OAuth1 PureBasic Reference Documentation
Current Version: 10.0.0
OAuth 1.0a signature generator.
Object Creation
obj.i = CkOAuth1::ckCreate()
; Make sure to dispose of the object when finished like this:
The authorization header. This is what would be included in the Authorization HTTP request header if it is going to be used as the means for providing the OAuth1 authorization information.
This is the exact string that was signed. For example, if the signature method is HMAC-SHA1, the BaseString is the exact string that passed to the HMAC-SHA1. An application does not set the BaseString property. The BaseString is exposed as a property to allow for debugging and to see the exact string that is signed.
Declare setCkConsumerKey(obj.i, value.s)
The consumer key.
Declare setCkConsumerSecret(obj.i, value.s)
The consumer secret.
Declare setCkDebugLogFilePath(obj.i, value.s)
If set to a file path, causes each Chilkat method or property call to automatically append it's LastErrorText to the specified log file. The information is appended such that if a hang or crash occurs, it is possible to see the context in which the problem occurred, as well as a history of all Chilkat calls up to the point of the problem. The VerboseLogging property can be set to provide more detailed information.
This property is typically used for debugging the rare cases where a Chilkat method call hangs or generates an exception that halts program execution (i.e. crashes). A hang or crash should generally never happen. The typical causes of a hang are:
- a timeout related property was set to 0 to explicitly indicate that an infinite timeout is desired,
- the hang is actually a hang within an event callback (i.e. it is a hang within the application code), or
- there is an internal problem (bug) in the Chilkat code that causes the hang.
The URL encoded representation of the Signature property
The URL that includes the OAuth1 query params.
The exact HMAC key used to sign the BaseString. An application does not directly set the HmacKey. The HmacKey property is read-only and is provided for debugging to see the exact HMAC key used to sign the BaseString. The HMAC key is composed from the consumer secret (if it exists) and the token secret (if it exists).
Provides information in HTML format about the last method/property called. If a method call returns a value indicating failure, or behaves unexpectedly, examine this property to get more information.
Provides information in plain-text format about the last method/property called. If a method call returns a value indicating failure, or behaves unexpectedly, examine this property to get more information.
Provides information in XML format about the last method/property called. If a method call returns a value indicating failure, or behaves unexpectedly, examine this property to get more information.
Declare setCkLastMethodSuccess(obj.i, value.i)
Indicate whether the last method call succeeded or failed. A value of 1 indicates success, a value of 0 indicates failure. This property is automatically set for method calls. It is not modified by property accesses. The property is automatically set to indicate success for the following types of method calls:
- Any method that returns a string.
- Any method returning a Chilkat object, binary bytes, or a date/time.
- Any method returning a standard boolean status value where success = 1 and failure = 0.
- Any method returning an integer where failure is defined by a return value less than zero.
Note: Methods that do not fit the above requirements will always set this property equal to 1. For example, a method that returns no value (such as a "void" in C++) will technically always succeed.
Declare setCkNonce(obj.i, value.s)
The nonce.
Declare setCkOauthMethod(obj.i, value.s)
The HTTP method, such as "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", or "HEAD". Defaults to "GET".
Declare setCkOauthUrl(obj.i, value.s)
The OAuth URL, such as "http://echo.lab.madgex.com/echo.ashx". See http://bettiolo.github.io/oauth-reference-page/ to compare Chilkat results with another tool's results.
Note: The OAuthUrl should not include query parameters. For example, do not set the OAuthUrl equal to
https://rest.sandbox.netsuite.com/app/site/hosting/restlet.nl?script=165&deploy=1Instead, set OAuthUrl equal to
https://rest.sandbox.netsuite.com/app/site/hosting/restlet.nland then subsequently call AddParam for each query parameter. top
Declare setCkOauthVersion(obj.i, value.s)
The oauth_version. Defaults to "1.0". May be set to the empty string to exclude.
Contains the normalized set of request parameters that are signed. This is a read-only property made available for debugging purposes.
Declare setCkRealm(obj.i, value.s)
The realm (optional).
The generated base64 signature.
Declare setCkSignatureMethod(obj.i, value.s)
The signature method. Defaults to "HMAC-SHA1". Other possible choices are "HMAC-SHA256", "RSA-SHA1", and "RSA-SHA256" (or the equivalent "RSA-SHA2").
Declare setCkTimestamp(obj.i, value.s)
The timestamp, such as "1441632569".
Declare setCkToken(obj.i, value.s)
The token.
Declare setCkTokenSecret(obj.i, value.s)
The token secret
Declare setCkUncommonOptions(obj.i, value.s)
This is a catch-all property to be used for uncommon needs. This property defaults to the empty string and should typically remain empty.
Can be set to a list of the following comma separated keywords:
- "INCLUDE_REALM" - Introduced in v9.5.0.85. Include the Realm in the signature calculation and outputs.
Declare setCkVerboseLogging(obj.i, value.i)
If set to 1, then the contents of LastErrorText (or LastErrorXml, or LastErrorHtml) may contain more verbose information. The default value is 0. Verbose logging should only be used for debugging. The potentially large quantity of logged information may adversely affect peformance.
Adds an extra name/value parameter to the OAuth1 signature.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
Generate the signature based on the property settings. Input properties are OauthVersion, OauthMethod, Url, ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, Token, TokenSecret, Nonce, and Timestamp. Properties set by this method include: BaseString, Signature, HmacKey, EncodedSignature, QueryString, GeneratedUrl, andAuthorizationHeader.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
Generates a random nonce numBytes in length and sets the Nonce property to the hex encoded value.
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
Sets the RSA key to be used when the SignatureMethod is set to "RSA-SHA1" or "RSA-SHA2".
Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.