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Index of Chilkat Blog Posts

June 1, 2006

FTP Callbacks in C++ for Progress Monitoring

Here is a C++ FTP example for monitoring progress of FTP uploads and downloads:

<font face=\"courier\" size=\"2\">
class MyFtpProgress : public CkFtpProgress
    void PercentDone(long pctDone, bool *abort)
	// Set *abort = true if you wish to abort the transfer before completion.
	printf("%d Percent Done!\n",pctDone);
    // Called periodically to check to see if the transfer should be aborted.
    void AbortCheck(bool *abort)
	// Set *abort = true if you wish to abort the transfer before completion.
	printf("Abort Check!\n");
void FtpProgressDemo(void)
    CkFtp2 ftp;
    ftp.UnlockComponent("unlock code");
    bool b = ftp.Connect();
    if (!b)
	printf("connect failed!\n");
    MyFtpProgress myProgress;

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