Zip DataFlex Reference Documentation


Current Version: 10.1.3

Zip compression component.

Object Creation

// (Dataflex programs use the 32-bit Chilkat ActiveX)
Handle hoZip
Get Create(RefClass(cComChilkatZip)) to hoZip


Function ComAbortCurrent Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComAbortCurrent Boolean value
Introduced in version

When set to True, causes the currently running method to abort. Methods that always finish quickly (i.e.have no length file operations or network communications) are not affected. If no method is running, then this property is automatically reset to False when the next method is called. When the abort occurs, this property is reset to False. Both synchronous and asynchronous method calls can be aborted. (A synchronous method call could be aborted by setting this property from a separate thread.)

Function ComAppendFromDir Returns String
Procedure Set ComAppendFromDir String value

When files are added to a Zip archive, they are appended from this directory. For example, to add all the files under c:/abc/123/myAppDir, this property could be set to "c:/abc/123", and "myAppDir/*" would be passed to AppendFiles. The path that is saved in the .zip would be "myAppDir/". (The value of the AppendFromDir property does not become part of the file path saved in the .zip.)

More Information and Examples
Function ComAutoRun Returns String
Procedure Set ComAutoRun String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Optional when creating Windows-based self-extracting EXEs. This is the name of an executable contained within the to-be-created EXE that will automatically be run after extraction. (This is typically something like "setup.exe")

Function ComAutoRunParams Returns String
Procedure Set ComAutoRunParams String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Command line parameters that get passed to the AutoRun executable.

Function ComAutoTemp Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComAutoTemp Boolean value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) This option applies to creating Windows-based self-extracting EXEs. If True, the to-be-created EXE will automatically select and create a temporary directory for unzipping. This property is often used in conjunction with the AutoRun property to create a self-extracting EXE that automatically unzips to a temp directory and runs a setup.exe without interaction with the user.

Note: To create a self-extracting EXE with no user-interaction, set the following properties to these values:

ExeSilentProgress = False
ExeNoInterface = True
ExeFinishNotifier = False

The default AutoTemp value is False.

Function ComCaseSensitive Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComCaseSensitive Boolean value

If True then all methods that get or search for zip entries by name will use case-sensitive filename matching. If False then filename matching will be case insensitive. Methods affected by this property include GetEntryByName, UnzipMatching, FirstMatchingEntry, etc.

The default value is False.

Function ComClearArchiveAttribute Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComClearArchiveAttribute Boolean value

Set this to True to clear the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE file attribute of each file (in the local filesystem) during a zipping operation.

The default value is False.

Note: The archive attribute or bit, is a Windows file attribute that when is set, it indicates that the file has changed since the last backup operation. When this property is True, Chilkat Zip will clear the archive attribute of each local file after it has been successfully added to the zip.

Function ComClearReadOnlyAttr Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComClearReadOnlyAttr Boolean value

If True, the read-only attribute is automatically cleared when unzipping. The default value of this property is False, which leaves the read-only attribute unchanged when unzipping.

Function ComComment Returns String
Procedure Set ComComment String value

The global Zip file comment.

Function ComDebugLogFilePath Returns String
Procedure Set ComDebugLogFilePath String value

If set to a file path, this property logs the LastErrorText of each Chilkat method or property call to the specified file. This logging helps identify the context and history of Chilkat calls leading up to any crash or hang, aiding in debugging.

Enabling the VerboseLogging property provides more detailed information. This property is mainly used for debugging rare instances where a Chilkat method call causes a hang or crash, which should generally not happen.

Possible causes of hangs include:

  • A timeout property set to 0, indicating an infinite timeout.
  • A hang occurring within an event callback in the application code.
  • An internal bug in the Chilkat code causing the hang.

More Information and Examples
Function ComDecryptPassword Returns String
Procedure Set ComDecryptPassword String value

When opening a password-protected or AES encrypted Zip, this is the password to be used for decryption. Encrypted Zips may be opened without setting a password, but the contents cannot be unzipped without setting this password.

Note:The SetPassword method has the effect of setting both this property as well as the EncryptPassword property. The SetPassword method should no longer be used. It has been replaced by the DecryptPassword and EncryptPassword properties to make it possible to open an encrypted zip and re-write it with a new password.

Function ComDiscardPaths Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComDiscardPaths Boolean value

If True, discards all file path information when zipping. The default value is False.

Function ComEncryption Returns Integer
Procedure Set ComEncryption Integer value

Indicate whether the Zip is to be strong encrypted or not. Valid values are 0 (not encrypted) or 4 (AES encrypted). When this property is set to the value 4, WinZip AES compatible encrypted zip archives are produced.

Note: Prior to Chilkat v9.4.1, other possible values for this property were: 1 (blowfish), 2 (twofish), and 3 (rijndael). These settings originally provided a way to produce strong encrypted zips prior to when the AES encrypted Zip standard existed. Using these legacy values (1, 2, or 3) produced encrypted zips that only applications using Chilkat could read. Chilkat no longer supports these custom modes of encryption. If using an older version of Chilkat with one of these deprecated encryption modes, make sure to decrypt using the old Chilkat version and re-encrypt using mode 4 (WinZip compatible AES encryption) prior to updating to the new Chilkat version.

Important:The Encryption and PasswordProtect properties are mutually exclusive. PasswordProtect corresponds to the older Zip 2.0 encryption, commonly referred to as a "password-protected" zip. If the PasswordProtect is set to True, the Encryption property should be set to 0. If the Encryption property is set to a non-zero value, then PasswordProtect should be set to False. A zip cannot be both password-protected and strong-encrypted.

Function ComEncryptKeyLength Returns Integer
Procedure Set ComEncryptKeyLength Integer value

The encryption key length if AES, Blowfish, Twofish, or WinZip-compatible AES encryption is used. This value must be 128, 192, or 256. The default value is 128.

Function ComEncryptPassword Returns String
Procedure Set ComEncryptPassword String value

The password used when writing a password-protected or strong-encrytped Zip.

Note:The SetPassword method has the effect of setting both this property as well as the DecryptPassword property. The SetPassword method should no longer be used. It has been replaced by the DecryptPassword and EncryptPassword properties to make it possible to open an encrypted zip and re-write it with a new password.

Function ComExeDefaultDir Returns String
Procedure Set ComExeDefaultDir String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Specifies the default unzip directory path to appear in the user-interface dialog box when the Windows-based self-extracting EXE is run.

Function ComExeFinishNotifier Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComExeFinishNotifier Boolean value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) If set to True, a "Finished" dialog box is displayed when the self-extracting EXE is finished extracting. The caption, title, and button text of the finish notifier dialog may be customized by calling SetExeConfigParam. The default value is False.

Function ComExeIconFile Returns String
Procedure Set ComExeIconFile String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Applies to creating self-extracting EXEs. This property can be set to a pre-existing icon filename (.ico) that will be embedded within the to-be-created EXE and set as its default icon.

Note: This property is only possible for 32-bit applications. (Meaning that the application that is creating the self-extracting EXE must be a 32-bit application if an ExeIconFile is to be used.)

Function ComExeNoInterface Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComExeNoInterface Boolean value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Applies to creating Windows-based self-extracting EXEs. When set to True, the to-be-created EXE will run without a user-interface. The default value is False.

Note: The ExeSilentProgress property needs to be set to True for the extract to be truly silent.

Important: If the AutoTemp property = True and there is no AutoRun EXE, and there is no ExeUnzipDir set, then the self-extracting EXE will always display a dialog to get the unzip directory. The reason is that it makes no sense to silently unzip to an auto-selected (and unknown) temp directory without anything happening afterwards.

Important: If the self-extracting EXE is encrypted, a password dialog will be displayed. The password dialog may be suppressed if the password is provided on the command line via the -pwd command-line option.

Function ComExeSilentProgress Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComExeSilentProgress Boolean value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Determines whether a progress dialog is displayed when the self-extracting EXE is run. If ExeNoInterface = False (i.e. there is a main dialog with the ability to select the unzip directory), then the progress dialog is (by default) shown as a progress bar within the main dialog -- and this property has no effect. If ExeNoInterface = True, then a progress-only dialog is displayed if ExeSilentProgress = False. The default value of ExeSilentProgress is True.

Function ComExeTitle Returns String
Procedure Set ComExeTitle String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Applies to creating Windows-based self-extracting EXEs. Sets the title of the main user-interface dialog that appears when the self-extracting EXE runs.

Function ComExeUnzipCaption Returns String
Procedure Set ComExeUnzipCaption String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Applies to creating MS Windows-based self-extracting EXEs. Sets the unzipping caption of the main user-interface dialog that appears when the self-extracting EXE runs.

Function ComExeUnzipDir Returns String
Procedure Set ComExeUnzipDir String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Applies to creating MS Windows self-extracting EXEs. Stores a pre-defined unzip directory within the self-extracting EXE so that it automatically unzips to this directory without user-intervention.

Environment variables may be included if surrounded by percent characters. For example: %TEMP%. Environment variables are expanded (i.e. resolved) when the self-extracting EXE runs.

Note: UNC paths, such as \\servername\path, are not supported.

Note: To create a self-extracting EXE with no user-interaction, set the following properties to these values:

ExeSilentProgress  = False<br>
ExeNoInterface = True<br>
ExeFinishNotifier = False

Function ComExeWaitForSetup Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComExeWaitForSetup Boolean value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) If True, the self-extracting EXE will wait for the AutoRun EXE to complete before it exits. If False, the self-extracting EXE dialog (or process if running silently with no user-interface), is allowed to exit prior to the completion of the AutoRun EXE. The default value is True.

Function ComExeXmlConfig Returns String
Procedure Set ComExeXmlConfig String value

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Allows for an XML config document to be used to specify all possible options for self-extracting EXEs. This property is a string containing the XML config document.

The XML should have this format:

	<ErrPwdTitle>Title for incorrect password dialog</ErrPwdTitle>
	<ErrPwdCaption>Caption for incorrect password dialog</ErrPwdCaption>
	<FinOkBtn>Text on finish notifier button</FinOkBtn>
	<PwdOkBtn>Text on password challenge dialog's "OK" button.</PwdOkBtn>
	<PwdCancelBtn>Text on password challenge dialog's Cancel button.</PwdCancelBtn>
	<ErrInvalidPassword>Incorrect password error message.</ErrInvalidPassword>
	<MainUnzipBtn>Text on main dialog's unzip button</MainUnzipBtn>
	<MainCloseBtn>Text on main dialog's quit/exit button</MainCloseBtn>
	<MainBrowseBtn>Text on main dialog's browse-for-directory button.</MainBrowseBtn>
	<MainUnzipLabel>Caption displayed in main dialog.</MainUnzipLabel>
	<AutoTemp>"1|0 (Maps to the AutoTemp property)"</AutoTemp>
	<Cleanup>"1|0 (Deletes extracted files after the SetupExe is run.)"</Cleanup>
	<Debug>"1|0  (If 1, the EXE will not extract any files.)"</Debug>
	<Verbose>"1|0 (If 1, then verbose information is sent to the log.)"</Verbose>
	<ShowFin>"1|0" Maps to ExeFinishNotifier property.</ShowFin>
	<ShowMain>"1|0" Maps to ExeNoInterface property.</ShowMain>
	<ShowProgress>"1|0" Maps to ExeSilentProgress property.</ShowProgress>
	<WaitForSetup>"1|0" Maps to ExeWaitForSetup property.</WaitForSetup>
	<Encryption>"1|0"  1=Yes, 0=No</Encryption>
	<SetupExe>EXE to run after extracting. (Maps to AutoRun property)</SetupExe>
	<UnzipDir>Pre-defined unzip directory. (Maps to ExeUnzipDir property, 
                                                UNC paths, such as \\servername\path, are not supported.)>
	<DefaultDir>Default unzip directory to appear in the main dialog. 
                                                (Maps to ExeDefaultDir property)</DefaultDir>
	<IconFile>Icon file to be used (Maps to ExeIconFile property)</IconFile>
	<Url>Maps to ExeSourceUrl property.</Url>
	<MainTitle>Maps to ExeTitle property.</MainTitle>
	<MainCaption>Maps to ExeUnzipCaption property.</MainCaption>
	<FinTitle>Title for the finish notifier dialog.</FinTitle>
	<FinCaption>Caption for the finish notifier dialog.</FinTitle>
	<ProgressTitle>Title for the progress dialog.</ProgressTitle>
	<ProgressCaption>Caption for the progress dialog.</ProgressCaption>
	<PwTitle>Title for the password challenge dialog.</PwTitle>
	<PwCaption>Caption for the password challenge dialog.</PwCaption>

A self-extracting EXE can be run from the command line with the "-log {logFilePath}" option to create a log with information for debugging.

Function ComFileCount Returns Integer

The number of files (excluding directories) contained within the Zip.

Function ComFileName Returns String
Procedure Set ComFileName String value

The path (absolute or relative) of the Zip archive. This is the path of the file that is created or overwritten when the zip is saved.

Function ComHasZipFormatErrors Returns Boolean

True if the opened zip contained file format errors (that were not severe enough to prevent the zip from being opened and parsed).

Function ComIgnoreAccessDenied Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComIgnoreAccessDenied Boolean value

If True, then files that cannot be read due to "access denied" (i.e. a file permission error) will be ignored and the call to WriteZip, WriteZipAndClose, WriteExe, etc. will return a success status. If False, then the "access denied" filesystem errors are not ignored and any occurrence will cause the zip writing to fail. The default value is True.

Function ComLastBinaryResult Returns Variant

This property is mainly used in SQL Server stored procedures to retrieve binary data from the last method call that returned binary data. It is only accessible if Chilkat.Global.KeepBinaryResult is set to True. This feature allows for the retrieval of large varbinary results in an SQL Server environment, which has restrictions on returning large data via method calls, though temp tables can handle binary properties.

Function ComLastErrorHtml Returns String

Provides HTML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

Function ComLastErrorText Returns String

Provides plain text information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

Function ComLastErrorXml Returns String

Provides XML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

Function ComLastMethodSuccess Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComLastMethodSuccess Boolean value

Indicates the success or failure of the most recent method call: True means success, False means failure. This property remains unchanged by property setters or getters. This method is present to address challenges in checking for null or Nothing returns in certain programming languages.

Function ComLastStringResult Returns String

In SQL Server stored procedures, this property holds the string return value of the most recent method call that returns a string. It is accessible only when Chilkat.Global.KeepStringResult is set to TRUE. SQL Server has limitations on string lengths returned from methods and properties, but temp tables can be used to access large strings.

Function ComLastStringResultLen Returns Integer

The length, in characters, of the string contained in the LastStringResult property.

Function ComMaxDate Returns String
Procedure Set ComMaxDate String value
Introduced in version 10.0.0

The maximum last-modified date/time of a file to process for either adding to a .zip, or unzipping. This property uses the timestamp date/time string format. Here are some examples:

  • YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2024-07-31)
  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HH:MM (e.g., 2024-07-31T12:34:56+02:00)
  • 2024-07-31T12:34:56Z (the "Z" denotes Zulu time, or UTC)

This property defaults to the empty string, which means there is no maximum.

Function ComMaxUncompressSize Returns Integer
Procedure Set ComMaxUncompressSize Integer value
Introduced in version

An application can set this property to prevent unzipping any files larger than a max size uncompressed. The default value of this property is 0, which means any size file can be unzipped.

Function ComMinDate Returns String
Procedure Set ComMinDate String value
Introduced in version 10.0.0

The minimum last-modified date/time of a file to process for either adding to a .zip, or unzipping. This property uses the timestamp date/time string format. Here are some examples:

  • YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2024-07-31)
  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HH:MM (e.g., 2024-07-31T12:34:56+02:00)
  • 2024-07-31T12:34:56Z (the "Z" denotes Zulu time, or UTC)

This property defaults to the empty string, which means there is no minimum.

Function ComNumEntries Returns Integer

The number of entries in the Zip, including both files and directories.

More Information and Examples
Function ComOemCodePage Returns Integer
Procedure Set ComOemCodePage Integer value

Sets the OEM code page to be used for Unicode filenames. This property defaults to the OEM code page of the computer.

Function ComOverwriteExisting Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComOverwriteExisting Boolean value

Determines whether existing files are overwritten during unzipping. The default is True, which means that already-existing files will be overwritten. Set this property = False to prevent existing files from being overwritten when unzipping.

Function ComPasswordProtect Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComPasswordProtect Boolean value

True if the Zip should be password-protected using older Zip 2.0 encryption, commonly referred to as "password-protection".

This property is set when a zip archive is opened by any of the Open* methods, such as OpenZip, OpenFromMemory, etc.

Function ComPathPrefix Returns String
Procedure Set ComPathPrefix String value

A prefix that is added to each filename when zipping. One might set the PathPrefix to "subdir/" so that files are unzipped to a specified subdirectory when unzipping.

Function ComPwdProtCharset Returns String
Procedure Set ComPwdProtCharset String value
Introduced in version

For older password-protected Zip archives (Zip 2.0 encryption), specifies the charset used for the binary representation of the decrypt password. The default value is "ansi". Other possible choices are cp850, cp437, or any of the code pages listed at the link below.

Function ComTempDir Returns String
Procedure Set ComTempDir String value

The temporary directory to use when unzipping files or writing a .zip (see the note below). When running in ASP or ASP.NET, the default value of TempDir is set to the directory where the .zip is being written. Set this property to override the default.

Note: When writing a .zip, a temp file is only used if overwriting an existing .zip. The reason is to prevent losing the existing .zip if something fails when writing the new .zip. If the new .zip is successfully written, then the existing .zip is replaced with the new .zip.

Function ComUncommonOptions Returns String
Procedure Set ComUncommonOptions String value
Introduced in version

This is a catch-all property to be used for uncommon needs. This property defaults to the empty string, and should typically remain empty.

Currently, the only possible option is "ForceZip64".

  • "ForceZip64" - Force the zip to be written with the Zip64 file format, even if not necessary.

Function ComVerboseLogging Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComVerboseLogging Boolean value

If set to True, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is False. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.

Function ComVersion Returns String

Version of the component/library, such as "10.1.0"

More Information and Examples
Function ComZipx Returns Boolean
Procedure Set ComZipx Boolean value

Starting in v9.4.1, Chilkat Zip will automatically unzip ZIPX files using any of the following compression methods: BZIP2, PPMd, LZMA, and Deflate64 ("Deflate64" is a trademark of PKWare, Inc.)

This property, however, controls whether or not a ZipX is automatically produced where the best compression algorithm for each file is automatically chosen based on file type. This property is for writing zip archives. It does not apply to when unzipping ZIPX archives, Chilkat Zip automatically handles the various compression algorithms when unzipping.

Function ComZipxDefaultAlg Returns String
Procedure Set ComZipxDefaultAlg String value

The default compression algorithm to be used when creating ZIPX archives. The default value is "deflate". Other possible values are "ppmd", "lzma", "bzip2" and "deflate64". When writing a ZIPX archive, if the file extension does not indicate an obvious choice for the appropriate compression algorithm, then the ZipxDefaultAlg is used.



Procedure ComAddNoCompressExtension String fileExtension

Attempting to compress already-compressed data is usually a waste of CPU cycles with little or no benefit. In fact, it is possible that attempting to compress already-compressed data results in a slightly increased size. The Zip file format allows for files to be "stored" rather than compressed. This allows the file data to be streamed directly into a .zip without compression.

An instance of the Zip object has an internal list of "no compress" extensions. A filename with a "no compress" extension is "stored" rather than compressed. Additional "no compress" extensions may be added by calling this method (once per file extension). You should pass the file extension, such as ".xyz" in fileExtension.

"no compress" extensions may be removed by calling RemoveNoCompressExtension.

The default "no compress" extensions are: .zip, .gif, .jpg, .gz, .rar, .jar, .tgz, .bz2, .z, .rpm, .msi, .png

Function ComAppendBd String pathInZip cComChilkatBinData byteData Returns cComChilkatZipEntry
Introduced in version

Appends the contents of byteData as a new entry to this zip object. The zip entry object containing the data is returned.

Returns null on failure

Function ComAppendData String fileName Variant inData Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Appends in-memory data as a new entry to a Zip object. The ZipEntry object containing the data is returned.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns null on failure

Function ComAppendDataEncoded String filename String encoding String data Returns cComChilkatZipEntry
Introduced in version

Appends in-memory data as a new entry to a Zip object. The filename is the filename of the entry as it will appear within the zip. The encoding is the encoding of the data, such as "base64", "hex", etc. The full list of encodings is listed at the web page linked below.

Returns the zip entry object.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComAppendFiles String filePattern Boolean recurse Returns Boolean

Appends one or more files to the Zip object. The filePattern can use the "*" wildcard character for 0 or more of any characterSet recurse equal to True to recursively add all subdirectories, or False to only add files in the current directory.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

AppendFilesAsync (1)
Function ComAppendFilesAsync String filePattern Boolean recurse Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AppendFiles method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComAppendFilesEx String filePattern Boolean recurse Boolean saveExtraPath Boolean archiveOnly Boolean includeHidden Boolean includeSystem Returns Boolean

Appends one or more files to the Zip object. The filePattern can use the "*" to mean 0 or more of any character. The recurse controls whether directories are recursively traversed. Set recurse equal to True to append files and subdirectories in the directory tree. Set recurse equal to False to add files only from the indicated directory.

The saveExtraPath only applies when the filePattern is an absolute path pattern, such as "C:/temp/abc/*.txt". If saveExtraPath is True, then the absolute path will be included in the zip entry filenames as relative paths. For example, "temp/abc/xyz.txt".

The archiveOnly, includeHidden, and includeSystem flags only apply when on the Windows operating system. If archiveOnly is True, then only files that have the archive bit set will be included in the zip. If includeHidden is False, then hidden files are not included. If includeSystem is False, then files having the System attribute are not included.

Note: This method does not write the zip archive. It simply adds references to the files that will be included in the .zip when the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose methods are eventually called. Files and/or data may be added to the zip object by calling any combination of the Append* methods before finally writing the zip via one of the Write* methods.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
AppendFilesExAsync (1)
Function ComAppendFilesExAsync String filePattern Boolean recurse Boolean saveExtraPath Boolean archiveOnly Boolean includeHidden Boolean includeSystem Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AppendFilesEx method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComAppendNew String fileName Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Appends a new and empty entry to the Zip object and returns the ZipEntry object. Data can be appended to the entry by calling ZipEntry.AppendData.

Important: To append an already-existing file, call the AppendOneFileOrDir method. The AppendNew method inserts a new and empty file entry within the Zip object. The purpose of AppendNew is to either create an empty file within the Zip, or to create a new file entry which can then be filled with data by calling the entry's AppendData method.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComAppendNewDir String dirName Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Adds an entry to the zip so that when it unzips, a new directory (with no files) is created. The directory does not need to exist on the local filesystem when calling this method. The dirName is simply a string that is used as the directory path for the entry added to the zip. The zip entry object is returned.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComAppendOneFileOrDir String fileOrDirPath Boolean saveExtraPath Returns Boolean

Appends a single file or directory to the Zip object. The saveExtraPath applies when fileOrDirPath is an absolute (non-relative) path. If saveExtraPath is True, then the absolute path is made relative and saved in the zip. For example, if the fileOrDirPath is "C:/temp/xyz/test.txt" and saveExtraPath is True, then the path in the zip will be "./temp/xyz/test.txt". If however, fileOrDirPath contains a relative path, then saveExtraPath has no effect.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

AppendOneFileOrDirAsync (1)
Function ComAppendOneFileOrDirAsync String fileOrDirPath Boolean saveExtraPath Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the AppendOneFileOrDir method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComAppendSb String pathInZip cComChilkatStringBuilder sb String charset Returns Boolean
Introduced in version 10.0.0

Same as AppendString, but append the contents of of the sb, and allow the charset to be specified. The contents of sb is converted to charset before being added to the zip. The pathInZip is the path of the file that will be stored within the zip.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
Function ComAppendString String internalZipFilepath String textData Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Adds an in-memory string to the Zip object. The textData argument is converted to the ANSI charset before being added to the Zip. If the Zip were written to disk by calling WriteZip, and later unzipped, the entry would unzip to an ANSI text file.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComAppendString2 String internalZipFilepath String textData String charset Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Same as AppendString, but allows the charset to be specified. The textData is converted to charset before being added to the zip. The internalZipFilepath is the path of the file that will be stored within the zip.

Note: This method only updates the zip object. To update (rewrite) a zip file, either the WriteZip or WriteZipAndClose method would need to be called.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComAppendZip String zipFileName Returns Boolean

Adds the contents of another existing Zip file to this Zip object.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

Procedure ComCloseZip

Closes an open Zip file. This is identical to calling NewZip. (NewZip closes the current Zip file, if open, and initializes the Zip object to be empty. Zip files are only created when WriteZip is called.)

Function ComDeleteEntry cComChilkatZipEntry entry Returns Boolean

Removes a Zip entry from the calling Zip object.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
Procedure ComExcludeDir String dirName

Adds a directory name to be excluded when AppendFiles is called to add an entire directory tree. All directories having a name equal to an excluded directory will not be included when AppendFiles (or AppendFileEx) is called. Multiple directories can be excluded by calling ExcludeDir multiple times. The name comparison is case-insensitive.

Function ComExtractExe String exePath String dirPath Returns Boolean
Introduced in version

Extracts files from a Chilkat produced self-extracting EXE into the specified directory. Subdirectories are automatically created as needed. If the self-extracting EXE is encrypted, be sure to set the DecryptPassword property prior to calling this method.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

ExtractExeAsync (1)
Function ComExtractExeAsync String exePath String dirPath Returns cComChilkatTask
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ExtractExe method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComFirstEntry Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Return the first entry in the Zip. Call ZipEntry.NextEntry to iterate over the entries in a Zip until a NULL is returned.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComFirstMatchingEntry String pattern Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Returns the first entry having a filename matching a pattern. The "*" characters matches 0 or more of any character. The full filename, including path, is used when matching against the pattern. A NULL is returned if nothing matches.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComGetDirectoryAsXML Returns String

Return the contents of the Zip file directory in an XML formatted string

Returns null on failure

Function ComGetEntryByID Integer entryID Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Retrieves a ZipEntry by ID. Chilkat Zip.NET automatically assigns a unique ID to each ZipEntry in the Zip. This feature makes it easy to associate an item in a UI control with a ZipEntry.

Returns null on failure

Function ComGetEntryByIndex Integer index Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Retrieves a ZipEntry by index. The first entry is at index 0. This will return directory entries as well as files.

Returns null on failure

More Information and Examples
Function ComGetEntryByName String entryName Returns cComChilkatZipEntry

Returns a ZipEntry by filename. If a full or partial path is part of the filename, this must be included in the entryName. Zip archives generally use forward slashes for directory separators. Use a forward slashes instead of backslash chars conventionally used in Windows.

Returns null on failure

Function ComGetExclusions Returns cComCkStringArray

Returns the current collection of exclusion patterns that have been set by SetExclusions.

Returns null on failure

Function ComGetExeConfigParam String name Returns String

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Gets the value of an EXE config param as described in the ExeXmlConfig property.

Returns null on failure

Function ComGetMaxUncompressedSize Returns String
Introduced in version

Returns the size of the file contained within the Zip that has the largest uncompressed size. The size is returned in string form because it could be larger than what can be held in a 32-bit unsigned integer, and we leave it to the application to convert the string to an integer number. (If necessary. Perhaps your application is only interested in the order of magnitude, which can be known by the length of the string.)

Returns null on failure

Function ComIsNoCompressExtension String fileExtension Returns Boolean

Returns True if the fileExtension is contained in the set of "no compress" extensions, otherwise returns False. (See the documentation for the AddNoCompressExtension method.) The fileExtension may be passed with or without the ".". For example, both ".jpg" and "jpg" are acceptable.

Function ComIsPasswordProtected String zipFilename Returns Boolean

Return True if a Zip file is password protected

Function ComLoadTaskCaller cComChilkatTask task Returns Boolean
Introduced in version

Loads the caller of the task's async method.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

Function ComNewZip String zipFilePath Returns Boolean

Clears and initializes the contents of the Zip object. If a Zip file was open, it is closed and all entries are removed from the object. The FileName property is set to the zipFilePath argument.

More Information and Examples
Function ComOpenBd cComChilkatBinData binData Returns Boolean
Introduced in version

Open a Zip contained in binData.

When a zip is opened, the PasswordProtect and Encryption properties will be appropriately set. If the zip is password protected (i.e. uses older Zip 2.0 encrypion), then the PasswordProtect property will be set to True. If the zip is strong encrypted, the Encryption property will be set to a value 1 through 4, where 4 indicates WinZip compatible AES encryption.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
Function ComOpenEmbedded String exeFilename String resourceName Returns Boolean

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Opens a Zip embedded in an MS Windows EXE

Returns True for success, False for failure.

Function ComOpenFromByteData Variant byteData Returns Boolean

Same as OpenFromMemory.

When a zip is opened, the PasswordProtect and Encryption properties will be appropriately set. If the zip is password protected (i.e. uses older Zip 2.0 encrypion), then the PasswordProtect property will be set to True. If the zip is strong encrypted, the Encryption property will be set to a value 1 through 4, where 4 indicates WinZip compatible AES encryption.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

Function ComOpenFromMemory Variant inData Returns Boolean

Open a Zip that is completely in-memory. This allows for Zip files to be opened from non-filesystem sources, such as a database.

When a zip is opened, the PasswordProtect and Encryption properties will be appropriately set. If the zip is password protected (i.e. uses older Zip 2.0 encrypion), then the PasswordProtect property will be set to True. If the zip is strong encrypted, the Encryption property will be set to a value 1 through 4, where 4 indicates WinZip compatible AES encryption.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

Function ComOpenZip String zipPath Returns Boolean

Opens a Zip archive. Encrypted and password-protected zips may be opened without providing the password, but their contents may not be unzipped unless the correct password is provided via the DecryptPassword proprety, or the SetPassword method.

When a zip is opened, the PasswordProtect and Encryption properties will be appropriately set. If the zip is password protected (i.e. uses older Zip 2.0 encrypion), then the PasswordProtect property will be set to True. If the zip is strong encrypted, the Encryption property will be set to a value 1 through 4, where 4 indicates WinZip compatible AES encryption.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
OpenZipAsync (1)
Function ComOpenZipAsync String zipPath Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the OpenZip method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComQuickAppend String ZipFileName Returns Boolean

Efficiently appends additional files to an existing zip archive. QuickAppend leaves all entries in the existing .zip untouched. It operates by appending new files and updating the internal "central directory" of the zip archive.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

QuickAppendAsync (1)
Function ComQuickAppendAsync String ZipFileName Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the QuickAppend method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Procedure ComRemoveNoCompressExtension String fileExtension

Removes a file extension from the zip object's internal list of "no compress" extensions. (For more information, see AddNoCompressExtension.)

Procedure ComSetCompressionLevel Integer level

Sets the compression level for all file and data entries. The compression level for a mapped entry (i.e. an entry that is contained within an opened .zip, cannot be changed.) The default compression level is 6. A compression level of 0 is equivalent to no compression. The maximum compression level is 9.

The zip.SetCompressionLevel method must be called after appending the files (i.e. after the calls to AppendFile*, AppendData, or AppendOneFileOrDir).

A single call to SetCompressionLevel will set the compression level for all existing file and data entries.

Procedure ComSetExclusions cComCkStringArray excludePatterns

Specify a collection of exclusion patterns to be used when adding files to a Zip. Each pattern in the collection can use the "*" wildcard character, where "*" indicates 0 or more occurrences of any character.

Procedure ComSetExeConfigParam String paramName String paramValue

Sets a self-extractor property that is embedded in the resultant EXE created by the WriteExe or WriteExe2 methods. The paramName is one of the XML tags listed in the ExeXmlConfig property.

For example, to specify the text for the self-extractor's main dialog unzip button, paramName would be "MainUnzipBtn".

Procedure ComSetPassword String password

Set the password for an encrypted or password-protected Zip.

Note: The SetPassword method has the effect of setting both the EncryptPassword property as well as the DecryptPassword property. The SetPassword method should no longer be used. It has been replaced by the DecryptPassword and EncryptPassword properties to make it possible to open an encrypted zip and re-write it with a new password.

Function ComUnzip String dirPath Returns Integer

Unzips and returns the number of files unzipped, or -1 if a failure occurs. Subdirectories are automatically created during the unzipping process.

More Information and Examples
UnzipAsync (1)
Function ComUnzipAsync String dirPath Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the Unzip method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComUnzipInto String dirPath Returns Integer

Unzips and returns the number of files unzipped, or -1 if a failure occurs. All files in the Zip are unzipped into the specfied dirPath regardless of the directory path information contained in the Zip. This has the effect of collapsing all files into a single directory. If several files in the Zip have the same name, the files unzipped last will overwrite the files already unzipped.

UnzipIntoAsync (1)
Function ComUnzipIntoAsync String dirPath Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UnzipInto method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComUnzipMatching String dirPath String pattern Boolean verbose Returns Integer

Same as Unzip, but only unzips files matching a pattern. If no wildcard characters ('*') are used, then only files that exactly match the pattern will be unzipped. The "*" characters matches 0 or more of any character.

More Information and Examples
UnzipMatchingAsync (1)
Function ComUnzipMatchingAsync String dirPath String pattern Boolean verbose Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UnzipMatching method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComUnzipMatchingInto String dirPath String pattern Boolean verbose Returns Integer

Unzips matching files into a single directory, ignoring all path information stored in the Zip.

UnzipMatchingIntoAsync (1)
Function ComUnzipMatchingIntoAsync String dirPath String pattern Boolean verbose Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UnzipMatchingInto method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComUnzipNewer String dirPath Returns Integer

Same as Unzip, but only files that don't already exist on disk, or have later file modification dates are unzipped.

UnzipNewerAsync (1)
Function ComUnzipNewerAsync String dirPath Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the UnzipNewer method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComVerifyPassword Returns Boolean

Tests the current DecryptPassword setting against the currently opened zip. Returns True if the password is valid, otherwise returns False.

More Information and Examples
Function ComWriteBd cComChilkatBinData binData Returns Boolean
Introduced in version

Same as WriteZip, but instead of writing the Zip to a file, it writes to binData. Zips that are written to binData can be opened by calling OpenBd. Note: Both WriteBd and OpenBd are added in Chilkat v9.5.0.66

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
WriteBdAsync (1)
Function ComWriteBdAsync cComChilkatBinData binData Returns cComChilkatTask
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteBd method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComWriteExe String exeFilename Returns Boolean

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Writes an MS-Windows self-extracting executable. There are no limitations on the total size, individual file size, or number of files that can be added to a self-extracting EXE.

If the resultant EXE will automatically accept these command-line arguments when run:

-log logFileName
Creates a log file that lists the settings embedded within the EXE and logs the errors, warnings, and other information about the self-extraction.
-unzipDir unzipDirectoryPath
Unzips to this directory path without user intervention. (UNC paths, such as \\servername\path, are not supported.)
-pwd password
Specifies the password for an encrypted EXE
-ap autoRunParams
Specifies the command line parameters to be passed to the AutoRun executable (embedded within the EXE).

Returns True for success, False for failure.

WriteExeAsync (1)
Function ComWriteExeAsync String exeFilename Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteExe method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComWriteExeToMemory Returns Variant

(Relevant only when running on a Microsoft Windows operating system.) Same as WriteExe, but instead of writing a file, the MS-Windows EXE is written to memory.

Returns null on failure

WriteExeToMemoryAsync (1)
Function ComWriteExeToMemoryAsync Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteExeToMemory method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComWriteToMemory Returns Variant

Same as WriteZip, but instead of writing the Zip to a file, it writes to memory. Zips that are written to memory can also be opened from memory by calling OpenFromMemory.

Returns null on failure

WriteToMemoryAsync (1)
Function ComWriteToMemoryAsync Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteToMemory method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComWriteZip Returns Boolean

Saves the Zip to a file and implictly re-opens it so further operations can continue. Use WriteZipAndClose to write and close the Zip. There is no limitation on the size of files that may be contained within a .zip, the total number of files in a .zip, or the total size of a .zip. If necessary, WriteZip will use the ZIP64 file format extensions when 4GB or file count limitations of the old zip file format are exceeded.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
WriteZipAsync (1)
Function ComWriteZipAsync Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteZip method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure

Function ComWriteZipAndClose Returns Boolean

Saves the Zip to a file and closes it. On return, the Zip object will be in the state as if NewZip had been called. There is no limitation on the size of files that may be contained within a .zip, the total number of files in a .zip, or the total size of a .zip. If necessary, WriteZip will use the ZIP64 file format extensions when 4GB or file count limitations of the old zip file format are exceeded.

Returns True for success, False for failure.

More Information and Examples
WriteZipAndCloseAsync (1)
Function ComWriteZipAndCloseAsync Returns cComChilkatTask

Creates an asynchronous task to call the WriteZipAndClose method with the arguments provided.

Returns null on failure
