This post shows sample FTP "site mapin" call and the response received (from the SessionLog). First, here’s the method call:
ChilkatFtp2.Quote("Site mapin text (rec=150 characters, block=06, filekind=data)")
Here’s the result as seen from the ftp2.SessionLog:
Site mapin text (rec=150 characters, block=06, filekind=data)
200-Local SITE Command processing report
MAPIn value(s) just set:
Characterset = Not Specified
FileCharacterset = Not Specified
ProtCharacterset = Not Specified
Blockingfactor = 6
Filekind = DATA
Recordlength = 150 Characters
Add = All
Folding = Not Specified
ID = Not Specified
Tab = Not Specified
200 End of Local SITE Command processing report
The only reason I posted this was to show a working "site mapin" command with valid syntax…
If you don’t know what a "mapin" command is, you definitely don’t need it — it’s for MVS MainFrame systems…