Chilkat Mono Library

for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X


v9.5.0.98 03-Apr-2024sha256: 47eee75a9d42c70082942ad050c492b2b8803d199739c21423a5abacbbebc9f9
Chilkat Class Library for Mono

Install Instructions

  1. Download and unzip to any directory. The unzipped directory structure is shown here:
  2. The chilkatCs directory contains the C# source files for the Chilkat classes. These use the standard P/Invoke to call into a native library containing the implementation. Native shared libraries for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X are provided.
  3. On Windows, open a Mono Command Prompt. On Linux or Mac OS X, start a terminal. Navigate to the chilkatMono-9.5.0 directory.
  4. On Linux and Mac OS X, make sure the bash shell scripts (.sh) files have execute permission:
  5. chmod a+x *.sh
  6. (Optional) If desired, generate a new Strong Key by running (or createSnk.bat on Windows). This script contains the following command:
  7. sn -k chilkat.snk
  8. Create the Chilkat Mono managed assembly (chilkatMono.dll) by running (or makeChilkat.bat on Windows). This script contains the following command:
  9. csc -keyfile:chilkat.snk -target:library -out:chilkatMono.dll chilkatCs/*.cs
  10. Copy the native shared library that matches your system's architecture to the chilkatMono-9.5.0 directory (i.e. the same directory where chilkatMono.dll that was just created is located). For example, if running on 64-bit Linux:
  11. cp nativeDll/linux/x64/ .
  12. Build the chilkatTest.cs sample program by running (or makeTest.bat on Windows). This script contains the following command:
  13. csc -lib:. -r:chilkatMono.dll chilkatTest.cs
  14. The sample program can be run. For example:
  15. (on Windows)
    (on Linux, Mac OS X, etc.)
    mono chilkatTest.exe

Sample Script for Install/Testing on 64-bit Linux

Note: The download URL is for v9.5.0.76. At the time of this writing, it was the latest version of Chilkat.

#!/bin/bash -ef

curl "" -o ""
cd chilkatMono-9.5.0
sn -k chilkat.snk
csc -keyfile:chilkat.snk -target:library -out:chilkatMono.dll chilkatCs/*.cs
cp nativeDll/linux/x64/ .
csc -lib:. -r:chilkatMono.dll chilkatTest.cs
mono chilkatTest.exe
cd ..

Sample Script for Install/Testing on MAC OS X

Note: The download URL is for v9.5.0.76. At the time of this writing, it was the latest version of Chilkat.

#!/bin/bash -ef

curl "" -o ""
cd chilkatMono-9.5.0
sn -k chilkat.snk
csc -keyfile:chilkat.snk -target:library -out:chilkatMono.dll chilkatCs/*.cs
cp nativeDll/mac/libchilkatMono-9_5_0.dylib .
csc -lib:. -r:chilkatMono.dll chilkatTest.cs
mono chilkatTest.exe
cd ..