Zip Component, Email Component, Encryption Component ActiveX Control for Zip Compression .NET Components for ASP.NET
ActiveX and .NET Components for Zip Compression, Encryption, Email, XML, S/MIME, HTML Email, Character Encoding, Digital Certificates, FTP, and more ASP Email ActiveX Component

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December 21, 2007

Send Japanese Email in VB.NET

This example demonstrates sending Japanese email in VB.NET:

    Private Sub JapaneseEmail()
        ' This example loads Japanese text from a file, and uses it as
        ' both the subject and body and sends an email.
        ' The sample data can be downloaded from:
        ' First, read the bytes into memory.  We'll read it as bytes
        ' and then convert from utf-8 bytes to a string:
        Dim utf8Bytes() As Byte
        utf8Bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("japanese_utf8.txt")
        Dim japaneseStr As String
        japaneseStr = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8Bytes)
        ' If our string is valid, it should display properly in a message box.
        ' Make sure you verify this first.  VB.NET and C# programs should be
        ' capable of displaying any language.
        ' Create a mailman for sending, then create an email with this
        ' Japanese text in body and subject:
        Dim mailman As New Chilkat.MailMan()
        Dim success As Boolean
        success = mailman.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial")
        If (Not success) Then
            MessageBox.Show("Failed to unlock email component")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        mailman.SmtpHost = ""
        mailman.SmtpUsername = "****"
        mailman.SmtpPassword = "***"
        Dim email As New Chilkat.Email()
        email.Subject = japaneseStr
        email.Body = japaneseStr
        email.From = ""
        email.AddTo("Chilkat Admin", "")
        ' By default, Chilkat recognizes the Japanese characters when
        ' the Subject and Body properties were set, and the charset
        ' was automatically set to the most appropriate charset
        ' for Japanese email: shift_jis
        success = mailman.SendEmail(email)
        If (Not success) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' You may choose another charset by setting the Email.Charset property.
        ' This causes all parts of the email (header fields and body) to use
        ' the new charset.
        email.Charset = "utf-8"
        ' Send it again, this time using utf-8.
        success = mailman.SendEmail(email)
        If (Not success) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Here's yet another choice for Japanese email: iso-2022-jp:
        email.Charset = "iso-2022-jp"
        ' Send it again, this time using iso-2022-jp.
        success = mailman.SendEmail(email)
        If (Not success) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Now let's say you want to send HTML email.
        ' If a charset is specified in the HTML, it better match the charset
        ' you're using:
        email.Charset = "utf-8"
        Dim html As String
        html = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"">"
        html = html + "</head><body><b>"
        html = html + japaneseStr + "</b></body></html>"
        ' Now send the email, which has both plain-text and HTML alternative
        ' bodies:
        success = mailman.SendEmail(email)
        If (Not success) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        MessageBox.Show("Mail sent!")
    End Sub

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