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Index of Chilkat Blog Posts

October 22, 2007

Compare Chilkat DES Encryption Results with .NET Results

This C# example uses Chilkat.Crypt2 to do 56-bit DES encryption (ECB mode). It compares the results with those produced by the .NET Framework.

The DesEncryptOneBlock method, which uses the .NET DESCryptoServiceProvider class can be found here.

        // Compare Chilkat 56-bit DES results with .NET's DES results.
        public void CompareDes()
            Chilkat.Crypt2 crypt = new Chilkat.Crypt2();
            bool success;
            success = crypt.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial");
            if (success != true)
                MessageBox.Show("Crypt component unlock failed");
            //  Set the encryption algorithm to 56-bit DES (Electronic Cookbook Mode):
            crypt.CryptAlgorithm = "des";
            crypt.KeyLength = 56;
            crypt.CipherMode = "ecb";
            // PAD with NULLs.  If input is already a multiple of the block size (8 bytes), then no padding is added.
            // This will be the case here, so there is no padding..
            crypt.PaddingScheme = 3;    
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                // Get 8 bytes of key and plain-text.
                byte[] key = GetRandomBytes();
                byte[] plainText = GetRandomBytes();
                // Encrypt using .NET:
                byte[] dnEncrypted = DesEncryptOneBlock(plainText, key);
                // Encrypt using Chilkat:
                crypt.SecretKey = key;
                byte[] ckEncrypted = crypt.EncryptBytes(plainText);
                // Encode to a hex string and display for comparison:
                string dnHex = crypt.Encode(dnEncrypted, "hex");
                string ckHex = crypt.Encode(ckEncrypted, "hex");
                string keyHex = crypt.Encode(key, "hex");
                string plainTextHex = crypt.Encode(plainText, "hex");
                textBox1.Text += "key=" + keyHex + " , pt=" + plainTextHex + "\r\n";
                textBox1.Text += "enc=" + dnHex + " = " + ckHex + "\r\n\r\n";

This is the output produced:

key=E89E43FD42E41EC4 , pt=07D994C20BDB2D47
enc=79C18B3259060B46 = 79C18B3259060B46
key=D273825BF7B145E6 , pt=8E9CA6DDFC31E40A
enc=A750C0D842E48C63 = A750C0D842E48C63
key=5A38481B3505E510 , pt=80553EDFB74BFE62
enc=E516EF2111181897 = E516EF2111181897
key=8697508A3037F5C1 , pt=E69E04A70CC12C6E
enc=55344C5210D0ADC5 = 55344C5210D0ADC5
key=8277607F31E0EF12 , pt=BFB00246DEECCB01
enc=A97199855BB12905 = A97199855BB12905
key=BD70436B4E3CD5ED , pt=5823BA741AC927E3
enc=03E8EBCF88FB74A9 = 03E8EBCF88FB74A9
key=10C4E439CE8A3617 , pt=34D4E83E17305A7A
enc=EFAAA0BF341303D5 = EFAAA0BF341303D5
key=1E23944112DED602 , pt=D82A2D645E2BDAD1
enc=1B507B7AB9FF27A1 = 1B507B7AB9FF27A1
key=1CF9156BE911AF51 , pt=A8A33EE62C3BA5FF
enc=5D210CBD737F123F = 5D210CBD737F123F
key=C8922B9F931AE478 , pt=5A05CBE4BC356E4E
enc=3272EBF476CC6780 = 3272EBF476CC6780
key=042BE26F91C0A872 , pt=2B8DC5DEB3BDE85F
enc=4E323A25497A22B6 = 4E323A25497A22B6
key=94FCDD8E90ECADCC , pt=B33005990C42AA2E
enc=AA04E23096018F06 = AA04E23096018F06
key=AFB828EDE70032D9 , pt=A3A429615BF21983
enc=E6355CC82F71346D = E6355CC82F71346D
key=73C3162E13ADC84D , pt=F7B16CCFC6CC3EB9
enc=0F44993441C6BE7A = 0F44993441C6BE7A
key=C258F6DD10F46A99 , pt=D4251584428AF60D
enc=092E381AD2ACEE80 = 092E381AD2ACEE80
key=C7994C77B3E6C2E5 , pt=9E21EAA1015235C4
enc=AE7FB83A89CA064E = AE7FB83A89CA064E

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