If you get the "The object does not support this property or method" in ASP (or VB6), it could mean you’ve misspelled a method or property name, but it could also mean that you’re trying to use a method as a property. For example:
set oEmail = server.CreateObject(⪯Chilkat.WebEmail2⪯)
oEmail.SetHtmlBody = txt
This is incorrect because SetHtmlBody is a method, not a property.
In this case, SetHtmlBody does not return a success/failure status (it does not return anything), therefore it is a subroutine and not a function. To call a subroutine in ASP, you pass the parameters w/out parentheses (the parentheses are optional). So… the solution is to remove the "=":
set oEmail = server.CreateObject(⪯Chilkat.WebEmail2⪯)
oEmail.SetHtmlBody txt