Email Unicode C++ Reference Documentation


Current Version: 10.1.3

Represents a complete Email object.

Object Creation

// Local variable on the stack
CkEmailW obj;

// Dynamically allocate/delete
CkEmailW *pObj = new CkEmailW();
// ...
delete pObj;


void get_Body(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *body(void);
void put_Body(const wchar_t *str);

The body of the email. If the email has both HTML and plain-text bodies, this property returns the HTML body. The GetHtmlBody and GetPlainTextBody methods can be used to access a specific body. The HasHtmlBody and HasPlainTextBody methods can be used to determine the presence of a body.

More Information and Examples
void get_BounceAddress(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *bounceAddress(void);
void put_BounceAddress(const wchar_t *str);

The "return-path" address of the email to be used when the email is sent. Bounces (i.e. delivery status notifications, or DSN's) will go to this address.

Note: This is not the content of the "return-path" header for emails that are downloaded from a POP3 or IMAP server. The BounceAddress is the email address to be used in the process of sending the email via SMTP. (See the "SMTP Protocol in a Nutshell" link below.) The BounceAddress is the email address passed in the "MAIL FROM" SMTP command which becomes the "return-path" header in the email when received.

Note: The Sender and BounceAddress properties are identical and perform the same function. Setting the Sender property also sets the BounceAddress property, and vice-versa. The reason for the duplication is that BounceAddress existed first, and developers typically searched for a "Sender" property without realizing that the BounceAddress property served this function.

void get_Charset(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *charset(void);
void put_Charset(const wchar_t *str);

Represents the main charset of the email, such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", "Shift_JIS", "us-ascii", etc. This property can be empty if there is no explicit charset, such as for emails with only us-ascii.

Setting this property causes Chilkat to use the new charset in HTML and plain-text bodies, where possible. This can include updating the HTML META tag in HTML bodies to agree with the charset specified in the email header and also the byte representation of the HTML body in the email.

More Information and Examples
void get_DebugLogFilePath(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *debugLogFilePath(void);
void put_DebugLogFilePath(const wchar_t *str);

If set to a file path, this property logs the LastErrorText of each Chilkat method or property call to the specified file. This logging helps identify the context and history of Chilkat calls leading up to any crash or hang, aiding in debugging.

Enabling the VerboseLogging property provides more detailed information. This property is mainly used for debugging rare instances where a Chilkat method call causes a hang or crash, which should generally not happen.

Possible causes of hangs include:

  • A timeout property set to 0, indicating an infinite timeout.
  • A hang occurring within an event callback in the application code.
  • An internal bug in the Chilkat code causing the hang.

More Information and Examples
bool get_Decrypted(void);

true if the email arrived encrypted and was successfully decrypted, otherwise false. This property is only meaningful when the ReceivedEncrypted property is equal to true.

void get_EmailDateStr(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *emailDateStr(void);
void put_EmailDateStr(const wchar_t *str);

The date/time from the "Date" header in the UTC/GMT timezone in RFC822 string form.

void get_EncryptedBy(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *encryptedBy(void);

If the email was received encrypted, this contains the details of the certificate used for encryption.

void get_FileDistList(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *fileDistList(void);
void put_FileDistList(const wchar_t *str);

Set this property to send an email to a list of recipients stored in a plain text file. The file format is simple: one recipient per line, no comments allowed, blank lines are ignored.Setting this property is equivalent to adding a "CKX-FileDistList"header field to the email. Chilkat Mail treats header fields beginning with "CKX-"specially in that these fields are never transmitted with the email when sent. However, CKX fields are saved and restored when saving to XML or loading from XML (or MIME). When sending an email containing a "CKX-FileDistList"header field, Chilkat Mail will read the distribution list file and send the email to each recipient. Emails can be sent individually, or with BCC, 100 recipients at a time. (see the MailMan.SendIndividual property).

void get_From(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *ck_from(void);
void put_From(const wchar_t *str);

The combined name and email address of the sender, such as "John Smith" . This is the content that will be placed in the From: header field. If the actual sender is to be different, then set the Sender property to a different email address.

void get_FromAddress(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *fromAddress(void);
void put_FromAddress(const wchar_t *str);

The email address of the sender.

void get_FromName(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *fromName(void);
void put_FromName(const wchar_t *str);

The name of the sender.

void get_Header(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *header(void);

The complete MIME header of the email.

void get_Language(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *language(void);

A read-only property that identifies the primary language group for the email. Possible values are:

  • "latin1" (for English and all Western European languages)
  • "central" (for Central European languages such as Polish, Czech, Hungarian, etc.)
  • "russian" (for Cyrillic languages)
  • "greek"
  • "turkish"
  • "hebrew"
  • "arabic"
  • "thai"
  • "vietnamese"
  • "chinese"
  • "japanese"
  • "korean"
  • "devanagari"
  • "bengali"
  • "gurmukhi"
  • "gujarati"
  • "oriya"
  • "tamil"
  • "telugu"
  • "kannada"
  • "malayalam"
  • "sinhala"
  • "lao"
  • "tibetan"
  • "myanmar"
  • "georgian"
  • "unknown"
The language group determination is made soley on the subject and plain-text/HTML email bodies. Characters in the FROM, TO, CC, and other header fields are not considered.

The primary determining factor is the characters found in the Subject header field. For example, if an email contains Japanese in the Subject, but the body contains Russian characters, it will be considered "japanese".

The language is determined by where the Unicode chars fall in various blocks in the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane. For more information, see the book "Unicode Demystified" by Richard Gillam.

void get_LastErrorHtml(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *lastErrorHtml(void);

Provides HTML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

void get_LastErrorText(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *lastErrorText(void);

Provides plain text information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

void get_LastErrorXml(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *lastErrorXml(void);

Provides XML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.

bool get_LastMethodSuccess(void);
void put_LastMethodSuccess(bool newVal);

Indicates the success or failure of the most recent method call: true means success, false means failure. This property remains unchanged by property setters or getters. This method is present to address challenges in checking for null or Nothing returns in certain programming languages.

void get_LocalDateStr(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *localDateStr(void);
void put_LocalDateStr(const wchar_t *str);

The date/time found in the "Date" header field returned in the local timezone in RFC822 string form.

void get_Mailer(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *mailer(void);
void put_Mailer(const wchar_t *str);

Identifies the email software that sent the email.

int get_NumAlternatives(void);

The number of alternative bodies present in the email. An email that is not "multipart/alternative"will return 0 alternatives. An email that is "multipart/alternative" will return a number greater than or equal to 1.

int get_NumAttachedMessages(void);

Returns the number of embedded emails. Some mail clients will embed an email that is to be forwarded into a new email as a "message/rfc822" subpart of the MIME message structure. This property tells how many emails have been embedded. The original email can be retrieved by calling GetAttachedMessage.

int get_NumAttachments(void);

The number of attachments contained in the email.

Note: If an email is downloaded from an IMAP server without attachments, then the number of attachments should be obtained by calling the IMAP object's GetMailNumAttach method. This property indicates the actual number of attachments already present within the email object.

int get_NumBcc(void);

The number of blind carbon-copy email recipients.

int get_NumCC(void);

The number of carbon-copy email recipients.

More Information and Examples
int get_NumDaysOld(void);

Returns the number of days old from the current system date/time. The email's date is obtained from the "Date" header field. If the Date header field is missing, or invalid, then -9999 is returned. A negative number may be returned if the Date header field contains a future date/time. (However, -9999 represents an error condition.)

int get_NumDigests(void);
Introduced in version

Returns the number of message/rfc822 parts contained within the multipart/digest enclosure. If no multipart/digest enclosure exists, then this property has the value of 0. The GetDigest method is called to get the Nth digest as an email object.

More Information and Examples
int get_NumHeaderFields(void);

The number of header fields. When accessing a header field by index, the 1st header field is at index 0, and the last is at NumHeaderFields-1. (Chilkat indexing is always 0-based.)

int get_NumRelatedItems(void);

The number of related items present in this email. Related items are typically image files (JPEGs or GIFs) or style sheets (CSS files) that are included with HTML formatted messages with internal "CID"hyperlinks.

int get_NumReplacePatterns(void);

Returns the number of replacement patterns previously set by calling the SetReplacePattern method 1 or more times. If replacement patterns are set, the email bodies and header fields are modified by applying the search/replacement strings during the message sending process.

More Information and Examples
int get_NumReports(void);

(For multipart/report emails that have sub-parts with Content-Types such as message/feedback-report.) Any MIME sub-part within the email that has a Content-Type of "message/*", but is not a "message/rfc822", is considered to be a "report" and is included in this count. (A "message/rfc822" is considered an attached message and is handled by the NumAttachedMessages property and the GetAttachedMessage method.) Any MIME sub-part having a Content-Type equal to "text/rfc822-headers" is also considered to be a "report". The GetReport method may be called to get the body content of each "report" contained within a multipart/report email.

int get_NumTo(void);

The number of direct email recipients.

More Information and Examples
void get_OaepHash(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *oaepHash(void);
void put_OaepHash(const wchar_t *str);
Introduced in version

Selects the hash algorithm for use within OAEP padding when encrypting email using RSAES-OAEP. The valid choices are "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512",

void get_OaepMgfHash(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *oaepMgfHash(void);
void put_OaepMgfHash(const wchar_t *str);
Introduced in version

Selects the MGF hash algorithm for use within OAEP padding when encrypting email using RSAES-OAEP. The valid choices are "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512",

bool get_OaepPadding(void);
void put_OaepPadding(bool newVal);
Introduced in version

Selects the RSA encryption scheme when encrypting email. The default value is false, which selects RSAES_PKCS1-V1_5. If set to true, then RSAES_OAEP is used.

bool get_OverwriteExisting(void);
void put_OverwriteExisting(bool newVal);

When true (the default) the methods to save email attachments and related items will overwrite files if they already exist. If false, then the methods that save email attachments and related items will append a string of 4 characters to create a unique filename if a file already exists. The filename of the attachment (or related item) within the email object is updated and can be retrieved by the program to determine the actual file(s) created.

void get_Pkcs7CryptAlg(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *pkcs7CryptAlg(void);
void put_Pkcs7CryptAlg(const wchar_t *str);

When an email is sent encrypted (using PKCS7 public-key encryption), this selects the underlying symmetric encryption algorithm. Possible values are: "aes", "des", "3des", and "rc2". The default value is "aes".

int get_Pkcs7KeyLength(void);
void put_Pkcs7KeyLength(int newVal);

When the email is sent encrypted (using PKCS7 public-key encryption), this selects the key length of the underlying symmetric encryption algorithm. The possible values allowed depend on the Pkcs7CryptAlg property. For "aes", the key length may be 128, 192, or 256. For "3des" the key length must be 192. For "des" the key length must be 40. For "rc2" the key length can be 40, 56, 64, or 128.

void get_PreferredCharset(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *preferredCharset(void);
void put_PreferredCharset(const wchar_t *str);

Only applies when building an email with non-English characters where the charset is not explicitly set. The Chilkat email component will automatically choose a charset based on the languages found within an email (if the charset is not already specified within the MIME or explicitly specified by setting the Charset property). The default charset chosen for each language is:

Chinese: gb2312
Japanese: shift_JIS
Korean: ks_c_5601-1987
Thai: windows-874
All others: iso-8859-*

This allows for charsets such as iso-2022-jp to be chosen instead of the default. If the preferred charset does not apply to the situation, it is not used. For example, if the preferred charset is iso-2022-jp, but the email contains Greek characters, then the preferred charset is ignored.

More Information and Examples
bool get_PrependHeaders(void);
void put_PrependHeaders(bool newVal);

If true, then header fields added via the AddHeaderField or AddHeaderField2 methods are prepended to the top of the header as opposed to appended to the bottom. The default value is false.

bool get_ReceivedEncrypted(void);

true if this email was originally received with encryption, otherwise false.

bool get_ReceivedSigned(void);

true if this email was originally received with a digital signature, otherwise false.

More Information and Examples
void get_ReplyTo(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *replyTo(void);
void put_ReplyTo(const wchar_t *str);

Sets the "Reply-To" header field to the specified email address such as "". The Reply-To header automatically defaults to the "From" email address. You would only set this property if you wish for the Reply-To email address to be different from the From address.

There is usually only a single Reply-To email address. If multiple Reply-To addresses are needed, then set with a comma separated list of email addresses such as ",".

bool get_ReturnReceipt(void);
void put_ReturnReceipt(bool newVal);

Set to true if you want the email to request a return-receipt when received by the recipient. The default value is false.

Setting this property causes the "Disposition-Notification-To" email header to be added when the email is sent.

bool get_SendEncrypted(void);
void put_SendEncrypted(bool newVal);

Set to true if this email should be sent encrypted.

void get_Sender(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *sender(void);
void put_Sender(const wchar_t *str);
Introduced in version

The sender's address for this email message.

This is the address of the actual sender acting on behalf of the author listed in the From: field. It is the email address passed in the "MAIL FROM" SMTP command which becomes the "return-path" header in the email when received.

Note: The Sender and BounceAddress properties are identical and perform the same function. Setting the Sender property also sets the BounceAddress property, and vice-versa. The reason for the duplication is that BounceAddress existed first, and developers typically searched for a "Sender" property without realizing that the BounceAddress property served this function.

Important Note: This property does not contain the value of the "Sender" header field, if one exists, for a received email. It is a property that is used when sending email. To get the value of the "Sender" header field (which may not always exist), call the GetHeaderField method instead.

bool get_SendSigned(void);
void put_SendSigned(bool newVal);

Set to true if this email should be sent with a digital signature.

Note: Please be aware of the Apple Mail bug explained in the web page at the link below.

bool get_SignaturesValid(void);

true if the email was received with one or more digital signatures, and if all the signatures were validated indicating that the email was not altered. Otherwise this property is set to false. (This property is only meaningful when the ReceivedSigned property is equal to true.)

More Information and Examples
void get_SignedBy(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *signedBy(void);

If the email was received digitally signed, this property contains the fields of the cert's SubjectDN.

For example: US, 60187, Illinois, Wheaton, 1719 E Forest Ave, "Chilkat Software, Inc.", "Chilkat Software, Inc."

It is like the DN (Distinguished Name), but without the "AttrName=" before each attribute.

void get_SigningAlg(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *signingAlg(void);
void put_SigningAlg(const wchar_t *str);
Introduced in version

Selects the signature algorithm to be used when sending signed (PKCS7) email. The default value is "PKCS1-v1_5". This can be set to "RSASSA-PSS" (or simply "pss") to use the RSASSA-PSS signature scheme.

Note: This property only applies when signing with an RSA private key. It does not apply for ECC or DSA private keys.

void get_SigningHashAlg(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *signingHashAlg(void);
void put_SigningHashAlg(const wchar_t *str);

Selects the underlying hash algorithm used when sending signed (PKCS7) email. Possible values are "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5", and "md2".

int get_Size(void);

The size in bytes of the email, including all parts and attachments.

Note: This property is only valid if the full email was downloaded. If only the header was downloaded, then this property will contain the size of just the header.

void get_Subject(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *subject(void);
void put_Subject(const wchar_t *str);

The email subject.

void get_Uidl(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *uidl(void);

This is the unique ID assigned by the POP3 server. Emails can be retrieved or deleted from the POP3 server via the UIDL. The header field for this property is "X-UIDL".

Important: Emails downloaded via the IMAP protocol do not have UIDL's. UIDL's are specific to the POP3 protocol. IMAP servers use UID's (notice the spelling difference -- "UIDL" vs. "UID"). An email downloaded via the Chilkat IMAP component will contain a "ckx-imap-uid" header field that holds either an IMAP UID or sequence number. If the email was downloaded (from IMAP) using a UID,then ckx-imap-uid contains a UID. If the email was downloaded by sequence number, then it contains a sequence number (not unique and can change with a new session). The "ckx-imap-isUid" header, which can have the value "YES" or "NO", tells what ckx-imap-uid contains.

void get_UncommonOptions(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *uncommonOptions(void);
void put_UncommonOptions(const wchar_t *str);
Introduced in version

This is a catch-all property to be used for uncommon needs. This property defaults to the empty string, and should typically remain empty.

As of v9.5.0.79, the only possible value is:

  • "NO_FORMAT_FLOWED" - Don't automatically add "format=flowed" to any Content-Type header.

bool get_UnpackUseRelPaths(void);
void put_UnpackUseRelPaths(bool newVal);

Applies to the UnpackHtml method. If true, then relative paths are used within the HTML for the links to the related files (images and style sheets) that were unpacked to the filesystem. Otherwise absolute paths are used. The default value is true.

bool get_VerboseLogging(void);
void put_VerboseLogging(bool newVal);

If set to true, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is false. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.

void get_Version(CkString &str);
const wchar_t *version(void);

Version of the component/library, such as "10.1.0"

More Information and Examples


bool AddAttachmentBd(const wchar_t *filename, CkBinDataW &binData, const wchar_t *contentType);
Introduced in version

Adds an attachment using the contents of a BinData object. If contentType is empty, then the content-type will be inferred from the filename extension.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
void AddAttachmentHeader(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *fieldValue);

Adds or replaces a MIME header field in one of the email attachments. If the header field does not exist, it is added. Otherwise it is replaced.

More Information and Examples
bool AddBcc(const wchar_t *friendlyName, const wchar_t *emailAddress);

Adds a recipient to the blind carbon-copy list. emailAddress is required, but friendlyName may be empty.

To add multiple BCC recipients, call this method once per recipient.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddCC(const wchar_t *friendlyName, const wchar_t *emailAddress);

Adds a recipient to the carbon-copy list. emailAddress is required, but friendlyName may be empty.

To add multiple CC recipients, call this method once per recipient.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool AddDataAttachment(const wchar_t *fileName, CkByteData &content);

Adds an attachment directly from data in memory to the email.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddDataAttachment2(const wchar_t *fileName, CkByteData &content, const wchar_t *contentType);

Adds an attachment to an email from in-memory data. Same as AddDataAttachment but allows the content-type to be specified.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddEncryptCert(CkCertW &cert);

Allows for certificates to be explicitly specified for sending encrypted email to one or more recipients. Call this method once per certificate to be used. The ClearEncryptCerts method may be called to clear the list of explicitly-specified certificates.

Note: It is possible to send encrypted email without explicitly specifying the certificates. On Windows computers, the registry-based Current-User and Local-Machine certificate stores are automatically searched for certs matching each of the recipients (To, CC, and BCC recipients).

Note: The SetEncryptCert method is equivalent to calling ClearEncryptCerts followed by AddEncryptCert.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddFileAttachment(const wchar_t *path, CkString &outStrContentType);
const wchar_t *addFileAttachment(const wchar_t *path);

Adds a file as an attachment to the email. Returns the MIME content-type of the attachment, which is inferred based on the filename extension.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddFileAttachment2(const wchar_t *path, const wchar_t *contentType);

Same as AddFileAttachment, but the content type can be explicitly specified.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
void AddHeaderField(const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *fieldValue);

Any standard or non-standard (custom) header field can be added to the email with this method. One interesting feature is that all header fields whose name begins with "CKX-" will not be included in the header when an email is sent. These fields will be included when saved to or loaded from XML. This makes it easy to include persistent meta-data with an email which your programs can use in any way it chooses.

Important: This method will replace an already-existing header field. To allow for adding duplicate header fields, call AddHeaderField2 (see below).

void AddHeaderField2(const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *fieldValue);

This method is the same as AddHeaderField, except that if the header field already exists, it is not replaced. A duplicate header will be added.

bool AddHtmlAlternativeBody(const wchar_t *body);

Sets the HTML body of the email. Use this method if there will be multiple versions of the body, but in different formats, such as HTML and plain text. Otherwise, set the body by calling the SetHtmlBody method.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool AddiCalendarAlternativeBody(const wchar_t *icalContent, const wchar_t *methodName);

Adds an iCalendar (text/calendar) alternative body to the email. The icalContent contains the content of the iCalendar data. A sample is shown here:

PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN
SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party
The methodName is the "method" attribute used in the Content-Type header field in the alternative body. For example, if set to "REQUEST", then the alternative body's header would look like this:
Content-Type: text/calendar; method=REQUEST
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddMultipleBcc(const wchar_t *commaSeparatedAddresses);

Adds multiple recipients to the blind carbon-copy list. The parameter is a string containing a comma separated list of full email addresses. Returns True if successful.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddMultipleCC(const wchar_t *commaSeparatedAddresses);

Adds multiple recipients to the carbon-copy list. The parameter is a string containing a comma separated list of full email addresses. Returns True if successful.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddMultipleTo(const wchar_t *commaSeparatedAddresses);

Adds multiple recipients to the "to" list. The parameter is a string containing a comma separated list of full email addresses. Returns True if successful.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddPfxSourceData(CkByteData &pfxBytes, const wchar_t *pfxPassword);

Adds a PFX to the object's internal list of sources to be searched for certificates and private keys when decrypting. Multiple PFX sources can be added by calling this method once for each. (On the Windows operating system, the registry-based certificate stores are also automatically searched, so it is commonly not required to explicitly add PFX sources.)

The pfxBytes contains the bytes of a PFX file (also known as PKCS12 or .p12).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddPfxSourceFile(const wchar_t *pfxFilePath, const wchar_t *pfxPassword);

Adds a PFX file to the object's internal list of sources to be searched for certificates and private keys when decrypting. Multiple PFX files can be added by calling this method once for each. (On the Windows operating system, the registry-based certificate stores are also automatically searched, so it is commonly not required to explicitly add PFX sources.)

The pfxFilePath contains the bytes of a PFX file (also known as PKCS12 or .p12).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddPlainTextAlternativeBody(const wchar_t *body);

Sets the plain-text body of the email. Use this method if there will be multiple versions of the body, but in different formats, such as HTML and plain text. Otherwise, simply set the Body property.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool AddRelatedBd(const wchar_t *filename, CkBinDataW &binData, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *addRelatedBd(const wchar_t *filename, CkBinDataW &binData);
Introduced in version

Adds a related item using the contents of a BinData object. Returns the Content-ID for the newly added relted item.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddRelatedBd2(CkBinDataW &binData, const wchar_t *fileNameInHtml);
Introduced in version

Adds a related item using the contents of a BinData object. The fileNameInHtml should be set to the filename/path/url used in the corresponding HTML IMG tag's "src" attribute.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddRelatedData(const wchar_t *fileName, CkByteData &inData, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *addRelatedData(const wchar_t *fileName, CkByteData &inData);

Adds the memory data as a related item to the email and returns the Content-ID. Emails formatted in HTML can include images with this call and internally reference the image through a "cid"hyperlink. (Chilkat Email.NET fully supports the MHTML standard.)

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void AddRelatedData2(CkByteData &inData, const wchar_t *fileNameInHtml);

Adds a related item to the email from in-memory byte data. Related items are things such as images and style sheets that are embedded within an HTML email. They are not considered attachments because their sole purpose is to participate in the display of the HTML. This method differs from AddRelatedData in that it does not use or return a Content-ID. The filename argument should be set to the filename used in the HTML img tag's src attribute (if it's an image), or the URL referenced in an HTML link tag for a stylesheet.

void AddRelatedData2P(const void *pBytes, unsigned long szBytes, const wchar_t *fileNameInHtml);

The same as AddRelatedData2, except the data is passed in as a "const unsigned char *" with the byte count in szBytes.

bool AddRelatedDataP(const wchar_t *nameInHtml, const void *pBytes, unsigned long szBytes, CkString &outStrContentId);
const wchar_t *addRelatedDataP(const wchar_t *nameInHtml, const void *pBytes, unsigned long szBytes);

The same as AddRelatedData, except the data is passed in as a "const unsigned char *" with the byte count in szBytes. The Content-ID assigned to the related item is returned (in ARG4 for the upper-case alternative for this method).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddRelatedFile(const wchar_t *path, CkString &outStrContentID);
const wchar_t *addRelatedFile(const wchar_t *path);

Adds the contents of a file to the email and returns the Content-ID. Emails formatted in HTML can include images with this call and internally reference the image through a "cid" hyperlink. (Chilkat Email.NET fully supports the MHTML standard.)

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddRelatedFile2(const wchar_t *filenameOnDisk, const wchar_t *filenameInHtml);

Adds a related item to the email from a file. Related items are things such as images and style sheets that are embedded within an HTML email. They are not considered attachments because their sole purpose is to participate in the display of the HTML. This method differs from AddRelatedFile in that it does not use or return a Content-ID. The filenameInHtml argument should be set to the filename used in the HTML img tag's src attribute (if it's an image), or the URL referenced in an HTML link tag for a stylesheet. The filenameOnDisk is the path in the local filesystem of the file to be added.

Note: will not properly display embedded HTMl images when the filenameInHtml includes a path part. Apparently, is only capable of correctly displaying images when the filenameInHtml is a only a filename. Other email clients, such as Mozilla Thunderbird, have no trouble when the filenameInHtml includes a path part.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void AddRelatedHeader(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *fieldValue);

Adds or replaces a MIME header field in one of the email's related items. If the header field does not exist, it is added. Otherwise it is replaced.

bool AddRelatedString(const wchar_t *nameInHtml, const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outCid);
const wchar_t *addRelatedString(const wchar_t *nameInHtml, const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *charset);

Adds a related item to the email. A related item is typically an image or style sheet referenced by an HTML tag within the HTML email body. The contents of the related item are passed str. nameInHtml specifies the filename that should be used within the HTML, and not an actual filename on the local filesystem. charset specifies the charset that should be used for the text content of the related item. Returns the content-ID generated for the added item.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void AddRelatedString2(const wchar_t *fileNameInHtml, const wchar_t *content, const wchar_t *charset);

Adds a related item to the email from an in-memory string. Related items are things such as images and style sheets that are embedded within an HTML email. They are not considered attachments because their sole purpose is to participate in the display of the HTML. The filenameInHtml argument should be set to the filename used in the HTML img tag's src attribute (if it's an image), or the URL referenced in an HTML link tag for a stylesheet. The charset argument indicates that the content should first be converted to the specified charset prior to adding to the email. It should hava a value such as "iso-8859-1", "utf-8", "Shift_JIS", etc.

bool AddStringAttachment(const wchar_t *path, const wchar_t *content);

Adds an attachment directly from a string in memory to the email.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool AddStringAttachment2(const wchar_t *path, const wchar_t *content, const wchar_t *charset);

Adds an attachment to an email. The path specifies the filename to be used for the attachment and is not an actual filename existing on the local filesystem. The content contains the text data for the attachment. The string will be converted to the charset specified in charset before being added to the email.

Note: Beginning in v9.5.0.48, the charset may be prepended with "bom-" or "no-bom-" to include or exclude the BOM (preamble) for charsets such as utf-16 or utf-8. For example: "no-bom-utf-8" or "bom-utf-8".

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AddTo(const wchar_t *friendlyName, const wchar_t *emailAddress);

Adds a recipient to the "to" list. emailAddress is required, but friendlyName may be empty. Emails that have no "To" recipients will be sent to <undisclosed-recipients>.

To add multiple recipients, call this method once per TO recipient.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool AesDecrypt(const wchar_t *password);

Decrypts and restores an email message that was previously encrypted using AesEncrypt. The password must match the password used for encryption.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AesEncrypt(const wchar_t *password);

Encrypts the email body, all alternative bodies, all message sub-parts and attachments using 128-bit AES CBC encryption. Decrypting is achieved by calling AesDecrypt with the same password. The AesEncrypt/Decrypt methods use symmetric password-based AES encryption and greatly simplify sending and receiving encrypted emails because certificates and private keys are not used. However, the sending and receiving applications must both use Chilkat, and the password must be pre-known on both ends.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void AppendToBody(const wchar_t *str);

Appends a string to the plain-text body.

bool ApplyFixups(const wchar_t *fixups);
Introduced in version

Sometimes emails created by other software or systems are not formatted according to typical conventions. This method provides a means to automatically fix certain problems.

The fixups set to a comma-separated list of keywords that identify the fixups to be applied. At the moment, there is only one fixup defined ("FixRelated") as described here:

  • FixRelated: Fixes the email so that HTML related items (images for example) are properly located in the email MIME structure. This prevents them from being seen as attachments.
  • Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AspUnpack(const wchar_t *prefix, const wchar_t *saveDir, const wchar_t *urlPath, bool cleanFiles);

Please see the examples at the following pages for detailed information:

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AspUnpack2(const wchar_t *prefix, const wchar_t *saveDir, const wchar_t *urlPath, bool cleanFiles, CkByteData &outHtml);

Please see the examples at the following pages for detailed information:

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AttachEmail(CkEmailW &email);
Introduced in version

Attaches copy of the email to this email object. The attached email will be encapsulated in an message/rfc822 sub-part.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool AttachMessage(CkByteData &mimeBytes);

Attaches a MIME message to the email object. The attached MIME will be encapsulated in an message/rfc822 sub-part.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool BEncodeBytes(CkByteData &inData, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outEncodedStr);
const wchar_t *bEncodeBytes(CkByteData &inData, const wchar_t *charset);

Takes a byte array of multibyte (non-Unicode) data and returns a Unicode B-Encoded string.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool BEncodeString(const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outEncodedStr);
const wchar_t *bEncodeString(const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *charset);

Takes a Unicode string, converts it to the charset specified in the 2nd parameter, B-Encodes the converted multibyte data, and returns the encoded Unicode string.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void Clear(void);
Introduced in version

Clears the email object of all information to the state as if the object was just created, which will have default headers such as Mime-Version, Date, Message-ID, Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, and X-Priority.

void ClearBcc(void);

Clears the list of blind carbon-copy recipients.

void ClearCC(void);

Clears the list of carbon-copy recipients.

void ClearEncryptCerts(void);

Clears the internal list of explicitly specified certificates to be used for this encrypted email.

void ClearTo(void);

Clears the list of "to" recipients.

CkEmailW *Clone(void);

Creates and returns an identical copy of the Email object.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

bool ComputeGlobalKey2(const wchar_t *encoding, bool bFold, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *computeGlobalKey2(const wchar_t *encoding, bool bFold);
Introduced in version

Computes a global unique key for the email. The key is created by a digest-MD5 hash of the concatenation of the following:

messageID + CRLF + subject + CRLF + from + CRLF + date + CRLF + recipientAddrs

messageID contains the contents of the Message-ID header field.
subject contains the contents of the Subject header field, trimmed of whitespace from both ends, 
    where TAB chars are converted to SPACE chars, and internal whitespace is trimmed so that 
   no more than one SPACE char in a row exists.
from contains the lowercase FROM header email address.
date contains the contents of the DATE header field.
toAddrs contains lowercase TO and CC recipient email addresses, comma separated, with duplicates removed, and sorted 
    in ascending order.  The BCC addresses are NOT included.

(After calling this method, the LastErrorText property can be examined to see the string that was hashed.)
The 16-byte MD5 hash is returned as an encoded string. The encoding determines the encoding: base64, hex, url, etc. If bFold is true, then the 16-byte MD5 hash is folded to 8 bytes with an XOR to produce a shorter key.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool ConvertInlineImages(void);
Introduced in version

Converts images embedded inline within HTML to multipart/related MIME parts referenced from the HTML by CID.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

CkEmailW *CreateDsn(const wchar_t *humanReadableMessage, const wchar_t *xmlStatusFields, bool bHeaderOnly);

Creates a new DSN (Delivery Status Notification) email having the format as specified in RFC 3464. See the example (below) for more detailed information.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

CkEmailW *CreateForward(void);

Returns a copy of the Email object with the body and header fields changed so that the newly created email can be forwarded. After calling CreateForward, simply add new recipients to the created email, and call MailMan.SendEmail.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

CkEmailW *CreateMdn(const wchar_t *humanReadableMessage, const wchar_t *xmlStatusFields, bool bHeaderOnly);

Creates a new MDN (Message Disposition Notification) email having the format as specified in RFC 3798. See the example (below) for more detailed information.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

CkEmailW *CreateReply(void);

Returns a copy of the Email object with the body and header fields changed so that the newly created email can be sent as a reply. After calling CreateReply, simply prepend additional information to the body, and call MailMan.SendEmail.

Note: Attachments are not included in the returned reply email. However, attached messages are included. If an application does not wish to include the attached messages in a reply email, they can be removed by calling RemoveAttachedMessages on the reply email object.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

bool CreateTempMht(const wchar_t *inFilename, CkString &outPath);
const wchar_t *createTempMht(const wchar_t *inFilename);

Saves the email to a temporary MHT file so that a WebBrowser control can navigate to it and display it. If fileName is empty, a temporary filename is generated and returned. If fileName is non-empty, then it will be created or overwritten, and the input filename is simply returned.The MHT file that is created will not contain any of the email's attachments, if any existed. Also, if the email was plain-text, the MHT file will be saved such that the plain-text is converted to HTML using pre-formatted text ("pre" HTML tags) allowing it to be displayed correctly in a WebBrowser.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void DropAttachments(void);

Removes all attachments from the email.

void DropRelatedItem(int index);

A related item is typically an embedded image referenced from the HTML in the email via a "CID" hyperlink. This method removes the Nth embedded image from the email. Note: If the HTML tries to reference the removed image, it will be displayed as a broken image link.

void DropRelatedItems(void);

A related item is typically an embedded image referenced from the HTML in the email via a "CID" hyperlink. This method removes all the embedded images from the email.

bool DropSingleAttachment(int index);

Drops a single attachment from the email. Returns True if successful.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

CkCertW *FindIssuer(CkCertW &cert);

Digitally signed and/or encrypted emails are automatically "unwrapped" when received from a POP3 or IMAP server, or when loaded from any source such as a MIME string, in-memory byte data, or a .eml file. The results of the signature verification / decryption are stored in the properties such as ReceivedSigned, ReceivedEncrypted, SignaturesValid, etc. The signing certificate can be obtained via the GetSigningCert function. If the signature contained more certificates in the chain of authentication, this method provides a means to access them.

During signature verification, the email object collects the certs found in the signature and holds onto them internally. To get the issuing certificate of the signing certificate, call this method passing the cert returned by GetSigningCert. If the issuing cert is available, it is returned. Otherwise NULL is returned. If the cert passed in is the root (i.e. a self-signed certificate), then the cert object returned is a copy of the cert passed in.

To traverse the chain to the root, one would write a loop that on first iteration passes the cert returned by GetSignedByCert (not GetSignerCert), and then on each subsequent iteration passes the cert from the previous iteration. The loop would exit when a cert is returned that has the same SubjectDN and SerialNumber as what was passed in (or when FindIssuer returns NULL).

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

bool GenerateFilename(CkString &outStrFilename);
const wchar_t *generateFilename(void);

Generates a unique filename for this email. The filename will be different each time the method is called.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAlternativeBody(int index, CkString &outStrBody);
const wchar_t *getAlternativeBody(int index);

Returns the Nth alternative body. The NumAlternatives property tells the number of alternative bodies present. Use the GetHtmlBody and GetPlainTextBody methods to easily get the HTML or plain text alternative bodies.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAlternativeBodyBd(int index, CkBinDataW &binData);
Introduced in version

Returns contents of the Nth alternative body to binData. The 1st alternative body is at index 0. This method should only be called when the NumAlternatives property has a value greater than 0.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAlternativeBodyByContentType(const wchar_t *contentType, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getAlternativeBodyByContentType(const wchar_t *contentType);

Returns the alternative body by content-type, such as "text/plain", "text/html", "text/xml", etc.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAlternativeContentType(int index, CkString &outStrContentType);
const wchar_t *getAlternativeContentType(int index);

Returns the content type of the Nth alternative body. The NumAlternatives property tells the number of alternative bodies present.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAltHeaderField(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getAltHeaderField(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName);

Returns the value of a header field within the Nth alternative body's MIME sub-part.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

CkEmailW *GetAttachedMessage(int index);

Returns an embedded "message/rfc822" subpart as an email object. (Emails are embedded as "message/rfc822" subparts by some mail clients when forwarding an email.) This method allows the original email to be accessed.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

bool GetAttachedMessageAttr(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *attrName, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getAttachedMessageAttr(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *attrName);
Introduced in version

Returns a header field attribute value for the Nth attached (embedded) email. For example, to get the value of the "name" attribute in the Content-Type header for the 1st attached message:

Content-Type: message/rfc822; name="md75000024149.eml"
then the method arguments should contain the values 0, "Content-Type", "name".

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachedMessageFilename(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getAttachedMessageFilename(int index);

Returns the filename of the Nth attached (embedded) email. The filename is the "filename" attribute of the content-disposition header field found within the Nth message/rfc822 sub-part of the calling email object.

Important: The attached message filename is only present if the Content-Disposition header exists AND contains a "filename" attribute. If questions arise, one could open the email in a text editor to examine the MIME sub-header for the attached message (where the Content-Type = "message/rfc822"). For example, here is a sub-header that has a filename:

Content-Type: message/rfc822; name="GetAttachedMessageAttr.eml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GetAttachedMessageAttr.eml"
Here is an attached message sub-header that does NOT have a filename:
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentAttr(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *attrName, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getAttachmentAttr(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *attrName);
Introduced in version

Returns a header field attribute value from the header field of the Nth attachment.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentBd(int index, CkBinDataW &binData);
Introduced in version

Copies an attachment's binary data into binData. The first attachment is at index 0.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentContentID(int index, CkString &outStrContentID);
const wchar_t *getAttachmentContentID(int index);

Returns the ContentID header field for the Nth attachment. The first attachment is at index 0.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentContentType(int index, CkString &outStrContentType);
const wchar_t *getAttachmentContentType(int index);

Returns the Content-Type header field for the Nth attachment. Indexing of attachments begins at 0.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentData(int index, CkByteData &outData);

Retrieves an attachment's binary data for in-memory access.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentFilename(int index, CkString &outStrFilename);
const wchar_t *getAttachmentFilename(int index);

Retrieves an attachment's filename.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentHeader(int attachIndex, const wchar_t *fieldName, CkString &outFieldValue);
const wchar_t *getAttachmentHeader(int attachIndex, const wchar_t *fieldName);

Returns the value of a header field (by name) of an attachment.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

int GetAttachmentSize(int index);

Returns the size (in bytes) of the Nth attachment. The 1st attachment is at index 0. Returns -1 if there is no attachment at the specified index.

bool GetAttachmentString(int index, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getAttachmentString(int index, const wchar_t *charset);

Retrieves an attachment's data as a String. All CRLF sequences will be translated to single newline characters. The charset indicates how to interpret the bytes of the attachment. For example, if the attachment is a text file using the utf-8 byte representation for characters, pass "utf-8".

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetAttachmentStringCrLf(int index, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outStrData);
const wchar_t *getAttachmentStringCrLf(int index, const wchar_t *charset);

Retrieves an attachment's data as a String. All end-of-lines will be translated to CRLF sequences.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetBcc(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getBcc(int index);

Returns a blind carbon-copy recipient's full email address.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetBccAddr(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getBccAddr(int index);

Returns the Nth BCC address (only the address part, not the friendly-name part).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetBccName(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getBccName(int index);

Returns the Nth BCC name (only the friendly-name part, not the address part).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetCC(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getCC(int index);

Returns a carbon-copy recipient's full email address.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetCcAddr(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getCcAddr(int index);

Returns the Nth CC address (only the address part, not the friendly-name part).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetCcName(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getCcName(int index);

Returns the Nth CC name (only the friendly-name part, not the address part).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetDeliveryStatusInfo(const wchar_t *fieldName, CkString &outFieldValue);
const wchar_t *getDeliveryStatusInfo(const wchar_t *fieldName);

If the email is a multipart/report, then it is a delivery status notification. This method can be used to get individual pieces of information from the message/delivery-status part of the email. This method should only be called if the IsMultipartReport method returns true.

The fieldName should be set a string such as "Final-Recipient", "Status", "Action", "Reporting-MTA", etc.

Reporting-MTA: dns;

Final-recipient: RFC822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.4.4
X-Supplementary-Info: < #5.4.4 smtp;554 5.4.4
 SMTPSEND.DNS.NonExistentDomain; nonexistent domain>

Returns true for success, false for failure.

CkEmailW *GetDigest(int index);
Introduced in version

Returns an digest contained within a multipart/digest as an email object. The 1st digest is at index 0. Use the NumDigests property to get the number of digests available.

Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.66 or greater.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

More Information and Examples
CkStringArrayW *GetDsnFinalRecipients(void);

If the email is a multipart/report, then it is a delivery status notification. This method can be used to get Final-Recipient values from the message/delivery-status part of the email. This method should only be called if the IsMultipartReport method returns true.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

CkDateTimeW *GetDt(void);

Returns the date/time found in the "Date" header field as a date/time object.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

More Information and Examples
CkCertW *GetEncryptCert(void);

Returns the certificate that was previously set by SetEncryptCert.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

CkCertW *GetEncryptedByCert(void);

Returns the certificate associated with a received encrypted email.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

bool GetFileContent(const wchar_t *path, CkByteData &outData);

Reads a file and returns the contents as a String. This is here purely for convenience.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetHeaderField(const wchar_t *fieldName, CkString &outStrFieldData);
const wchar_t *getHeaderField(const wchar_t *fieldName);

Returns the value of a header field.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetHeaderFieldName(int index, CkString &outStrFieldName);
const wchar_t *getHeaderFieldName(int index);

Return the name of the Nth header field. The NumHeaderFields() method can be used to get the number of header fields. The GetHeaderField() method can be used to get the value of the field given the field name.

The 1st header field is at index 0. (All Chilkat indexing is 0-based.)

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetHeaderFieldValue(int index, CkString &outStrFieldValue);
const wchar_t *getHeaderFieldValue(int index);

Returns the value of the Nth header field. (Indexing begins at 0) The number of header fields can be obtained from the NumHeaderFields property.

The 1st header field is at index 0, the last header field is at index NumHeaderFields-1. (All Chilkat indexing is 0-based.)

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetHtmlBody(CkString &outStrBody);
const wchar_t *getHtmlBody(void);

Returns the body having the "text/html" content type.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetHtmlBodySb(bool inlineImageData, CkStringBuilderW &sb);
Introduced in version 10.1.2

Returns the body having the "text/html" content type. If inlineImageData is true, the related images found in the MIME are inlined as base64 directly within the returned HTML. The HTML is returned in sb.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

unsigned long GetImapUid(void);

When email headers are downloaded from an IMAP server (using Chilkat IMAP), a "ckx-imap-uid" header field is added. The content of this header is the UID or sequence number of the email on the IMAP server. In addition, a "ckx-imap-isUid" header field is added, and this will have the value YES or NO. If the value is YES, then ckx-imap-uid contains a UID, if the value is NO, then ckx-imap-uid contains the sequence number. This method returns the UID if ckx-imap-uid exists and contains a UID, otherwise it returns 0xFFFFFFFF.

An application that wishes to download the full email would use this UID and then call the Chilkat IMAP object's FetchSingle or FetchSingleAsMime methods.

Note:If an email was downloaded from the IMAP server in a way such that the UID is not received, then there will be no "ckx-imap-uid" header field and this method would return 0xFFFFFFFF. For example, if emails are downloaded by sequence numbers via the Imap.FetchSequence method, then UIDs are not used and therefore the email object will not contain this information.

CkStringArrayW *GetLinkedDomains(void);

Parses an HTML email and returns the set of domain names that occur in hyperlinks within the HTML body.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

bool GetMime(CkString &outStrMime);
const wchar_t *getMime(void);

Return the email as MIME text containing the email header, body (or bodies), related items (if any), and all attachments

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetMimeBd(CkBinDataW &bindat);
Introduced in version

Return the email as binary MIME containing the email header, body (or bodies), related items (if any), and all attachments. The MIME is appended to the existing contents (if any) of bindat.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetMimeBinary(CkByteData &outBytes);

Returns the full MIME of an email.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetMimeSb(CkStringBuilderW &sb);
Introduced in version

Return the email as MIME text containing the email header, body (or bodies), related items (if any), and all attachments. The MIME is appended to the existing contents (if any) of sb.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetNthBinaryPartOfType(int index, const wchar_t *contentType, bool inlineOnly, bool excludeAttachments, CkByteData &outBytes);
Introduced in version

Returns the binary bytes of the Nth MIME sub-part having a specified content type (such as "application/pdf". Indexing begins at 0. Call GetNumPartsOfType to find out how many MIME sub-parts exist for any given content type. If inlineOnly is true, then only MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "inline" are included. If excludeAttachments is true, then MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "attachment" are excluded.

Note: If the email was downloaded as header-only, it will not contain all the parts of the full email. Also, if downloaded from IMAP excluding attachments, those parts that are the attachments will (of course) be missing.

Note: Beginning in v9.5.0.95, the contentType can be wildcarded. For example, it is possible to specify "text/*", or simply "*" to match any Content-Type.

Note: Only non-multipart MIME parts are matched.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetNthBinaryPartOfTypeBd(int index, const wchar_t *contentType, bool inlineOnly, bool excludeAttachments, CkBinDataW &bd);
Introduced in version

Loads bd with the binary bytes of the Nth MIME sub-part matching the contentType, which can be an exact Content-Type such as "application/pdf", or a wildcarded Content-Type such as "application/*", or "*/*". Indexing begins at 0. Call GetNumPartsOfType to find out how many MIME sub-parts exist for any given content type. If inlineOnly is true, then only MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "inline" are included. If excludeAttachments is true, then MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "attachment" are excluded.

Note: If the email was downloaded as header-only, it will not contain all the parts of the full email. Also, if downloaded from IMAP excluding attachments, those parts that are the attachments will (of course) be missing.

Note: Beginning in v9.5.0.95, the contentType can be wildcarded. For example, it is possible to specify "text/*", or simply "*" to match any Content-Type.

Note: Only non-multipart MIME parts are matched.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetNthContentType(int index, const wchar_t *contentType, bool inlineOnly, bool excludeAttachments, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getNthContentType(int index, const wchar_t *contentType, bool inlineOnly, bool excludeAttachments);
Introduced in version

Returns the Content-Type of the Nth MIME sub-part matching the specified contentType. The contentType can be a Content-Type such as "text/plain", or a wildcarded Content-Type such as "text/*", or even just "*" to match all Content-Types. If inlineOnly is true, then only MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "inline" are included. If excludeAttachments is true, then MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "attachment" are excluded.

Note: Only non-multipart content-types are matched.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetNthTextPartOfType(int index, const wchar_t *contentType, bool inlineOnly, bool excludeAttachments, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getNthTextPartOfType(int index, const wchar_t *contentType, bool inlineOnly, bool excludeAttachments);
Introduced in version

Returns the text of the Nth MIME sub-part having a specified content type (such as "text/plain". Indexing begins at 0. Call GetNumPartsOfType to find out how many MIME sub-parts exist for any given content type. If inlineOnly is true, then only MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "inline" are included. If excludeAttachments is true, then MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "attachment" are excluded.

Note: If the email was downloaded as header-only, it will not contain all the parts of the full email. Also, if downloaded from IMAP excluding attachments, those parts that are the attachments will (of course) be missing.

Note: Beginning in v9.5.0.95, the contentType can be wildcarded. For example, it is possible to specify "text/*", or simply "*" to match any Content-Type.

Note: Only non-multipart MIME parts are matched.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
int GetNumPartsOfType(const wchar_t *contentType, bool inlineOnly, bool excludeAttachments);
Introduced in version

Returns the number of MIME sub-parts within the email having a specified content type (such as "text/plain"). If inlineOnly is true, then only MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "inline" are included. If excludeAttachments is true, then MIME sub-parts having a content-disposition of "attachment" are excluded.

Note: If the email was downloaded as header-only, it will not contain all the parts of the full email. Also, if downloaded from IMAP excluding attachments, those parts that are the attachments will (of course) be missing.

Note: Beginning in v9.5.0.95, the inlineOnly can be wildcarded. For example, it is possible to specify "text/*", or simply "*" to match any Content-Type.

Note: Only non-multipart MIME parts are matched (i.e. leaf-node MIME parts that contain a text or binary body).

More Information and Examples
bool GetPlainTextBody(CkString &outStrBody);
const wchar_t *getPlainTextBody(void);

Returns the email body having the "text/plain" content type.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedAttr(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *attrName, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getRelatedAttr(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *attrName);
Introduced in version

Returns a header field attribute value from the header field of the Nth related item.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedContentID(int index, CkString &outStrContentID);
const wchar_t *getRelatedContentID(int index);

Returns the content ID of a related item contained with the email. Related items are typically images and style-sheets embedded within HTML emails.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedContentLocation(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getRelatedContentLocation(int index);

Returns the Content-Location of a related item contained with the email. Related items are typically images and style-sheets embedded within HTML emails.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedContentType(int index, CkString &outStrContentType);
const wchar_t *getRelatedContentType(int index);

Returns the content-type of the Nth related content item in an email message.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedData(int index, CkByteData &outBuffer);

Returns the content of a related item contained with the email. Related items are typically images and style-sheets embedded within HTML emails.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedFilename(int index, CkString &outStrFilename);
const wchar_t *getRelatedFilename(int index);

Returns the filename of a related item contained with the email. Related items are typically images and style-sheets embedded within HTML emails.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedHeader(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getRelatedHeader(int index, const wchar_t *fieldName);
Introduced in version 10.0.0

Returns the value of a header field (by name) of a related item.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedString(int index, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outStrData);
const wchar_t *getRelatedString(int index, const wchar_t *charset);

Returns the text with CR line-endings of a related item contained with the email. Related items are typically images and style-sheets embedded within HTML emails.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetRelatedStringCrLf(int index, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getRelatedStringCrLf(int index, const wchar_t *charset);

Returns the text with CRLF line-endings of a related item contained with the email. Related items are typically images and style-sheets embedded within HTML emails.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetReplacePattern(int index, CkString &outStrPattern);
const wchar_t *getReplacePattern(int index);

Returns a replacement pattern previously defined for mail-merge operations.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetReplaceString(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getReplaceString(int index);

Returns a replacement string for a previously defined pattern/replacement string pair. (This is a mail-merge feature.)

Note: This method was found to not be working correctly and is fixed in Chilkat v9.5.0.91.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetReplaceString2(const wchar_t *pattern, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getReplaceString2(const wchar_t *pattern);

Returns a replacement string for a previously defined pattern/replacement string pair. (This is a mail-merge feature.)

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetReport(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getReport(int index);

(See the NumReports property.) Returns the body content of the Nth report within a multipart/report email.

Multipart/report is a message type that contains data formatted for a mail server to read. It is split between a text/plain (or some other content/type easily readable) and a message/delivery-status, which contains the data formatted for the mail server to read.

It is defined in RFC 3462

Returns true for success, false for failure.

CkCertW *GetSignedByCert(void);

Return the certificate used to digitally sign this email.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

More Information and Examples
CkCertChainW *GetSignedByCertChain(void);
Introduced in version

Return the full certificate chain of the certificate used to digitally sign this email.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

CkCertW *GetSigningCert(void);

Return the certificate that will be used to digitally sign this email. This is the cerficate that was previously set by calling the SetSigningCert method.

Note: The application is responsible for deleting (via the C++ delete operator) the object returned by this method.

Returns NULL on failure

bool GetTo(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getTo(int index);

Returns a "to" recipient's full email address.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool GetToAddr(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getToAddr(int index);

Returns the Nth To address (only the address part, not the friendly-name part).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetToName(int index, CkString &outStr);
const wchar_t *getToName(int index);

Returns the Nth To name (only the friendly-name part, not the address part).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool GetXml(CkString &outStrXml);
const wchar_t *getXml(void);

Convert the email object to an XML document in memory

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool HasHeaderMatching(const wchar_t *fieldName, const wchar_t *valuePattern, bool caseSensitive);

Returns true if the email has a header field with the specified fieldName with a value matching valuePattern. Case sensitivity is controlled by caseSensitive. The valuePattern may include 0 or more asterisk (wildcard) characters which match 0 or more of any character.

bool HasHtmlBody(void);

Returns true if the email has an HTML body.

bool HasPlainTextBody(void);

Returns true if the email has a plain-text body.

bool IsMultipartReport(void);

Returns true if the email is a multipart/report email.

bool LoadEml(const wchar_t *mimePath);

Loads a complete email from a .EML file. (EML files are simply RFC822 MIME text files.)

Note: This replaces the entire contents of the email object, including the To/CC recipients.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool LoadTaskResult(CkTaskW &task);
Introduced in version

Loads the email object from a completed asynchronous task.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool LoadXml(const wchar_t *xmlPath);

Loads an email with the contents of an XML email file.

Note: This replaces the entire contents of the email object, including the To/CC recipients.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool LoadXmlString(const wchar_t *xmlStr);

Loads an email from an XML string (previously obtained by calling the GetXml method). The contents of the calling email object are erased and replaced with the email contained within the XML string.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool QEncodeBytes(CkByteData &inData, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outEncodedStr);
const wchar_t *qEncodeBytes(CkByteData &inData, const wchar_t *charset);

Takes a byte array of multibyte (non-Unicode) data and returns a Unicode Q-Encoded string.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool QEncodeString(const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *charset, CkString &outEncodedStr);
const wchar_t *qEncodeString(const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *charset);

Takes a Unicode string, converts it to the charset specified in the 2nd parameter, Q-Encodes the converted multibyte data, and returns the encoded Unicode string.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void RemoveAttachedMessage(int idx);

Removes the Nth message/rfc822 sub-part of the email. Indexing begins at 0.

void RemoveAttachedMessages(void);

Removes all message/rfc822 sub-parts of the email object.

void RemoveAttachmentPaths(void);

Removes path information from all attachment filenames.

void RemoveHeaderField(const wchar_t *fieldName);

Removes by name all occurrences of a header field.

void RemoveHtmlAlternative(void);

Removes the HTML body from the email (if an HTML body exists).

void RemovePlainTextAlternative(void);

Removes the plain-text body from the email (if a plain-text body exists).

bool SaveAllAttachments(const wchar_t *dirPath);

Save all the attachments of an email to files in a directory specified by dirPath. The OverwriteExisting property controls whether existing files are allowed to be overwritten.

Note: Email attachment filenames can be renamed or modified prior to saving. The number of attachments is available in the NumAttachments property. An application can loop over the attachments to get the filename for each by calling GetAttachmentFilename(index). Each attachment's filename can be set by calling SetAttachmentFilename(index, newFilename).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SaveAttachedFile(int index, const wchar_t *dirPath);

Saves the Nth email attachment to the directory specified by dirPath. The 1st attachment is at index 0. The OverwriteExisting property controls whether existing files are allowed to be overwritten.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SaveEml(const wchar_t *emlFilePath);

Convert this email object to EML and save it to a file.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SaveRelatedItem(int index, const wchar_t *dirPath);

Saves the Nth related item to the directory specified by dirPath. (The 1st related item is at index 0) Related content items are typically image or style-sheets embedded within an HTML email. The OverwriteExisting property controls whether existing files are allowed to be overwritten.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SaveXml(const wchar_t *path);

Convert this email object to XML and save it to a file.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetAttachmentCharset(int index, const wchar_t *charset);

Sets the charset attribute of the content-type header field for a specified attachment. This can be used if the attachment is a text file that contains text in a non us-ascii charset such as Shift_JIS, iso-8859-2, big5, iso-8859-5, etc.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetAttachmentDisposition(int index, const wchar_t *disposition);

Set's an attachment's disposition. The default disposition of an attachment is "attachment". This method is typically called to change the disposition to "inline". The 1st attachment is at index 0.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetAttachmentFilename(int index, const wchar_t *filename);

Renames a email attachment's filename. The 1st attachment is at index 0.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool SetBinaryBody(CkByteData &byteData, const wchar_t *contentType, const wchar_t *disposition, const wchar_t *filename);
Introduced in version

Sets the main body of the email to binary content of any type. The disposition can be an empty string, "inline", or "attachment". If a filename is specified, the disposition must be non-empty because the filename is an attribute of the content-disposition header field.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetDecryptCert(CkCertW &cert);
Introduced in version

Allows for a certificate to be explicity provided for decryption. When an email object is loaded via any method, such as LoadEml, SetFromMimeText, SetFromMimeBytes, etc., security layers (signatures and encryption) are automatically unwrapped. This method could be called prior to calling a method that loads the email.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetDecryptCert2(CkCertW &cert, CkPrivateKeyW &key);
Introduced in version

Allows for a certificate and private key to be explicity specified for decryption. When an email object is loaded via any method, such as LoadEml, SetFromMimeText, SetFromMimeBytes, etc., security layers (signatures and encryption) are automatically unwrapped. Decryption requires a private key. On Windows-based systems, the private key is often pre-installed and nothing need be done to provide it because Chilkat will automatically find it and use it. However, if not on a Windows system, or if the private key was not pre-installed, then it can be provided by this method, or via the AddPfxSourceFile / AddPfxSourceData methods.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool SetDt(CkDateTimeW &dt);

Sets the "Date" header field of the email to have the value of the date/time object provided.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void SetEdifactBody(const wchar_t *message, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *charset);
Introduced in version

Creates a typical email used to send EDIFACT messages. Does the following:

  1. Sets the email body to the EDIFACT message passed in message.
  2. Sets the Content-Transfer-Encoding to Base64.
  3. Set the Content-Type equal to "application/EDIFACT".
  4. Sets the Content-Type header's name attribute to name.
  5. Sets the Content-Disposition equal to "attachment".
  6. Sets the Content-Disposition's "filename" attribute equal to filename.
  7. The EDIFACT message is converted to the charset indicated by charset, and encoded using Base64 in the email body.
The email's subject, recipients, FROM address, and other headers are left unmodified.

bool SetEncryptCert(CkCertW &cert);

Set the encryption certificate to be used in encryption. Use the CreateCS, CertStore, and Cert classes to create a Cert object by either locating a certificate in a certificate store or loading one from a file.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetFromMimeBd(CkBinDataW &bindat);
Introduced in version

Loads an email with the MIME stored in a BinData object.

Note: This replaces the entire contents of the email object, including the To/CC recipients.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetFromMimeBytes(CkByteData &mimeBytes);

Loads the email object with the mimeBytes. If the email object already contained an email, it is entirely replaced. The character encoding (such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", etc.) of the bytes is automatically inferred from the content. If for some reason it is not possible to determine the character encoding, the SetFromMimeBytes2 method may be called to explicitly specify the charset.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetFromMimeBytes2(CkByteData &mimeBytes, const wchar_t *charset);

Loads the email object with the mimeBytes. If the email object already contained an email, it is entirely replaced.

The charset specifies the character encoding of the MIME bytes (such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", etc.).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetFromMimeSb(CkStringBuilderW &sb);
Introduced in version

Loads an email with the MIME stored in a StringBuilder object.

Note: This replaces the entire contents of the email object, including the To/CC recipients.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetFromMimeText(const wchar_t *mimeText);

Loads an email with the contents of a .eml (i.e. MIME) contained in a string.

Note: This replaces the entire contents of the email object, including the To/CC recipients.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetFromXmlText(const wchar_t *xmlStr);

Loads an email from an XML string.

Note: This replaces the entire contents of the email object, including the To/CC recipients.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void SetHtmlBody(const wchar_t *html);

Sets the HTML body of an email.

More Information and Examples
bool SetMbHtmlBody(const wchar_t *charset, CkByteData &inData);

Sets the HTML email body from a byte array containing character data in the specified character set. This method also updates the email "content-type"header to properly reflect the content type of the body.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetMbPlainTextBody(const wchar_t *charset, CkByteData &inData);

Sets the plain-text email body from a byte array containing character data in the specified character set. This method also updates the email "content-type"header to properly reflect the content type of the body.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetRelatedFilename(int index, const wchar_t *path);

Sets the filename for a related item within the email.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool SetReplacePattern(const wchar_t *pattern, const wchar_t *replaceString);

Create a pattern/replacement-text pair for mail-merge. When the email is sent via the MailMan's SendEmail method, or any other mail-sending method, the patterns are replaced with the replacement strings during the sending process. To define multiple replacement patterns, simply call SetReplacePattern once per pattern/replacement string. (Note: The MailMan's RenderToMime method will also do pattern replacements. Methods such as SaveEml or GetMime do not replace patterns.)

Note: Replacement patterns may be placed in any header field, and in both HTML and plain-text email bodies.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool SetSigningCert(CkCertW &cert);

Set the certificate to be used in creating a digital signature. Use the CreateCS, CertStore, and Cert classes to create a Cert object by either locating a certificate in a certificate store or loading one from a file.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
bool SetSigningCert2(CkCertW &cert, CkPrivateKeyW &key);

Explicitly sets the certificate and private key to be used for sending digitally signed email. If the certificate's private key is already installed on the computer, then one may simply call SetSigningCert because the Chilkat component will automatically locate and use the corresponding private key (stored in the Windows Protected Store). In most cases, if the digital certificate is already installed w/ private key on the computer, it is not necessary to explicitly set the signing certificate at all. The Chilkat component will automatically locate and use the certificate containing the FROM email address (from the registry-based certificate store where it was installed).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

void SetTextBody(const wchar_t *bodyText, const wchar_t *contentType);

Sets the body of the email and also sets the Content-Type header field of the contentType. If the email is already multipart/alternative, an additional alternative with the indicated Content-Type will be added. If an alternative with the same Content-Type already exists, it is replaced.

More Information and Examples
bool UidlEquals(CkEmailW &e);

True if the caller email has a UIDL that equals the email passed in the argument.

bool UnpackHtml(const wchar_t *unpackDir, const wchar_t *htmlFilename, const wchar_t *partsSubdir);

Unpacks an HTML email into an HTML file and related files (images and style sheets). The links within the HTML are updated to point to the files unpacked and saved to disk.

The unpackDir is the absolute or relative directory path where the HTML file should be written. The partsSubdir is the subdirectory beneath unpackDir where images and style sheets should be written. If partsSubdir does not already exist, it is automatically created.

For example, if unpackDir = "C:/test", htmlFilename = "myEmail.html", and partsSubdir = "images", then C:/test/myEmail.html is created, and the related files are written into C:/test/images.

Note: The UnpackHtml method extracts images that are actually contained within the email itself. If the HTML contains an "IMG" tag that just links to an image on the web (but the image data is not contained locally within the email), then the image is not unpacked (because it would need to be downloaded from the web).

Returns true for success, false for failure.

More Information and Examples
void UnSpamify(void);

Unobfuscates emails by undoing what spammers do to obfuscate email. It removes comments from HTML bodies and unobfuscates hyperlinked URLs.

bool UnzipAttachments(void);

Unzips and replaces any Zip file attachments with the expanded contents. As an example, if an email contained a single Zip file containing 3 GIF image files as an attachment, then after calling this method the email would contain 3 GIF file attachments, and the Zip attachment would be gone.If an email contains multiple Zip file attachments, each Zip is expanded and replaced with the contents.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool UseCertVault(CkXmlCertVaultW &vault);
Introduced in version

Adds an XML certificate vault to the object's internal list of sources to be searched for certificates and private keys when encrypting/decrypting or signing/verifying. Unlike the AddPfxSourceData and AddPfxSourceFile methods, only a single XML certificate vault can be used. If UseCertVault is called multiple times, only the last certificate vault will be used, as each call to UseCertVault will replace the certificate vault provided in previous calls.

Returns true for success, false for failure.

bool ZipAttachments(const wchar_t *zipFilename);

Replaces all the attachments of an email with a single Zip file attachment having the filename specified.

Returns true for success, false for failure.
