AuthGoogle Unicode C Reference Documentation


Current Version: 10.1.3

Provides functionality for authenticating calls to the Google Cloud Platform API and Google Apps API using a service account.


HCkAuthGoogleW instance = CkAuthGoogleW_Create();
// ...
HCkAuthGoogleW CkAuthGoogleW_Create(void);

Creates an instance of the HCkAuthGoogleW object and returns a handle ("void *" pointer). The handle is passed in the 1st argument for the functions listed on this page.

void CkAuthGoogleW_Dispose(HCkAuthGoogleW handle);

Objects created by calling CkAuthGoogleW_Create must be freed by calling this method. A memory leak occurs if a handle is not disposed by calling this function. Also, any handle returned by a Chilkat "C" function must also be freed by the application by calling the appropriate Dispose method, such as CkAuthGoogleW_Dispose.

Callback Functions

Callback Functions introduced in Chilkat v9.5.0.56
void CkAuthGoogleW_setAbortCheck(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, BOOL (*fnAbortCheck)(void));

Provides the opportunity for a method call to be aborted. If TRUE is returned, the operation in progress is aborted. Return FALSE to allow the current method call to continue. This callback function is called periodically based on the value of the HeartbeatMs property. (If HeartbeatMs is 0, then no callbacks are made.) As an example, to make 5 AbortCheck callbacks per second, set the HeartbeatMs property equal to 200.

void CkAuthGoogleW_setPercentDone(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, BOOL (*fnPercentDone)(int pctDone));

Provides the percentage completed for any method that involves network communications or time-consuming processing (assuming it is a method where a percentage completion can be measured). This callback is only called when it is possible to know a percentage completion, and when it makes sense to express the operation as a percentage completed. The pctDone argument will have a value from 1 to 100. For methods that complete very quickly, the number of PercentDone callbacks will vary, but the final callback should have a value of 100. For long running operations, no more than one callback per percentage point will occur (for example: 1, 2, 3, ... 98, 99, 100).

This callback counts as an AbortCheck callback, and takes the place of the AbortCheck event when it fires.

The return value indicates whether the method call should be aborted, or whether it should proceed. Return TRUE to abort, and FALSE to proceed.

void CkAuthGoogleW_setProgressInfo(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, void (*fnProgressInfo)(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *value));

This is a general callback that provides name/value information about what is happening at certain points during a method call. To see the information provided in ProgressInfo callbacks, if any, write code to handle this event and log the name/value pairs. Most are self-explanatory.

void CkAuthGoogleW_setTaskCompleted(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, void (*fnTaskCompleted)(HCkTaskW hTask));

Called in the background thread when an asynchronous task completes. (Note: When an async method is running, all callbacks are in the background thread.)


void CkAuthGoogleW_getAccessToken(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putAccessToken(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, const wchar_t *newVal);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_accessToken(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

The access token to be used in Google API requests. This property is set on a successful call to ObtainAccessToken.

Important: This class is used for authenticating calls to the Google Cloud Platform API and Google Apps API using a service account.. For 3-legged OAuth2, where a browser must be used to interactively get permission from the Google account owner, use the Chilkat OAuth2 class/object.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getDebugLogFilePath(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putDebugLogFilePath(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, const wchar_t *newVal);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_debugLogFilePath(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);

If set to a file path, this property logs the LastErrorText of each Chilkat method or property call to the specified file. This logging helps identify the context and history of Chilkat calls leading up to any crash or hang, aiding in debugging.

Enabling the VerboseLogging property provides more detailed information. This property is mainly used for debugging rare instances where a Chilkat method call causes a hang or crash, which should generally not happen.

Possible causes of hangs include:

  • A timeout property set to 0, indicating an infinite timeout.
  • A hang occurring within an event callback in the application code.
  • An internal bug in the Chilkat code causing the hang.

More Information and Examples
void CkAuthGoogleW_getEmailAddress(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putEmailAddress(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, const wchar_t *newVal);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_emailAddress(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

The client email address of the service account. If a JSON key is used, then the client_email should already be specified within the JSON key, and this property is unused. This property must be set if using a P12 key.

int CkAuthGoogleW_getExpireNumSeconds(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putExpireNumSeconds(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, int newVal);
Introduced in version

The expiration time, in seconds, of the access token to be requested. The maximum value is 1 hour (3600 seconds). The default value is 3600.

int CkAuthGoogleW_getIat(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putIat(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, int newVal);
Introduced in version

This property can be set to override the default current date/time value for the "iat" claim of the JWT. It can be set to a value indicating the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC.

The default value is 0, which indicates to use the iat value for the current system date/time. Unless explicitly needed, always leave this property at the default value.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getJsonKey(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putJsonKey(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, const wchar_t *newVal);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_jsonKey(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

The JSON key for obtaining an access token. An application must set either the P12 or JSON private key, but not both.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getLastErrorHtml(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_lastErrorHtml(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);

Provides HTML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getLastErrorText(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_lastErrorText(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);

Provides plain text information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getLastErrorXml(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_lastErrorXml(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);

Provides XML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

BOOL CkAuthGoogleW_getLastMethodSuccess(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putLastMethodSuccess(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, BOOL newVal);

Indicates the success or failure of the most recent method call: TRUE means success, FALSE means failure. This property remains unchanged by property setters or getters. This method is present to address challenges in checking for null or Nothing returns in certain programming languages.

int CkAuthGoogleW_getNumSecondsRemaining(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

If the access token is valid, contains the number of seconds remaining until it expires. A value of 0 indicates an invalid or expired access token.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getScope(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putScope(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, const wchar_t *newVal);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_scope(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

A space-delimited list of the permissions that the application requests.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getSubEmailAddress(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putSubEmailAddress(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, const wchar_t *newVal);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_subEmailAddress(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

The email address of the user for which the application is requesting delegated access.

BOOL CkAuthGoogleW_getValid(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

TRUE if the AccessToken property contains a valid non-expired access token obtained via the call to ObtainAccessToken.

BOOL CkAuthGoogleW_getVerboseLogging(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
void CkAuthGoogleW_putVerboseLogging(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, BOOL newVal);

If set to TRUE, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is FALSE. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.

void CkAuthGoogleW_getVersion(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkString retval);
const wchar_t *CkAuthGoogleW_version(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);

Version of the component/library, such as "10.1.0"

More Information and Examples


BOOL CkAuthGoogleW_AddClaims(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkJsonObjectW json);
Introduced in version

Adds additional custom claims to the JWT claims set.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

HCkPfxW CkAuthGoogleW_GetP12(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle);
Introduced in version

Returns the private key in a PFX (P12) object. This is only possible if the private key was previously set by calling SetP12.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkAuthGoogleW_LoadTaskCaller(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkTaskW task);
Introduced in version

Loads the caller of the task's async method.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

BOOL CkAuthGoogleW_ObtainAccessToken(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkSocketW connection);
Introduced in version

Sends the HTTP request to fetch the access token. When this method completes successfully, the access token is available in the AccessToken property. The connection is an existing connection to

Important: Make sure your computer's date/time is accurately set to the current date/time, otherwise you'll get a 400 response status code with this error: "Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token (60 minutes) and in a reasonable timeframe. Check your iat and exp values and use a clock with skew to account for clock differences between systems.".

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

ObtainAccessTokenAsync (1)
HCkTaskW CkAuthGoogleW_ObtainAccessTokenAsync(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkSocketW connection);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ObtainAccessToken method with the arguments provided.

Returns NULL on failure

BOOL CkAuthGoogleW_SetP12(HCkAuthGoogleW cHandle, HCkPfxW key);
Introduced in version

Sets the P12 private key to be used for obtaining an access token. An application must set either the P12 or JSON private key, but not both.

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
