Chilkat for .NET Framework Downloads

The downloads on this page are the full-versions.
Chilkat components are fully functional for 30-day evaluations.

Chilkat Available in NuGet

Chilkat .NET Packages are also available via NuGet.
  • View Chilkat NuGet packages at
  • Choose "chilkat-x64" if targeting x64 or "Any CPU" with the "Prefer 32-bit" checkbox unchecked in project settings.
  • Choose "chilkat-win32" if targeting x86 or "Any CPU" with the "Prefer 32-bit" checkbox checked in project settings.
  • An "incorrect format" error indicates the wrong choice was made.
  • Important: Read about the Common Errors before downloading and testing for the 1st time.

.NET Framework vs .NET Core

Note: The downloads on this web page are for using Chilkat with the .NET Framework, not .NET Core. If your application is .NET Core (such as .NET 6.0, .NET 8.0, etc.) then use the appropriate Chilkat .NET Core Package from NuGet.

Using Chilkat in ASP.NET on Shared Hosting

The Chilkat .NET assembly requires full trust. Add the following to your web.config:

    <trust level="Full" />

Chilkat .NET Framework Downloads

All Chilkat .NET classes are contained in a single assembly (DLL)

Important: Read about the Common Errors before downloading and testing for the 1st time.

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 19b4a9bd776069b653bd278f399467b406c2af60e7735877c9a35f2a8d2c8fd6
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.8.* Frameworks

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 265eedcb550578cd2d480fa8b01bcef0c90bef5cc52695c23851923c5326f0a2
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.8.* Frameworks

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 9380799a8cfe4d8c04f8a5f70068ac8f7176cb996916310f9ebb3fac14f90262
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.7.* Frameworks

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 0e7ad6e8c970bcd57a11eba5e541d982f7c8717b0944245bb9aa3e63d7ae91d9
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.7.* Frameworks

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 0f8f24ee5dc349fc9f1ac0fecd2dcfebed6062acea4e82a14132bf06c93fb8ea
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.6.* Frameworks (VS2017)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: f8b87f8c76a5daf1ade62936f6c898b428af32766b89aab2c1cdfdeb9b280c32
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.6.* Frameworks (VS2017)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 15c2cbaf77e675049898c665c0cb265f57e50524e4f632df5c6edf86cf18d048
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.6.* Frameworks (VS 2015)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 06a2b682165964bd669790edac4c817d64e684dbf8dbb8dfe1e831681493c81a
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.6.* Frameworks (VS 2015)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: b2e2a7f71e9e3348870e63f3fbc639811a6c2469ad9770aa2e5639445fbae784
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.5.* .NET Frameworks
(Visual Studio 2013)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 5c83c67ec62fb7889abbf1c621ca921c506b09c0e81674ade0d4c551991267d4
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.5.* .NET Frameworks
(Visual Studio 2013)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 1d5316092ff3dc0616d3dfa4ef34695c1ea292c6c1039120b8c973a74dd38910
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.5.* .NET Frameworks
(Visual Studio 2012/2013)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: ebc92c3ebc0d596ef9687e31a5629e626313460b27a5ff3474cca8cf72805eef
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.5.* .NET Frameworks
(Visual Studio 2012/2013)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 909292f8bfb0cfd6594a2b5b281775471c80f0b8ff52a2bed4089736afa7bd68
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.0 Framework
(Visual Studio 2010)

v9.5.0.98 29-Mar-2024sha256: 541822863f2060e7827f142c89e0aa6660dbcd9b0a373ae45d1adfb9217fb192
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 4.0 Framework
(Visual Studio 2010)

v9.5.0.98 30-Mar-2024sha256: 1bb3a0abbb8b1b1a0865b9d35abe372b07553d4da6092f74948a0e7a3396e965
64-bit Chilkat .NET for the 2.0/3.5 Frameworks
(Visual Studio 2005/2008)

v9.5.0.98 30-Mar-2024sha256: 12d072cc5b981fd1750b722355439759050156ac88caa43fdd07e0db81d66d47
32-bit Chilkat .NET for the 2.0/3.5 Frameworks
(Visual Studio 2005/2008)

Install Instructions

Download and unzip to any directory. There is no "install". To use the Chilkat .NET assembly in a Visual Studio project, add a reference to the Chilkat DLL (such as ChilkatDotNet48.dll). (When adding the reference, Browse to the location of the Chilkat DLL and select it.)

Common Error #1: Incorrect Format

An application running in a 32-bit process must load the 32-bit Chilkat DLL, and an application running in a 64-bit process must load the 64-bit DLL. If a 32-bit process tries to load a 64-bit DLL, or the reverse, then an "Incorrect Format" error occurs:

Could not load file or assembly 'ChilkatDotNet**' or one of its dependencies. 
An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.


  • Target your app for x86 instead of "Any CPU". Your application will run as a 32-bit process regardless of the machine architecture and you can always use the 32-bit Chilkat assembly.
  • In your Project Properties (for Visual Studio 2011 or later), in the Build tab, look for the "Prefer 32-bit" checkbox. If it is checked, then your application will always run as 32-bit, even if "Any CPU" is targeted. Thus you will always need to reference the 32-bit assembly.
  • If your app targets "Any CPU", then it will run as a 32-bit process on a 32-bit computer, or a 64-bit process on a 64-bit computer (assuming "Prefer 32-bit") is unchecked. In this case, make sure to deploy the 32-bit Chilkat assembly w/ your app on 32-bit systems, and deploy the 64-bit Chilkat assembly to 64-bit systems. Nowadays, 32-bit Windows computers are very old and unlikely to be encountered. For in-house applications where you know all computers are 64-bit (i.e. not extremely old), then it is sufficient to assume 64-bit, Any CPU, and "Prefer 32-bit" unchecked.
  • If your app is running within ASP.NET or a Windows Service and you're not quite sure whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit, then install the 32-bit Chilkat assembly in the 32-bit GAC (Global Assembly Cache), and also install the 64-bit Chilkat assembly into the 64-bit GAC. The .NET runtime will automatically look in the correct GAC and will find the correct assembly.

Common Error #2: The specified module could not be found.

Could not load file or assembly 'ChilkatDotNet**.dll' or one of its dependencies. 
The specified module could not be found.

This error occurs if the needed VC++ runtime redist is not already installed on the system.
The solution is to download and install the needed runtime redist from Microsoft VC++ Runtime Redist Downloads.

  • If using the .NET 4.6, 4.7, or 4.8 Frameworks, choose the Microsoft VC++ runtime redist download for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 (there is a single download for all three).
  • If using .NET 4.5 with VS2013, choose the "Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0)" runtime redist.
  • If using .NET 4.5 with VS2012, choose the "Visual Studio 2012 (VC++ 11.0)" runtime redist.
  • If using .NET 4.0, choose the "Visual Studio 2010 (VC++ 10.0) SP1" runtime redist.
  • If using .NET 2.0, download the VC++ 2005 runtime redist from VC++ 2005 Runtime Redist

Reference Documentation

Online Reference Documentation is located at Chilkat Documentation.

Sample Code

Online examples are located at Chilkat Example Code