WebSocket C# Reference Documentation


Current Version: 10.1.3

Provides an API for implementing the client side of the WebSocket protocol.

Object Creation

Chilkat.WebSocket obj = new Chilkat.WebSocket();


public bool CloseAutoRespond {get; set; }
Introduced in version

If true, then a Close control frame is automatically sent in response to receiving a Close control frame (assuming that we did not initiate the Close in the first place). When the Close frame has both been received and sent, the underlying connection is automatically closed (as per the WebSocket protocol RFC specifications). Thus, if this property is true, then two things automatically happen when a Close frame is received: (1) a Close frame is sent in response, and (2) the connection is closed.

The default value of this property is true.

public string CloseReason {get; }
Introduced in version

The reason string received with the Close frame, if any.

public bool CloseReceived {get; }
Introduced in version

If true, then a Close frame was already received on this websocket connection. If CloseAutoRespond is false, then an application can check this property value to determine if a Close frame should be sent in response.

public int CloseStatusCode {get; }
Introduced in version

The status code received with the Close frame. If no status code was provided, or no Close frame has yet been received, then this property will be 0.

public string DebugLogFilePath {get; set; }

If set to a file path, this property logs the LastErrorText of each Chilkat method or property call to the specified file. This logging helps identify the context and history of Chilkat calls leading up to any crash or hang, aiding in debugging.

Enabling the VerboseLogging property provides more detailed information. This property is mainly used for debugging rare instances where a Chilkat method call causes a hang or crash, which should generally not happen.

Possible causes of hangs include:

  • A timeout property set to 0, indicating an infinite timeout.
  • A hang occurring within an event callback in the application code.
  • An internal bug in the Chilkat code causing the hang.

public bool FinalFrame {get; }
Introduced in version

true if the last data frame received by calling ReadFrame was a final frame. Otherwise false.

public int FrameDataLen {get; }
Introduced in version

The number of bytes accumulated from one or more calls to ReadFrame. Accumulated incoming frame data can be retrieved by calling GetFrameData, GetFrameDataSb, or GetFrameDataBd.

public string FrameOpcode {get; }
Introduced in version

Indicates the type of frame received in the last call to ReadFrame. Possible values are "Continuation", "Text", "Binary", "Close", "Ping", or "Pong". Initially this property is set to the empty string because nothing has yet been received.

public int FrameOpcodeInt {get; }
Introduced in version

The integer value of the opcode (type of frame) received in the last call to ReadFrame. Possible values are:

0 - Continuation
1 - Text
2 - Binary
8 - Close
9 - Ping
10 - Pong

public int HeartbeatMs {get; set; }
Introduced in version

The time interval, in milliseconds, between AbortCheck event callbacks. The heartbeat provides a means for an application to monitor a method call that has event callbacks, and to abort it while in progress.

public int IdleTimeoutMs {get; set; }

The maximum amount of time to wait for additional incoming data when receiving, or the max time to wait to send additional data. The default value is 30000 (30 seconds). This is not an overall max timeout. Rather, it is the maximum time to wait when receiving or sending has halted.

public bool IsConnected {get; }
Introduced in version

Returns true if the websocket is connected. Otherwise returns false.

public string LastErrorHtml {get; }

Provides HTML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

public string LastErrorText {get; }

Provides plain text information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

public string LastErrorXml {get; }

Provides XML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

public bool LastMethodSuccess {get; set; }

Indicates the success or failure of the most recent method call: true means success, false means failure. This property remains unchanged by property setters or getters. This method is present to address challenges in checking for null or Nothing returns in certain programming languages.

public bool NeedSendPong {get; }
Introduced in version

If true, then a Ping frame was received, but no Pong frame has yet been sent in response. The application should send a Pong frame by calling SendPong as soon as possible.

public bool PingAutoRespond {get; set; }
Introduced in version

If true, then a Pong frame is automatically sent when a Ping frame is received. If set to false, then the application may check the NeedSendPong property to determine if a Pong response is needed, and if so, may call the SendPong method to send a Pong.

Note: If this property is true, then the ReadFrame method will auto-consume incoming Ping frames. In other words, ReadFrame will continue with reading the next incoming frame (thus Ping frames will never be returned to the application). This relieves the application from having to worry about receiving and handling spurious Ping frames.

The default value is true.

public bool PongAutoConsume {get; set; }
Introduced in version

If true, then incoming Pong frames are automatically consumed, and a call to ReadFrame will continue reading until it receives a non-Pong frame. The PongConsumed property can be checked to see if the last ReadFrame method call auto-consumed a Pong frame.

The default value is true.

public bool PongConsumed {get; }
Introduced in version

Is true if the last call to ReadFrame auto-consumed a Pong frame. This property is reset to false each time a ReadFrame method is called, and will get set to true if (1) the PongAutoConsume property is true and (2) a Pong frame was consumed within the ReadFrame method.

The purpose of PongAutoConsume and PongConsumed is to eliminate the concern for unanticipated Pong frames in the stream. In the websocket protocol, both sides (client and server) may send Pong frames at any time. In addition, if a Ping frame is sent, the corresponding Pong response frame can arrive at some unanticipated point later in the conversation. It's also possible, if several Ping frames are sent, that a Pong response frame is only sent for the most recent Ping frame. The default behavior of Chilkat's WebSocket API is to auto-consume incoming Pong frames and set this property to true. This allows the application to call a ReadFrame method for whatever application data frame it may be expecting, without needing to be concerned if the next incoming frame is a Pong frame.

public int ReadFrameFailReason {get; }
Introduced in version

If the ReadFrame method returns false, this property holds the fail reason. It can have one of the following values:

0 - No failure.
1 - Read Timeout.
2 - Aborted by Application Callback.
3 - Fatal Socket Error (Lost Connection).
4 - Received invalid WebSocket frame bytes.
99 - A catch-all for any unknown failure.  (Should not ever occur.  If it does, contact Chilkat.)

public string UncommonOptions {get; }
Introduced in version

This is a catch-all property to be used for uncommon needs. This property defaults to the empty string and should typically remain empty. Can be set to a list of the following comma separated keywords:

  • "ProtectFromVpn" - Introduced in v9.5.0.80. On Android systems, will bypass any VPN that may be installed or active.

public bool VerboseLogging {get; set; }

If set to true, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is false. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.

public string Version {get; }

Version of the component/library, such as "10.1.0"



public bool AddClientHeaders();
Introduced in version

Adds the required WebSocket client-side open handshake headers. The headers specifically added to the previously specified REST object (in the call to UseConnection) are:

Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: ...
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Returns true for success, false for failure.

public bool CloseConnection();
Introduced in version

Forcibly closes the underlying connection. This is a non-clean way to close the connection, but may be used if needed. The clean way to close a websocket is to send a Close frame, and then receive the Close response.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

public string GetFrameData();
Introduced in version

Returns the accumulated received frame data as a string. Calling GetFrameData clears the internal receive buffer.

Returns null on failure

public bool GetFrameDataBd(BinData binData);
Introduced in version

Returns the accumulated received frame data in a BinData object. The received data is appended to the binData.

Calling this method clears the internal receive buffer.

public bool GetFrameDataSb(StringBuilder sb);
Introduced in version

Returns the accumulated received frame data in a StringBuilder object. The received data is appended to the sb.

Calling this method clears the internal receive buffer.

public bool LoadTaskCaller(Task task);
Introduced in version

Loads the caller of the task's async method.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

public bool PollDataAvailable();
Introduced in version

Check to see if data is available for reading on the websocket. Returns true if data is waiting and false if no data is waiting to be read.

public bool ReadFrame();
Introduced in version

Reads a single frame from the connected websocket. If a frame was successfuly received, then the following properties are set: FrameOpcode, FrameDataLen, FinalFrame, and the received frame data can be retrieved by calling GetFrameData, GetFrameDataSb, or GetFrameDataBd.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

ReadFrameAsync (C#) (PowerShell)
public Task ReadFrameAsync();
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the ReadFrame method with the arguments provided.

Note: Async method event callbacks happen in the background thread. Accessing and updating UI elements existing in the main thread may require special considerations.

Returns null on failure

public bool SendClose(bool includeStatus, int statusCode, string reason);
Introduced in version

Sends a Close control frame. If includeStatus is true, then the statusCode is sent in the application data part of the Close frame. A Close reason may be provided only if includeStatus is true. If this Close was sent to satisfy an already-received Close frame, then the underlying connection will also automatically be closed.

Note: If a status code and reason are provided, the utf-8 representation of the reason string must be 123 bytes or less. Chilkat will automatically truncate the reason to 123 bytes if necessary. Also, the status code must be an integer in the range 0 to 16383.

The WebSocket protocol specifies some pre-defined status codes at WebSocket Status Codes. For a normal closure, a status code value of 1000 should be used. The reason can be any string, as long as it is 123 bytes or less.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

SendCloseAsync (C#) (PowerShell)
public Task SendCloseAsync(bool includeStatus, int statusCode, string reason);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SendClose method with the arguments provided.

Note: Async method event callbacks happen in the background thread. Accessing and updating UI elements existing in the main thread may require special considerations.

Returns null on failure

public bool SendFrame(string stringToSend, bool finalFrame);
Introduced in version

Sends a single data frame containing a string. If this is the final frame in a message, then finalFrame should be set to true. Otherwise set finalFrame equal to false.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

SendFrameAsync (C#) (PowerShell)
public Task SendFrameAsync(string stringToSend, bool finalFrame);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SendFrame method with the arguments provided.

Note: Async method event callbacks happen in the background thread. Accessing and updating UI elements existing in the main thread may require special considerations.

Returns null on failure

public bool SendFrameBd(BinData bdToSend, bool finalFrame);
Introduced in version

Sends a single data frame containing binary data (the contents of bdToSend). If this is the final frame in a message, then finalFrame should be set to true. Otherwise set finalFrame equal to false.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

SendFrameBdAsync (C#) (PowerShell)
public Task SendFrameBdAsync(BinData bdToSend, bool finalFrame);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SendFrameBd method with the arguments provided.

Note: Async method event callbacks happen in the background thread. Accessing and updating UI elements existing in the main thread may require special considerations.

Returns null on failure

public bool SendFrameSb(StringBuilder sbToSend, bool finalFrame);
Introduced in version

Sends a single data frame containing a string (the contents of sbToSend). If this is the final frame in a message, then finalFrame should be set to true. Otherwise set finalFrame equal to false.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

SendFrameSbAsync (C#) (PowerShell)
public Task SendFrameSbAsync(StringBuilder sbToSend, bool finalFrame);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SendFrameSb method with the arguments provided.

Note: Async method event callbacks happen in the background thread. Accessing and updating UI elements existing in the main thread may require special considerations.

Returns null on failure

public bool SendPing(string pingData);
Introduced in version

Sends a Ping control frame, optionally including text data. If pingData is non-empty, the utf-8 representation of the string must be 125 bytes or less. Chilkat will automatically truncate the pingData to 125 bytes if necessary.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

SendPingAsync (C#) (PowerShell)
public Task SendPingAsync(string pingData);
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SendPing method with the arguments provided.

Note: Async method event callbacks happen in the background thread. Accessing and updating UI elements existing in the main thread may require special considerations.

Returns null on failure

public bool SendPong();
Introduced in version

Sends a Pong control frame. If this Pong frame is sent to satisfy an unresponded-to Ping frame, then the previously received Ping data is automatically sent in this Pong frame.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

SendPongAsync (C#) (PowerShell)
public Task SendPongAsync();
Introduced in version

Creates an asynchronous task to call the SendPong method with the arguments provided.

Note: Async method event callbacks happen in the background thread. Accessing and updating UI elements existing in the main thread may require special considerations.

Returns null on failure

public bool ShareConnection(WebSocket ws);
Introduced in version 11.0.0

The caller will share ws's existing websocket connection, enabling multi-threaded applications to read and write to the websocket simultaneously. The provided C++ and C# examples illustrate this concept, which you can adapt to your programming language.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

public bool UseConnection(Rest connection);
Introduced in version

Initializes the connection for a WebSocket session. All WebSocket sessions begin with a call to UseConnection. A Chilkat REST object is used for the connection because the WebSocket handshake begins with an HTTP GET request. The Chilkat REST API provides the ability to add custom headers, authentication, etc. to the opening GET handshake. It also provides the ability to establish connections over TLS or SSH and to benefit from the rich set of features already present relating to HTTP proxies, SOCKS proxies, bandwidth throttling, IPv6, socket options, etc.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

public bool ValidateServerHandshake();
Introduced in version

Called after sending the opening handshake from the Rest object. Validates the server's response to the opening handshake message. If validation is successful, the application may begin sending and receiving data and control frames.

Returns true for success, false for failure.



public event AbortCheckEventHandler OnAbortCheck;

Provides the opportunity for a method call to be aborted. The AbortCheck event is fired periodically based on the value of the HeartbeatMs property. If HeartbeatMs is 0, then no AbortCheck events will fire. As an example, to fire 5 AbortCheck events per second, set the HeartbeatMs property equal to 200.

Chilkat .NET Framework Event Implementation

Args are passed using Chilkat.AbortCheckEventArgs

Event callback implementation:

private void websocket_OnAbortCheck(object sender, Chilkat.AbortCheckEventArgs args)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
websocket.OnAbortCheck += websocket_OnAbortCheck;

Chilkat .NET Core Event Implementation

Event callback implementation:

public void handleAbortCheck(out bool abort)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
// ...
Chilkat.WebSocket.AbortCheck abortCheck = new Chilkat.WebSocket.AbortCheck(handleAbortCheck);
public event PercentDoneEventHandler OnPercentDone;

Provides the percentage completed for any method that involves network communications or time-consuming processing (assuming it is a method where a percentage completion can be measured). This event is only fired when it is possible to know a percentage completion, and when it makes sense to express the operation as a percentage completed. The pctDone argument will have a value from 1 to 100. For operations (Chilkat method calls) that complete very quickly, the number of PercentDone callbacks will vary, but the final callback should have a value of 100. For long running operations, no more than one callback per percentage point will occur (for example: 1, 2, 3, ... 98, 99, 100).

The PercentDone callback counts as an AbortCheck event. For method calls that complete quickly such that PercentDone events fire, it may be that AbortCheck events don't fire because the opportunity to abort is already provided in the PercentDone callback. For time consuming operations, where the amount of time between PercentDone callbacks are long, AbortCheck callbacks may be used to allow for the operation to be aborted in a more responsive manner.

The abort output argument provides a means for aborting the operation. Setting it to true will cause the method to abort and return a failed status (or whatever return value indicates failure).

Chilkat .NET Framework Event Implementation

Args are passed using Chilkat.PercentDoneEventArgs

Event callback implementation:

private void websocket_OnPercentDone(object sender, Chilkat.PercentDoneEventArgs args)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
websocket.OnPercentDone += websocket_OnPercentDone;

Chilkat .NET Core Event Implementation

Event callback implementation:

public void handlePercentDone(int pctDone, out bool abort)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
// ...
Chilkat.WebSocket.PercentDone percentDone = new Chilkat.WebSocket.PercentDone(handlePercentDone);
public event ProgressInfoEventHandler OnProgressInfo;

A general name/value event that provides information about what is happening during a method call. To find out what information is available, write code to handle this event and log the name/value pairs. Most are self-explanatory.

Chilkat .NET Framework Event Implementation

Args are passed using Chilkat.ProgressInfoEventArgs

Event callback implementation:

private void websocket_OnProgressInfo(object sender, Chilkat.ProgressInfoEventArgs args)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
websocket.OnProgressInfo += websocket_OnProgressInfo;

Chilkat .NET Core Event Implementation

Event callback implementation:

public void handleProgressInfo(string name, string value)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
// ...
Chilkat.WebSocket.ProgressInfo progressInfo = new Chilkat.WebSocket.ProgressInfo(handleProgressInfo);
public event TaskCompletedEventHandler OnTaskCompleted;

Called in the background thread when an asynchronous task completes.

Chilkat .NET Framework Event Implementation

Args are passed using Chilkat.TaskCompletedEventArgs

Event callback implementation:

private void websocket_OnTaskCompleted(object sender, Chilkat.TaskCompletedEventArgs args)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
websocket.OnTaskCompleted += websocket_OnTaskCompleted;

Chilkat .NET Core Event Implementation

Event callback implementation:

public void handleTaskIdCompleted(int taskId)
	    // application code goes here.

To add an event handler:

Chilkat.WebSocket websocket = new Chilkat.WebSocket();
// ...
Chilkat.WebSocket.TaskIdCompleted taskIdCompleted = new Chilkat.WebSocket.TaskIdCompleted(handleTaskIdCompleted);