JavaKeyStore PHP Extension Reference Documentation
Current Version: 10.1.3
API to read, write, access, and update Java key stores (JKS format).
This class also supports the JCEKS format starting in Chilkat v9.5.0.66.
Object Creation
$obj = new CkJavaKeyStore();
void put_DebugLogFilePath(string strVal);
If set to a file path, this property logs the LastErrorText of each Chilkat method or property call to the specified file. This logging helps identify the context and history of Chilkat calls leading up to any crash or hang, aiding in debugging.
Enabling the VerboseLogging property provides more detailed information. This property is mainly used for debugging rare instances where a Chilkat method call causes a hang or crash, which should generally not happen.
Possible causes of hangs include:
- A timeout property set to 0, indicating an infinite timeout.
- A hang occurring within an event callback in the application code.
- An internal bug in the Chilkat code causing the hang.
string lastErrorHtml();
Provides HTML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.
string lastErrorText();
Provides plain text information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.
string lastErrorXml();
Provides XML-formatted information about the last called method or property. If a method call fails or behaves unexpectedly, check this property for details. Note that information is available regardless of the method call's success.
void put_LastMethodSuccess(bool boolVal);
Indicates the success or failure of the most recent method call: true means success, false means failure. This property remains unchanged by property setters or getters. This method is present to address challenges in checking for null or Nothing returns in certain programming languages.
int get_NumPrivateKeys()
The number of private keys contained within the keystore. Each private key has an alias and certificate chain associated with it.
int get_NumSecretKeys()
The number of secret keys (such as AES keys) contained within the keystore. Each secret key can have an alias associated with it.
int get_NumTrustedCerts()
The number of trusted certificates contained within the keystore. Each certificate has an alias (identifying string) associated with it.
void put_RequireCompleteChain(bool boolVal);
If true, then adding a private key to the JKS only succeeds if the certificate chain can be completed to the root certificate. A root certificate is either a trusted CA root or a self-signed certificate. If false, then incomplete certificate chains are allowed. The default value is true.
void put_Utf8(bool boolVal);
When set to true, all "const char *" arguments are interpreted as utf-8 strings. If set to false (the default), then "const char *" arguments are interpreted as ANSI strings. Also, when set to true, and Chilkat method returning a "const char *" is returning the utf-8 representation. If set to false, all "const char *" return values are ANSI strings.
void put_VerboseLogging(bool boolVal);
If set to true, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is false. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.
void put_VerifyKeyedDigest(bool boolVal);
If true, then the keystore's keyed digest is required to pass validation (password required) for any of the load methods (such as LoadFile, LoadBinary, or LoadEncoded). If false, then a keystore may be loaded into memory without password validation (if a null or empty string is passed to the load method). The default value of this property is true.
string version();
Adds the contents of a PFX or PKCS #12 (.p12) to the Java keystore object. One JKS entry per private key found in the PKCS12 is added. The certs found within the PCKS12 are used to build the certificate chains for each private key. (A typical PFX file contains a single private key along with its associated certificate, and the certificates in the chain of authentication to the root CA cert.)
This method does not add trusted certificate entries to the JKS.
The specified alias is applied to the 1st private key found. If the alias is empty, then the alias is obtained from the cert/PFX in the following order of preference:
- Certificate's subject common name
- Certificate's subject email address
- Certificate's friendly name found in the PKCS9 attributes of the PKCS12
- Certificate's serial number
If multiple private keys are found in the PKCS12, then all but the first will automaticallly be assigned aliases using the preference just described.
The UseCertVault method may be called to provide additional certificates for the automatic construction of the certificate chains. If the RequireCompleteChain property is set to true, then this method will fail if any certificate chain is not completed to the root. The TrustedRoots class may be used to provide a source for obtaining trusted CA roots if these are not already present within the PKCS12.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Adds a private key entry to the JKS. Both the private key and certificate chain are obtained from the certificate object that is passed in the 1st argument.
If the alias is empty, then the alias is automatically chosen based on the certificate's information, in the following order of preference:
- Certificate's subject common name
- Certificate's subject email address
- Certificate's serial number
The UseCertVault method may be called to provide additional certificates for the automatic construction of the certificate chains. If the RequireCompleteChain property is set to true, then this method will fail if the certificate chain is not completed to the root. The TrustedRoots class may be used to provide a source for obtaining trusted CA roots.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Adds a secret (symmetric) key entry to the JKS. This adds a symmetric key, which is simply a number of binary bytes (such as 16 bytes for a 128-bit AES key). The encodedKeyBytes provides the actual bytes of the symmetric key, in an encoded string form. The encoding indicates the encoding of encodedKeyBytes (such as "base64", "hex", "base64url", etc.) The algorithm describes the symmetric algorithm, such as "AES". The alias is the password used to seal (encrypt) the key bytes.
Note: The algorithm describes the usage of the encodedKeyBytes. For example, if encodedKeyBytes contains the 16 bytes of a 128-bit AES key, then algorithm should be set to "AES". The actual encryption algorithm used to seal the key within the JCEKS is PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES, which is part of the JCEKS specification.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Adds a trusted certificate to the Java keystore object.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Changes the password for a private key.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Finds and returns the certificate chain for the private key with the specified alias.
Returns null on failure
Finds and returns the private key with the specified alias.
Returns null on failure
Returns the certificate chain associated with the Nth private key contained within the keystore. The 1st private key is at index 0.
Returns null on failure
Returns the Nth private key contained within the keystore. The 1st private key is at index 0.
Returns null on failure
Returns the Nth private key alias contained within the keystore. The 1st private key is at index 0.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
string getSecretKey(string password, int index, string encoding);
Returns the Nth secret key contained within the keystore. The 1st secret key is at index 0. The bytes of the secret key are returned in the specified encoding. (such as hex, base64, base64url, etc.)
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Returns the Nth secret key alias contained within the keystore. The 1st secret key is at index 0.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Returns the Nth trusted certificate contained within the keystore. The 1st certificate is at index 0.
Returns null on failure
Returns the Nth trusted certificate alias contained within the keystore. The 1st certificate is at index 0.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Loads a Java keystore from an encoded string (such as base64, hex, etc.)
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Loads a Java keystore from a file.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Loads the Java KeyStore from a JSON Web Key (JWK) Set.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Removes the Nth trusted certificate or private key entry from the keystore. The entryType indicates whether it is a trusted root or private key entry (1 = trusted certificate entry, 2 = private key entry). The 1st entry is at index 0.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Sets the alias name for a trusted certificate or private key entry. The entryType indicates whether it is a trusted root or private key entry (1 = trusted certificate entry, 2 = private key entry). The 1st entry is at index 0.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Writes the key store to in-memory bytes. The password is used for the keyed hash of the entire JKS file. (Each private key within the file may use different passwords, and these are provided when the private key is added via the AddPrivateKey method.)
Returns true for success, false for failure.
string toEncodedString(string password, string encoding);
Writes the key store to an encoded string. The encoding can be any encoding such as "base64" or "hex". The password is used for the keyed hash of the entire JKS file. (Each private key within the file may use different passwords, and these are provided when the private key is added via the AddPrivateKey method.)
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Writes the key store to a file. The password is used for the keyed hash of the entire JKS file. (Each private key within the file may use different passwords, and these are provided when the private key is added via the AddPrivateKey method.)
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Returns the private keys in JSON JWK Set format. The JWK identifier (kid) will be set from the key alias in the store.
Returns true for success, false for failure.
Adds an XML certificate vault to the object's internal list of sources to be searched for certificates for help in building certificate chains to a root certificate.
Returns true for success, false for failure.