If you’re a C++ developer and you purchase a new Dell computer, you may run into this problem. Out-of-the-blue you start getting "First-Chance Exceptions 0xC0000005 Access Violation" messages in your Visual C++ Output Window — in v6.0, 7.0, or 8.0. The culprit is the Embassy Trust Suite by Wave Systems, which comes pre-installed on many Dell computers and notebooks. The software is intercepting every file open attempt in an Anti-Virus style and internally throws and catches the exceptions. The exceptions turn out to be harmless, but it’s a bit disconcerting to see them in the Output window — especially if you’re doing a lot of file I/O. The solution: if you’re not using the Embassy Trust Suite, uninstall it. In general, if you didn’t even know it existed (and I didn’t) you’re most likely not using it…
–Day wasted–