CkByteData C Reference Documentation
Current Version: 10.1.3
Represents a chunk of byte data and provides methods for accessing it, adding to it, or saving and loading from files.
HCkByteData instance = CkByteData_Create(); // ... CkByteData_Dispose(instance);
Creates an instance of the HCkByteData object and returns a handle ("void *" pointer). The handle is passed in the 1st argument for the functions listed on this page.
Objects created by calling CkByteData_Create must be freed by calling this method. A memory leak occurs if a handle is not disposed by calling this function. Also, any handle returned by a Chilkat "C" function must also be freed by the application by calling the appropriate Dispose method, such as CkByteData_Dispose.
void CkByteData_putSecureClear(HCkByteData cHandle, BOOL newVal);
If set to TRUE, then memory is always first overwritten with zero bytes prior to deallocation. The default value of this property is FALSE.
Appends byte data to the data already contained in the object.
Appends bytes to the data already contained in the object.
Appends a single byte.
Appends a single char N times. The equivalent of calling appendChar N times.
Appends binary data from an encoded string. The encoding can be specified as "hex", "base64", "url", "quoted-printable", "modBase64", "base58", or "base32". The input string is decoded from the specified encoding and the binary data is appended to the calling object's content.
To be documented soon...
Opens a file for binary read, appends the file contents, and closes the file.
Opens a file for binary read, appends the file contents, and closes the file.
Appends a 32-bit signed integer (4 bytes) to the data already contained in the object. littleEndian determines whether the big endian or little endian byte ordering is used.
Appends numBytes random bytes to the data already contained within the object.
Appends a range of bytes from byteData to the data contained withing the caller. The first byte is at index 0.
Appends a 16-bit signed integer (2 bytes) to the data already contained in the object. littleEndian determines whether the big endian or little endian byte ordering is used.
Appends a null-terminated string to the data, without including the terminating null.
To be documented soon...
Returns TRUE if the caller's data begins with the exact bytes contained within byteDataObj.
Returns TRUE if the caller's data begins with specified bytes.
Sets the CkByteData's data pointer and size to memory outside the object. This is useful in cases where a CkByteData object is needed, but copying data into the CkByteData is not desired.
Note: The borrowData method can only be used for data that is being passed into a Chilkat method call. It is not for use as a buffer for Chilkat to deposit data. This is not the intent of the method.
4321 byte swaps the data contained within the object.
Clears the CkByteData object of all data. The internal memory is deallocated. To clear without deallocating, call dropData instead.
Sets the size of the data to 0. Does not deallocate the existing internal buffer. (This is a fast way of "clearing" the CkByteData object, such that the existing data remains in memory and is overwritten on the next append.)
If the SecureClear property is set to TRUE, then the internal memory buffer is zeroed out before resetting the size to 0.
Encodes binary data according to the encoding requested. The encoding can be specified as "hex", "base64", "url", "quoted-printable", "modBase64", "base58", "base32", "qp-
To be documented soon...
This method can be called to help optimize internal memory re-allocation. If, for example, many calls will be made to append data, and the total size is approximately known, then this method can be called to pre-allocate the internal buffer to the expected total size.
If the internal buffer is already larger than the expectedNumBytes then nothing happens. The existing internal buffer is kept.
Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
Returns TRUE if compareBytes contains exactly the same content as the caller. Otherwise returns FALSE.
Returns TRUE if the contents of this CkByteData object is exactly equal in both size and content to the bytes passed in pCompareBytes and the size passed in numBytes. Otherwise returns FALSE.
Note: Call beginsWith2 to test if the 1st N bytes are equal.
Locates the first occurrence of the bytes contained in byteDataObj and returns the index of where these bytes occur in the caller's data. Returns -1 if not found.
Locates the first occurrence of the specified bytes and returns the index of where these bytes occur in the caller's data. Returns -1 if not found.
Returns the Nth byte of the binary data. The 1st byte is at index 0.
Returns the Nth byte of the binary content as a "char". The 1st byte is at index 0.
Returns a pointer to the internal buffer. Be careful with this method because if additional data is appended, the data within the object may be relocated and the pointer may cease to be valid.
Same as getData, except it gets a pointer to the data at a byte offset. (0 = the start of buffer)
The utf-16 version of getEncoded.
Returns the 4-byte integer located at a specific byte index.
Copies a range of bytes to a separate internal memory buffer and returns the pointer to the bytes. The returned pointer is only valid while the object exists. Also, any subsequent calls to getRange, getRangeStr, or to_s will invalidate the buffer.
Returns the 2-byte integer located at a specific byte index.
Returns the number of bytes in the data buffer.
Returns the 4-byte unsigned integer located at a specific byte index.
Returns the 2-byte unsigned integer located at a specific byte index.
Returns TRUE if all the bytes are in the range 0x00 to 0x7F.
Equivalent to clear() followed by appendFile().
To be documented soon...
Pads the data to a multiple of the blockSize using a cryptographic padding scheme specified by paddingScheme. The possible integer values for paddingScheme are the same as those listed for the PaddingScheme property of the CkCrypt2 class.
Removes (discards) a range from the data.
Removes the data from the CkByteData object. The caller will receivea pointer to the memory buffer, and is responsible for deleting it.
unsigned char *data = byteData.removeData();
... do something with the data....
delete [] data;
Replaces all occurrences of existingByteValue with replacementByteValue.
Saves the byte data to a file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
To be documented soon...
Discards N bytes from the end of the data.
To be documented soon...
Unpads the data from a multiple of the blockSize to the original data size using a cryptographic padding scheme specified by paddingScheme. The possible integer values for paddingScheme are the same as those listed for the PaddingScheme property of the CkCrypt2 class.