CkString C# Reference Documentation
Current Version: 10.1.3
The Chilkat string class.
Object Creation
Chilkat.CkString obj = new Chilkat.CkString();
The str is appended to end of this instance.
Appends the decimal string representation of an integer to the end of this instance.
Unobfuscates and appends obfuscatedStr to the end of this instance.
The Chilkat string obfuscation algorithm works by taking the utf-8 bytes of the string, base64 encoding it, and then scrambling the letters of the base64 encoded string. It is deterministic in that the same string will always obfuscate to the same result. It is not a secure way of encrypting a string. It is only meant to be a simple means of transforming a string into something unintelligible.
Searches the string for URLS (http://..., https://...) and auto-links them. For example, if "" is found in the string, it is replaced with "" URLs that are already linked are not modified.
In-place base64 decodes the string and inteprets the results according to the character encoding specified.
In-place base64 encodes the string. Internally, the string is first converted to the character encoding specified and then base-64 encoded. Typical charsetEncoding values are "utf-8", "ANSI", "iso-8859-1", etc.
Return true if this string begins with substr (case sensitive), otherwise returns false.
Returns the ANSI character at a specified index.The first character is at index 0.
Finds the first occurrence of ch and discards the characters at and following ch.
Clears the string. The string contains 0 characters after calling this method.
Returns true if the string contains the specified substring, otherwise returns false. The string comparison is case-sensitive.
Same as containsSubstring except the matching is case insensitive.
Decodes XML special characters. For example, < is converted to '<'
Converts the string to a double and returns the value.
Eliminate all occurrences of a particular ANSI character.
Encodes XML special characters. For example, '<' is converted to <
Decodes any HTML entities found within the string, replacing them with the characters represented.
HTML encodes any characters that are special to HTML or cannot be represented by 7-bit us-ascii.
Returns true if the strings are equal, otherwise returns false. (case-sensitive)
Returns true if the strings are equal, otherwise returns false. (case-insensitive)
Returns the number of characters in the string.
Returns the size, in bytes, of the ANSI encoding of the string.
Returns the size, in bytes, of the Unicode encoding of the string.
Returns the size, in bytes, of the utf-8 encoding of the string.
Returns the contents of this instance.
Hex decodes a string and inteprets the bytes according to the character encoding specified.
Converts the string to the character encoding specified and replaces the string contents with the hex encoding of the character data.
Converts the string to an integer and returns the integer value.
Load the contents of a text file into the CkString object. The string is cleared before loading. The character encoding of the text file is specified by charsetEncoding. This method allows for text files in any charset to be loaded: utf-8, Unicode, Shift_JIS, iso-8859-1, etc.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Loads an XML document into the CkString. The reason for providing a separate method for loading an XML document is because the charset encoding is usually specified using a "charset" attribute at the beginning of the XML document. The LoadXmlFile method reads just enough of the XML document to get the charset, and then it knows how to read and interpret the bytes of the entire XML document, so that the bytes of the characters are properly interpeted and loaded into the CkString object.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Obfuscates the string. (The unobfuscate method can be called to reverse the obfuscation to restore the original string.)
The Chilkat string obfuscation algorithm works by taking the utf-8 bytes of the string, base64 encoding it, and then scrambling the letters of the base64 encoded string. It is deterministic in that the same string will always obfuscate to the same result. It is not a secure way of encrypting a string. It is only meant to be a simple means of transforming a string into something unintelligible.
Prepends str to this instance.
In-place decodes the string from punycode.
In-place encodes the string to punycode.
Quoted-printable decodes the string and interprets the resulting character data according to the specified character encoding. The result is that the quoted-printable string is in-place decoded.
Quoted-printable encodes the string. The string is first converted to the charset specified, and those bytes are QP-encoded. The contents of the string are replaced with the QP-encoded result.
Removes all occurrences of a specific ANSI character from the string.
Removes a chunk of characters specified by starting index and length.
Remove all occurrences of strings delimited by beginDelim and endDelim. Also removes the delimiters.
Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring. The replacement string is allowed to be empty or different in length.
Replaces all occurrences of a specified ANSI character with another.
Replaces the first occurrence of a substring with another. The replacement string is allowed to be empty or different in length. (Chilkat is aware of the misspelling of the word "occurrence", but unfortunately it is too late to change..)
Saves the string to a file using the character encoding specified by charsetEncoding. If a file of the same name exists, it is overwritten. For charsets such as "utf-8", "utf-16", or others that have a possible BOM/preamble, the preamble is output by default. To exclude the BOM/preamble, prepend "no-bom-" to the charset name. For example "no-bom-utf-8".
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Clears the contents of this instance and appends str.
Discards the last N characters.
Converts all line endings to CRLF.
Converts all line endings to bare-LF (Unix/Linux style line endings).
Converts the string to lowercase.
Converts the string to uppercase.
Trim SPACE and Tab characters from both ends of the string.
Trim SPACE, Tab, CR, and LF characters from both ends of the string.
Replaces all tabs, CR's, and LF's, with SPACE chars, and removes extra SPACE's so there are no occurrences of more than one SPACE char in a row.
Unobfuscates the string.
The Chilkat string obfuscation algorithm works by taking the utf-8 bytes of the string, base64 encoding it, and then scrambling the letters of the base64 encoded string. It is deterministic in that the same string will always obfuscate to the same result. It is not a secure way of encrypting a string. It is only meant to be a simple means of transforming a string into something unintelligible.
URL decodes the string and interprets the resulting byte data in the specified charset encoding.
URL encodes the string. The string is first converted to the specified charset encoding, and those bytes are URL-encoded. The contents of the string are replaced with the URL-encoded result.