.

The server will take the originalPath and apply the composePath as a modification to it. composePath may be relative to originalPath or may be an absolute path, in which case originalPath will be discarded. The composePath may be zero length.

Note: Servers running SFTP v4 and below do not support composePath.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

RealPathAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_RealPathAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *originalPath, const char *composePath);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the RealPath method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_RemoveDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);

Deletes a directory on the remote server. Most (if not all) SFTP servers require that the directorybe empty of files before it may be deleted.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

RemoveDirAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_RemoveDirAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *path);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the RemoveDir method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_RemoveFile(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *filename);

Deletes a file on the SFTP server.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
RemoveFileAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_RemoveFileAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *filename);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the RemoveFile method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_RenameFileOrDir(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);

Renames a file or directory on the SFTP server. This is the equivalent of moving a file. To move a file from one directory to another, call this method where oldPath is the path of the existing file, and newPath is the path where the file is to be moved. For example, rename a file from "someDirA/filename" to "someDirB/abc/xyz/filename".

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

RenameFileOrDirAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_RenameFileOrDirAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the RenameFileOrDir method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ResumeDownloadFileByName(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Resumes an SFTP download. The size of the localFilePath is checked and the download begins at the appropriate position in the remoteFilePath. If localFilePath is empty or non-existent, then this method is identical to DownloadFileByName. If the localFilePath is already fully downloaded, then no additional data is downloaded and the method will return TRUE.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
ResumeDownloadFileByNameAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ResumeDownloadFileByNameAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ResumeDownloadFileByName method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_ResumeUploadFileByName(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Resumes a file upload to the SFTP/SSH server. The size of the remoteFilePath is first checked to determine the starting offset for the upload. If remoteFilePath is empty or does not exist, this method is equivalent to UploadFileByName. If remoteFilePath is already fully uploaded (i.e. it's size is equal to localFilePath), then no additional bytes are uploaded and TRUE is returned.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
ResumeUploadFileByNameAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_ResumeUploadFileByNameAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ResumeUploadFileByName method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SendIgnore(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Sends an IGNORE message to the SSH server. This is one way of verifying that the connection to the SSH server is open and valid. The SSH server does not respond to an IGNORE message. It simply ignores it. IGNORE messages are not associated with a channel (i.e., you do not need to first open a channel prior to sending an IGNORE message).

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SendIgnoreAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SendIgnoreAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SendIgnore method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetAllowedAlgorithms(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkJsonObject json);
Introduced in version

Provides a way to specific the exact set of algorithms allowed for the connection.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
BOOL CkSFtp_SetCreateDt(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, HCkDateTime createDateTime);

Sets the create date/time for a file on the server. The pathOrHandle may be a filepath or the handle of a currently open file. isHandle should be set to TRUE if the pathOrHandle is a handle, otherwise set isHandle to FALSE.

Note: Servers running version 3 or lower of the SFTP protocol do not support setting the create date/time.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SetCreateDtAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetCreateDtAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, HCkDateTime createDateTime);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetCreateDt method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetCreateTimeStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bIsHandle, const char *dateTimeStr);

The same as SetCreateTime, except the date/time is passed as an RFC822 formatted string.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SetCreateTimeStrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetCreateTimeStrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bIsHandle, const char *dateTimeStr);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetCreateTimeStr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetLastAccessDt(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, HCkDateTime accessDateTime);

Sets the last-access date/time for a file on the server. The pathOrHandle may be a filepath or the handle of a currently open file. isHandle should be set to TRUE if the pathOrHandle is a handle, otherwise set isHandle to FALSE.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SetLastAccessDtAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetLastAccessDtAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, HCkDateTime accessDateTime);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetLastAccessDt method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetLastAccessTimeStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bIsHandle, const char *dateTimeStr);

The same as SetLastAccessTime, except the date/time is passed as an RFC822 formatted string.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SetLastAccessTimeStrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetLastAccessTimeStrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bIsHandle, const char *dateTimeStr);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetLastAccessTimeStr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetLastModifiedDt(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, HCkDateTime modifiedDateTime);

Sets the last-modified date/time for a file on the server. The pathOrHandle may be a filepath or the handle of a currently open file. isHandle should be set to TRUE if the pathOrHandle is a handle, otherwise set isHandle to FALSE.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SetLastModifiedDtAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetLastModifiedDtAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, HCkDateTime modifiedDateTime);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetLastModifiedDt method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetLastModifiedTime(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, SYSTEMTIME * modifiedDateTime);
This method is deprecated. It will be removed in a future version.

Sets the last-modified date/time for a file on the server. The pathOrHandle may be a filepath or the handle of a currently open file. isHandle should be set to TRUE if the pathOrHandle is a handle, otherwise set isHandle to FALSE.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

BOOL CkSFtp_SetLastModifiedTimeStr(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bIsHandle, const char *dateTimeStr);

The same as SetLastModifiedTime, except the date/time is passed as an RFC822 formatted string.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SetLastModifiedTimeStrAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetLastModifiedTimeStrAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL bIsHandle, const char *dateTimeStr);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetLastModifiedTimeStr method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetOwnerAndGroup(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, const char *owner, const char *group);

Sets the owner and group for a file on the server. The pathOrHandle may be a filepath or the handle of a currently open file. isHandle should be set to TRUE if the pathOrHandle is a handle, otherwise set isHandle to FALSE.

Note: Servers running version 3 or lower of the SFTP protocol do not support setting the owner and group.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SetOwnerAndGroupAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetOwnerAndGroupAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, const char *owner, const char *group);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetOwnerAndGroup method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SetPermissions(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, int permissions);

Sets the permissions for a file on the server. The pathOrHandle may be a filepath or the handle of a currently open file. isHandle should be set to TRUE if the pathOrHandle is a handle, otherwise set isHandle to FALSE.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
SetPermissionsAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SetPermissionsAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *pathOrHandle, BOOL isHandle, int permissions);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SetPermissions method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_StartKeyboardAuth(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *login, HCkString outStr);
const char *CkSFtp_startKeyboardAuth(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *login);
Introduced in version

Begins keyboard-interactive authentication with the SSH server. Returns an XML string providing the name, instruction, and prompts. The XML has the following format:

 	<infoRequest numPrompts="N">
	    <prompt1 echo="1_or_0">prompt_string</prompt1>
	    <promptN echo="1_or_0">prompt_string</promptN>

If the authentication immediately succeeds because no password is required, or immediately fails, the XML response can be:




Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

StartKeyboardAuthAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_StartKeyboardAuthAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *login);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the StartKeyboardAuth method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SymLink(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);
Introduced in version

Create a symbolic link from oldpath to newpath on the server filesystem.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
SymLinkAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SymLinkAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SymLink method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SyncTreeDownload(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteRoot, const char *localRoot, int mode, BOOL recurse);

Downloads files from the SFTP server to a local directory tree. Synchronization modes include:

mode=0: Download all files
mode=1: Download all files that do not exist on the local filesystem.
mode=2: Download newer or non-existant files.
mode=3: Download only newer files. If a file does not already exist on the local filesystem, it is not downloaded from the server.
mode=5: Download only missing files or files with size differences.
mode=6: Same as mode 5, but also download newer files.
mode=99: Do not download files, but instead delete remote files that do not exist locally.

If recurse is FALSE, then the remotel directory tree is not recursively descended.

Important: If the remoteRoot is an absolute path, then it is a path from the root of the server's filesystem. For example, "/home/joe/sourceDir". Use a relative path to specify a directory relative to the $HOME directory of the SSH user account. For example, "./sourceDir".

Note: After this method returns, the paths of the downloaded files are available in the SyncedFiles property.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SyncTreeDownloadAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SyncTreeDownloadAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteRoot, const char *localRoot, int mode, BOOL recurse);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SyncTreeDownload method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_SyncTreeUpload(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *localBaseDir, const char *remoteBaseDir, int mode, BOOL bRecurse);

Uploads a directory tree from the local filesystem to the SFTP server. Synchronization modes include:

mode=0: Upload all files
mode=1: Upload all files that do not exist on the server.
mode=2: Upload newer or non-existant files.
mode=3: Upload only newer files. If a file does not already exist on the server, it is not uploaded.
mode=4: transfer missing files or files with size differences.
mode=5: same as mode 4, but also newer files.

If bRecurse is FALSE, then the local directory tree is not recursively descended.

Important: If the remoteBaseDir is an absolute path, then it is a path from the root of the server's filesystem. For example, "/home/joe/targetDir". Use a relative path to specify a directory relative to the $HOME directory of the SSH user account. For example, "./targetDir".

Note: After this method returns, the paths of the downloaded files are available in the SyncedFiles property.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

SyncTreeUploadAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_SyncTreeUploadAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *localBaseDir, const char *remoteBaseDir, int mode, BOOL bRecurse);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SyncTreeUpload method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_UploadBd(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkBinData binData, const char *remoteFilePath);
Introduced in version

Uploads the contents of a BinData to a remote file.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
UploadBdAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_UploadBdAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkBinData binData, const char *remoteFilePath);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UploadBd method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_UploadFile(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *fromLocalFilePath);

Uploads a file from the local filesystem to the SFTP server. handle is a handle of a currently open file (obtained by calling the OpenFile method). fromLocalFilePath is the local file path of the file to be uploaded.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
UploadFileAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_UploadFileAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *fromLocalFilePath);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UploadFile method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_UploadFileByName(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Simplified method for uploading a file to the SFTP/SSH server.

The last-modified date/time is only preserved if the PreserveDate property is set to TRUE. This behavior of maintaining the last-mod date/time was introduced in v9.5.0.40.

Important: If the remoteFilePath is an absolute path, then it is a path from the root of the server's filesystem. For example, "/home/joe/someFile.txt". Use a relative path to specify a directory relative to the $HOME directory of the SSH user account. For example, "./someFile.txt".

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

UploadFileByNameAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_UploadFileByNameAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *localFilePath);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UploadFileByName method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_UploadSb(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkStringBuilder sb, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *charset, BOOL includeBom);
Introduced in version

Uploads the contents of a StringBuilder to a remote file.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

UploadSbAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_UploadSbAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, HCkStringBuilder sb, const char *remoteFilePath, const char *charset, BOOL includeBom);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UploadSb method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileBd(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, HCkBinData bd);
Introduced in version

Appends the contents of bd to an open file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

More Information and Examples
WriteFileBdAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileBdAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, HCkBinData bd);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileBd method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileBytes(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, HCkByteData byteData);

Appends byte data to an open file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileBytesAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileBytesAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, HCkByteData byteData);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileBytes method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileBytes32(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset, HCkByteData data);

Writes data to an open file at a specific offset from the beginning of the file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The offset is an offset from the beginning of the file.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileBytes32Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileBytes32Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset, HCkByteData data);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileBytes32 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileBytes64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset64, HCkByteData data);

Writes data to an open file at a specific offset from the beginning of the file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The offset64 is an offset from the beginning of the file.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileBytes64Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileBytes64Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset64, HCkByteData data);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileBytes64 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileBytes64s(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset64, HCkByteData data);

Writes data to an open file at a specific offset from the beginning of the file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The offset64 is an offset (in decimal string format) from the beginning of the file.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileBytes64sAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileBytes64sAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset64, HCkByteData data);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileBytes64s method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileText(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Appends character data to an open file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. charset is a character encoding and is typically set to values such as "ansi", "utf-8", "windows-1252", etc. A list of supported character encodings is found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Note: It is necessary to specify the character encoding because in many programming languages, strings are represented as Unicode (2 bytes/char) and in most cases one does not wish to write Unicode chars to a text file (although it is possible by setting charset = "Unicode").

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileTextAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileTextAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileText method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileText32(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset32, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Writes character data to an open file at a specific offset from the beginning of the file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. charset is a character encoding and is typically set to values such as "ansi", "utf-8", "windows-1252", etc. A list of supported character encodings is found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileText32Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileText32Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, int offset32, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileText32 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileText64(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset64, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Writes character data to an open file at a specific offset from the beginning of the file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. charset is a character encoding and is typically set to values such as "ansi", "utf-8", "windows-1252", etc. A list of supported character encodings is found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileText64Async (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileText64Async(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, __int64 offset64, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileText64 method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkSFtp_WriteFileText64s(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset64, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Writes character data to an open file at a specific offset from the beginning of the file. The handle is a file handle returned by the OpenFile method. The offset64 is an offset (in decimal string format) from the beginning of the file. charset is a character encoding and is typically set to values such as "ansi", "utf-8", "windows-1252", etc. A list of supported character encodings is found on this page: Supported Charsets.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

WriteFileText64sAsync (1)
HCkTask CkSFtp_WriteFileText64sAsync(HCkSFtp cHandle, const char *handle, const char *offset64, const char *charset, const char *textData);

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteFileText64s method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure
