A summary of the Chilkat.MailMan events for POP3 and SMTP in C#:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Chilkat.MailMan mailman = new Chilkat.MailMan();
mailman.EnableEvents = true;
mailman.OnAbortCheck += new Chilkat.MailMan.AbortCheckEventHandler(mailman_OnAbortCheck);
mailman.OnEmailReceived += new Chilkat.MailMan.EmailReceivedEventHandler(mailman_OnEmailReceived);
mailman.OnPercentDone += new Chilkat.MailMan.PercentDoneEventHandler(mailman_OnPercentDone);
// The HeartbeatMs property controls the frequence of AbortCheck callbacks.
mailman.HeartbeatMs = 100; // Call AbortCheck every .1 seconds
void mailman_OnPercentDone(object sender, Chilkat.MailPercentDoneEventArgs args)
// Called during any POP3 read/SMTP send whenever the percentage progress updates.
// args.PercentDone contains an integer value from 1 to 100
// args.Abort is a bool that if set to true, causes the read to abort.
void mailman_OnEmailReceived(object sender, Chilkat.EmailEventArgs args)
// Called during any POP3 email or header download.
// args contains the following string members:
// args.Date contains the contents of the email's Date header field.
// args.FromAddr contains the From header field's address part.
// args.FromName contains the From header field's friendly-name part.
// args.ReturnPath contains the Return-Path header field.
// args.Subject contains the Subject header field.
// args.Uidl contains the UIDL of the email (uniquely identifies it on the POP3 server).
// There is one integer member:
// args.Size contains the total size, in bytes, of the email (including attachments).
void mailman_OnAbortCheck(object sender, Chilkat.AbortCheckEventArgs args)
// Called periodically during any SMTP or POP3 method call.
// The HeartbeatMs controls the frequence of calls (in milliseconds).
// args.Abort may be set to true to abort the current method call.