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November 20, 2007

FTP Events (for Chilkat FTP2 Component)

This is a summary of the Chilkat.Ftp2 events in C#:

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Chilkat.Ftp2 ftp2 = new Chilkat.Ftp2();
    ftp2.EnableEvents = true;
    // The HeartbeatMs property controls the frequence of AbortCheck callbacks.
    ftp2.HeartbeatMs = 100;
    // Called from MGetFiles, DownloadTree, GetFile, SyncLocalTree
    // Provides information about each file after it's been downloaded.
    ftp2.OnEndDownloadFile += new Chilkat.Ftp2.EndDownloadFileEventHandler(ftp2_OnEndDownloadFile);
    // Called from MGetFiles, DownloadTree, GetFile, SyncLocalTree
    // Provides information about each file before it begins downloading.
    // The application can set a "skip" flag to prevent selected files from downloading
    ftp2.OnBeginDownloadFile += new Chilkat.Ftp2.BeginDownloadFileEventHandler(ftp2_OnBeginDownloadFile);
    // Called from MPutFiles, PutTree, PutPlan, PutFile, SyncRemoteTree
    // Provides information about each file after it's been uploaded.
    ftp2.OnEndUploadFile += new Chilkat.Ftp2.EndUploadFileEventHandler(ftp2_OnEndUploadFile);
    // Called from MPutFiles, UploadTree, PutFile, SyncRemoteTree
    // Provides information about each file before it begins uploading.
    // The application can set a "skip" flag to prevent selected files from uploading
    ftp2.OnBeginUploadFile += new Chilkat.Ftp2.BeginUploadFileEventHandler(ftp2_OnBeginUploadFile);
    // Called for any FTP operation where progress can be measured as a percentage complete.
    // An "abort" flag can be set to abort the operation.
    ftp2.OnPercentDone += new Chilkat.Ftp2.PercentDoneEventHandler(ftp2_OnPercentDone);
    // Called periodically according to the HearbeatMs property setting for any FTP operation.
    // An "abort" flag can be set to abort the operation.
    ftp2.OnAbortCheck += new Chilkat.Ftp2.AbortCheckEventHandler(ftp2_OnAbortCheck);
    // Called when the PORT command is sent to the server, allowing the application to
    // know the port number chosen for the data connection.
    ftp2.OnDataPort += new Chilkat.Ftp2.DataPortEventHandler(ftp2_OnDataPort);
    // Called by the DeleteTree method to allow the application to exclude sub-directories from deletion.
    ftp2.OnVerifyDeleteDir += new Chilkat.Ftp2.VerifyDeleteDirEventHandler(ftp2_OnVerifyDeleteDir);
    // Called by the DeleteTree method to allow the application to exclude files from deletion.
    ftp2.OnVerifyDeleteFile += new Chilkat.Ftp2.VerifyDeleteFileEventHandler(ftp2_OnVerifyDeleteFile);
    // Called from PutTree, PutPlan, and SyncRemoteTree
    // Allows the application to excludes sub-directories from upload.
    ftp2.OnVerifyUploadDir += new Chilkat.Ftp2.VerifyUploadDirEventHandler(ftp2_OnVerifyUploadDir);
    // Called from DownloadTree, and SyncLocalTree
    // Allows the application to excludes sub-directories from download.
    ftp2.OnVerifyDownloadDir += new Chilkat.Ftp2.VerifyDownloadDirEventHandler(ftp2_OnVerifyDownloadDir);
void ftp2_OnVerifyDownloadDir(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.Path contains the path of the directory to be downloaded.
    // args.Skip can be set to the true to prevent the sub-directory from being downloaded.
void ftp2_OnVerifyUploadDir(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.Path contains the path of the directory to be uploaded.
    // args.Skip can be set to the true to prevent the sub-directory from being uploaded.
void ftp2_OnVerifyDeleteFile(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.Path contains the filepath of the file to be deleted.
    // args.Skip can be set to the true to prevent the file from being deleted.
void ftp2_OnVerifyDeleteDir(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.Path contains the path of the directory to be deleted.
    // args.Skip can be set to the true to prevent the sub-directory from being deleted.
void ftp2_OnDataPort(object sender, Chilkat.DataPortEventArgs args)
    // args.Port contains the port number used in the PORT command
    // sent to the FTP server.
void ftp2_OnAbortCheck(object sender, Chilkat.AbortCheckEventArgs args)
    // Called periodically according to the HeartbeatMs property setting.
    // args.Abort can be set to true to abort the current operation.
void ftp2_OnPercentDone(object sender, Chilkat.PercentDoneEventArgs args)
    // args.PercentDone contains the percentage completion for the current
    // operation.  It will have a value ranging from 1 to 100.
    // args.Abort can be set to true to abort the current operation.
void ftp2_OnEndUploadFile(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.NumBytes contains the size of the file uploaded.
    // args.Path contains the filepath of the file uploaded.
    // args.Skip is ignored in this callback.
void ftp2_OnBeginUploadFile(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.NumBytes contains the size of the file to be uploaded.
    // args.Path contains the filepath of the file to be uploaded.
    // args.Skip can be set to true to prevent this file from uploading.
void ftp2_OnBeginDownloadFile(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.NumBytes contains the size of the file to be downloaded.
    // args.Path contains the filepath of the file to be downloaded.
    // args.Skip can be set to true to prevent this file from downloading.
void ftp2_OnEndDownloadFile(object sender, Chilkat.FtpTreeEventArgs args)
    // args.NumBytes contains the size of the file downloaded.
    // args.Path contains the filepath of the file downloaded.
    // args.Skip is ignored in this callback.

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